The general was a man of action, and he was very quick in doing things. He would not waste his time and that of Jiang Nanhe and the others. Jiang Nanhe said that he was going to raise livestock, and after dinner, the general spent some time to build a shed not far from Jiang Nanhe's cabin. He stuck a few pieces of wood into the ground, fixed them with wood, and then spread straw on the shed. In order to prevent the shed from being blown away by the strong wind in winter, the general also used dry rattan to lay a layer of hay on the top of the shed, and repeated this process until the shed became solid, and then he stopped. He also used dry rattan and some hay to make curtains, which were used to block the wind for the chickens and rabbits raised. After the shed was built, the general found some longer bamboos, stuck them into the ground one by one, and fixed them with wood and rattan. These pheasants have amazing jumping ability, and some can even fly, so the general made the fence relatively high.

However, when raising these chickens, the general would pluck the feathers on their wings, and it would be difficult for them to fly over the fence.

The rabbit's nest or cage is in the chicken shed. The general used the frame of the chicken shed as the main body and built a simple cage with bamboo and wood. The bottom of the cage was sealed with bamboo, and there was a gap on the top to prevent the rabbits from escaping from the cage after giving birth to baby rabbits.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the general's quickly completed project and was very impressed. The general had finished it, so he had to work hard. He had to find hay suitable for rabbits to eat and food suitable for those pheasants to eat.

Jiang Nanhe rode on the lamb and wandered around Qinshan to see if there were any unexpected discoveries?

The lamb chewed the hay in his mouth and walked slowly on the mountain path. Autumn is the season when everything matures. Some wild fruits or plants on Qinshan Mountain have bred fruits and seeds.

Jiang Nanhe walked and stopped, picked some wild fruits he knew, sat on the lamb's back, ate them, and continued to stroll.

In the past few months, Jiang Nanhe has not only practiced martial arts, but also learned to read. He basically recognized all the characters taught by the general.

There will be no situation where he can't recognize the characters and doesn't know their specific meanings.

The lamb's learning progress is much worse than his, but now the lamb can recognize almost all of them.

This makes Jiang Nanhe idle after practicing martial arts every day, and he doesn't know what to do.

The general has done all the chores and farm work at home. Jiang Nanhe is only responsible for practicing martial arts, eating and sleeping every day, and then nothing else.

What about the lamb now? He just lay there every day, saying that he was absorbing spiritual energy, but Jiang Nanhe didn't see him absorb anything.

After picking a lot of wild fruits, Jiang Nanhe and the lamb continued to rush to the top of the mountain. When Jiang Nanhe returned to the top of the mountain, he found that the general was processing the lamb's wool.

The lamb's wool grew very fast. Basically, the general would shear it once a month, and each time he could harvest a lot of wool. At first, the lamb was quite resistant, but later he got used to it, or he couldn't resist, so he just accepted his fate.

The lamb's wool is a very good material. After all, the lamb is a monster. With the supply of lamb's blood and spiritual energy, the wool is particularly smooth.

The general was responsible for processing the wool. At first, he was still in a hurry and couldn't handle anything well.

After all, he was a general who used to carry a big knife and chop people everywhere. It was really hard for him to do these delicate jobs.

But in order for Jiang Nanhe not to be cold in winter and to wear woolen clothes, the general also tried his best.

Jiang Nanhe told the general, relying on his memory, that he could first make the wool into wool yarn.

This step is very simple. You just need to clean the wool, then connect them one by one, rub them, and then connect the wool behind the thread, rub them again, and the thread will be made. But it is easy to say, but it is difficult to do.

The general also experimented for a long time before making the wool yarn. After making the thread, it is not finished yet, and they have to be spun together.

If you tell the general who was alive hundreds of years ago that he will do this job many years after his death, he will definitely beat the man half to death.

But the facts prove that anything can happen in the world. After experimenting, the general has been able to weave these wool yarns together.

Some of the wool yarns he made were very thick, so it was also very simple to weave. You only need to weave them into a relatively compact mesh so that Jiang Nanhe can wear it.

At first, he made a very simple cloak, and the wool yarn was also very thick, catching up with Jiang Nanhe's little finger, but Jiang Nanhe was still very happy and put it together.

He liked the wool cape that Jun made for him very much. Later, when the general became skilled, he made a set of clothes for Jiang Nanhe.

The general could be said to be self-taught. He looked over the coat left by Jiang Nanhe's father many times before making a simple woolen coat for Jiang Nanhe.

The coat became thicker and thicker, and the general's craftsmanship became more and more skilled. Now he could make a simple set of clothes for Jiang Nanhe.

The general himself was incredible. He could do this now. After all, his hands used to hold weapons. Now he could do this with a small wooden stick and a needle made of bones. Who would believe it if he told others?

When Jiang Nanhe and his friends came back and saw the general processing wool, they did not disturb him. Every time the general processed wool, he was very irritable. Jiang Nanhe did not dare to speak, fearing that he would be beaten by the general.

He put the wild fruits on the table, and went to the chicken coop to feed the rabbits and pheasants with the grass he picked.

The days passed peacefully, Jiang Nanhe was familiar with the growth of his internal strength every day, and the general was racing against time to store more food for Jiang Nanhe.

Until one day, Jiang Nanhe got up dizzy, took off the tiger skin covering his body, and pushed the lamb sleeping beside him.

The lamb opened his eyes dazedly and made some space for Jiang Nanhe. Jiang Nanhe walked around the room barefoot and then shivered.

The air became cold unconsciously. He hurriedly put on straw sandals and opened the door. He found that it had started to rain outside without knowing when.

An autumn rain, a cold. Jiang Nanhe looked at the weather and the cold wind and felt that winter was so close.

The general's figure appeared. He looked at Jiang Nanhe with disapproval, took down the woolen cloak on the shelf not far away, and put it on Jiang Nanhe.

The coldness on his body dissipated a little, and Jiang Nanhe smiled at the general.

The autumn rain ended, and soon it was the frost season. The white frost fell on the leaves and various objects like snow. The temperature dropped again and again, and winter came quietly.

Jiang Nanhe no longer wanted to go out for activities. He was very afraid of the cold, or hated winter.

He didn't like the weather being too cold, and the general understood it. Now Jiang Nanhe was sitting on the bed, wrapped up like a ball. His clothes were all made of wool, which looked very fluffy and soft, and also very warm.

The lamb was lying next to Jiang Nanhe, providing some heat to Jiang Nanhe and serving as a pillow.

The general sat cross-legged next to Jiang Nanhe, and on his legs was a book with yellowed pages.

Jiang Nanhe sat next to him, and the man and the god discussed the contents of the book together. This book was the immortal cultivation method that Jiang Nanhe had been thinking about. The general and he were studying it, and Jiang Nanhe was going to start cultivating immortals.

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