The more you sit, the more you feel relaxed.

Sitting cross-legged to calm your mind, relaxing and calming down naturally, Jiang Nanhe silently recited the first sentence at the beginning of the "Ling Yan Jing" in his heart, sitting cross-legged, calming your mind, calming your mind, he was imagining nature and feeling nature.

He sat cross-legged to relax his mind, slow down his thinking, and let himself enter a quiet and peaceful state.

Lips and teeth lightly closed, breathing slowly, when Jiang Nanhe entered the state of relaxation, the next sentence of the "Ling Yan Jing" naturally emerged in his mind.

He controlled his breathing and began to inhale and exhale rhythmically. The rhythm of his breathing was particularly slow, but it was not chaotic.

In this regard, Jiang Nanhe kept practicing when he practiced martial arts, and he also had to control his breathing when practicing internal strength.

As his breathing gradually became stable, Jiang Nanhe silently adjusted his meditation posture. His hands must be clenched and his eyes must be level. He slowly adjusted his posture according to the requirements of the "Ling Yan Jing". He didn't know if this would work? But he felt that he should do this.

Gathering the divine light and reaching the heart of heaven, when Jiang Nanhe had done everything, he naturally recalled this sentence in his mind.

This sentence is more abstract, but according to the analysis and understanding of Jiang Nanhe and the general, it should be to put away one's thoughts and spirit and return them to oneself.

His own state returned to calmness, looking directly at his own heart, Jiang Nanhe and the general had entered the depths of Jiang Nanhe's soul, which was very special.

Although Jiang Nanhe only went in once, the general often went in there, and that was where the general restored his energy.

When Jiang Nanhe entered a calm and gentle state, the general sensed it, and the depths of Jiang Nanhe's soul also became calm.

The depth of his soul became calm, which made the energy emitted from Jiang Nanhe's body more abundant. The general only felt that the power he consumed was rapidly recovering.

He looked at Jiang Nanhe who was meditating quietly. It seemed that Jiang Nanhe's wholehearted meditation could speed up the recovery of his strength. This was a new discovery and he had to remember it.

When Jiang Nanhe's mind was completely calm, his figure quietly emerged in the depth of his soul.

This should be the sentence of entering the Niwan and descending to the Qixue, but Jiang Nanhe was a little special.

Logically speaking, after entering this step, the next step should be to circulate the spiritual energy. But Jiang Nanhe had three eyes on his forehead.

Now that the eye disappeared, only a pattern remained, but the general didn't know if it would have any impact. Besides, Jiang Nanhe had not yet sensed the spiritual energy and had not absorbed the spiritual energy into his body, so naturally he could not circulate the spiritual energy or move the spiritual energy, so he could not proceed to the next step.

The general looked a little anxious, but Jiang Nanhe was particularly relaxed in his heart. Just like what the general said before, cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts are not the same thing. Jiang Nanhe is not a cultivator now, but a Qi practitioner. However, a small number of immortal cultivators are also called Qi practitioners.

The real immortal cultivators have complete inherited skills and will directly reach immortals in the future, but guys like Jiang Nanhe who start to inhale and exhale spiritual energy, absorb spiritual energy, and practice their own energy from Qi training can be called Qi practitioners. They are in the mortal kingdom and know too little about the methods of cultivation, so they often confuse the two. However, the two are indeed very similar, and the difference is big or small.

Just like the two skills that the general took out, the "Five Spirits Secret" is a relatively basic immortal cultivation skill, and this "Spiritual Exploration Sutra" is a relatively basic Qi training skill, but the two are essentially the same, just different branches.

For example, now, if Jiang Nanhe wants to continue practicing, he has to visualize the spiritual energy and let his body accept the spiritual energy. However, Jiang Nanhe had eaten the heart of a mountain ghost before, and his body could automatically absorb the spiritual energy, but he could not visualize the spiritual energy.

In other words, he can't see the spiritual energy now. When the real beginners practice, they can observe the spiritual energy of the natural world, or in other words, from the moment they step into the path of practice, they are not in the same league as ordinary people.

Their bodies naturally undergo transformation and change, and they can have a very clear sense of the changes in the spiritual energy. Their eyes can also see different sizes of spiritual energy. If they practice special skills or spells, they can more clearly perceive and see the changes in the spiritual energy.

For Jiang Nanhe, who has just entered the path of practice, or has not yet entered, it is really difficult to start practicing the spiritual energy directly, but he has no suitable cultivation method and no teacher, so he can only take this path.

He has never seen the spiritual energy, and although his body has absorbed it, he

I don't know what he is? What does he look like? What form does he take?

Jiang Nanhe sat there for an hour, but he had no intention of stopping or waking up. He just sat there quietly.

He was calm inside, and his breathing remained steady, without any change.

At this point, we have to mention the general's contribution. If the general hadn't asked Jiang Nanhe to practice martial arts in advance, he really couldn't hold on. After all, without the nourishment of internal strength and spiritual energy, Jiang Nanhe's not-too-standard meditation was very tiring.

Jiang Nanhe silently pondered every sentence and every step in the "Ling Yan Jing". Every word in the "Ling Yan Jing" seemed to emerge from the paper into the depths of his consciousness and before his eyes. These words were arranged one by one, slowly jumping and rotating.

Jiang Nanhe seemed to feel that something was becoming clearer and clearer, something was getting closer and closer to him, and his body seemed to have changed a little.

The general could see Jiang Nanhe's condition most clearly. He had the third eye that Jiang Nanhe gave him, which could see through the most essential changes in spiritual energy.

In his eyes, Jiang Nanhe had begun to absorb the spiritual energy around him unconsciously. This absorption process was very slow, and the process of the surrounding spiritual energy gathering around Jiang Nanhe was also very slow. After all, the spiritual energy was too scarce, and the gathering process was of course very slow, but the spiritual energy was indeed moving in the direction of Jiang Nanhe.

The general was a little excited. He estimated that Jiang Nanhe was almost done.

Behind Jiang Nanhe, the lamb moved his body and wanted to get up. He was a little tired after lying down for a long time.

The general turned his head and looked at the lamb through the majestic mask. The lamb stiffened and then sat down silently. He didn't dare to move.

Jiang Nanhe seemed to observe countless light spots. He thought it was his illusion, but it was not.

Because his eyes were closed, he could clearly sense some tiny dots of light hovering around his body, and their manifestations were so clear in his mind.

But Jiang Nanhe soon realized it belatedly, and he was a little surprised to think that these should be spiritual energy.

His breathing was disordered for a moment, but soon recovered. Forcing himself to calm down, Jiang Nanhe began to carefully absorb these spiritual energy and let them enter his body.

This step was very smooth. These spiritual energy slowly entered Jiang Nanhe's body and merged with the spiritual energy originally absorbed by Jiang Nanhe's body.

Unconsciously, the spiritual energy in Jiang Nanhe's body was full, but thinking back carefully, it was quite normal.

Originally, after eating the heart of the mountain ghost, Jiang Nanhe's body would unconsciously absorb spiritual energy. Now Jiang Nanhe began to practice, and he could observe the spiritual energy, driving the accumulated spiritual energy in his body to move together, and he was full all of a sudden.

The spiritual energy began to rotate according to the path that Jiang Nanhe had comprehended. The path was elliptical and intersected each other, which was exactly in line with the saying that if it lasts forever, it will not be used frequently.

As the spiritual energy gathered and rotated, Jiang Nanhe also felt that the qi in his dantian was warm and his kidneys were boiling like soup.

He felt that his whole body became warm. According to the "Lingyan Sutra", this was a manifestation of successful cultivation. He had successfully led the qi into his body and became an ordinary little cultivator.

The qi flowed through the meridians, and the self-cultivation was complete. He successfully cultivated the qi and felt the qi.

The spiritual energy had begun to be gradually mastered by him. Jiang Nanhe did not stop to meditate. The spiritual energy in the elliptical meridians ran in his body again and again.

He didn't know how it worked. Anyway, according to what was said in the book, plus his own guess, he succeeded.

Jiang Nanhe's whole body became warm, and this warm feeling became more and more obvious. The spiritual energy in Jiang Nanhe's body ran smoothly, and they ran slowly in circles.

When the spiritual energy around Jiang Nanhe's body no longer gathered towards him and its circulation felt a little slow and obstructed, Jiang Nanhe knew that this was the maximum time of his training today. He slowly opened his eyes and was then startled by the unpleasant smell on his body.

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