The general emerged from the cave in Qinshan Mountain, and after listening to Jiang Nanhe's cheerful laughter, he felt much better.

The lamb chewed the water grass from Jiang Nanhe's hand, squinting his eyes happily. The icy water grass had a special taste. Although it tasted a bit bitter, the lamb still liked it very much.

The general came to Jiang Nanhe, looked at the sky, and reminded him to put on his clothes quickly. Jiang Nanhe was so excited playing by the river that he took off the heavy sweater he was wearing. The general was worried that he would catch a cold.

Jiang Nanhe nodded, indicating that he knew. Besides, he was now a cultivator with spiritual energy in his body, so he would not catch a cold so easily.

The general did not agree with Jiang Nanhe's words. Cultivators are not immortals. There are also sick cultivators, and the diseases of cultivators are difficult to treat. Jiang Nanhe, this little guy, must not rely on his strong body to lose some respect for nature.

Listening to the general's preaching, Jiang Nanhe nodded frequently. He squatted by the stream and played with the somewhat cold stream water. There were still some ice cubes in the stream that had not been completely thawed. Although it was spring, this was just Jiang Nanhe's inference. He really didn't know what season it was.

There were no living people or civilization around Qinshan. The people in the small village at the foot of the mountain had also moved away. According to the general, the nearest village or the village with living people would take two hours to walk according to the lamb's pace.

The lamb was very fast at full speed, and the speed was not much slower when taking Jiang Nanhe with him. It took two hours to walk, so you can imagine how far it was.

As for how the general knew all this, Jiang Nanhe didn't know. He probably got the information from the village at the foot of the mountain before he left.

According to the general, if possible this year, when the weather gets warmer, he plans to let Jiang Nanhe go to the nearby village with living people to get familiar with the living environment of humans.

Of course, there is also the idea of ​​exchanging some supplies along the way, such as the woolen clothes made by the general. In the eyes of Jiang Nanhe and the general, they are very good supplies. They are not only warm, but also much lighter. Compared with cotton clothes, they are much better.

Moreover, this clothes are made of lamb wool. The wool of monsters is still a little special, or the physique of lambs is a little special.

He inherited the habit of sheep and likes to eat herbs. He doesn't have the unique smell of sheep. Instead, he has a faint fragrance of herbs. In addition, sheep like to use lightning to strike themselves. Yes, sheep have this habit. Although the power used is not large, the wool is very clean.

However, Jiang Nanhe doesn't like to communicate with people. He thinks this task is too difficult for him, and the general doesn't force it.

Jiang Nanhe will eventually return to human society. Now, judging from his figure, Jiang Nanhe is about the same size as a five or six-year-old human cub, and he speaks fluently and moves quickly. He is not worried at all that Jiang Nanhe cannot integrate into a normal human village.

Jiang Nanhe washed his hands by the stream, put on his clothes, and entered the stream. In just a dozen seconds, he came out of the stream with a fish that didn't look small in his hand.

Looking at the fish, Jiang Nanhe's eyes curved. He could eat fish for lunch today. Jiang Nanhe was quite happy, and so was the general.

At noon, he planned to steam the fish for Jiang Nanhe, add the herbs grown in the blessed field, some fresh fruits left, and pair it with two fried eggs.

The general only found out later that compared to meat, Jiang Nanhe still liked eggs very much. Fortunately, Jiang Nanhe had raised a few chickens on the top of the mountain before. Although they didn't lay many eggs in winter, they could also allow Jiang Nanhe to change his diet occasionally.

It's just that their food is too hard to find. There are also some herbs and other crops planted in the blessed fields, and their leaves can be fed to the chickens and rabbits.

After eating the lunch prepared by the general, Jiang Nanhe sat on the bed and began to practice. He was in a good mood today. After all, he ate a fresh fish, which was a delicacy he hadn't tasted for a whole winter, so he was in a good mood.

The general was also in a good mood. Jiang Nanhe ate a lot today, so he didn't have to worry about his food. Moreover, he thought of refining some weapons for Jiang Nanhe, which could meet Jiang Nanhe's requirements and his own requirements.

Jiang Nanhe's requirement was to play with vigor and strength, and to be able to defeat the opponent's weapons without any effort.

For example, a hammer or a long sword, this

Some weapons often require the user to have great strength. If used well, a light swing can defeat the opponent. The general used a broadsword. The White Tiger broadsword was swung lightly. His opponents were frightened in the past, but he didn't want Jiang Nanhe to be like this.

And his requirement was a small weapon that was very graceful to use and looked very dignified.

The two racked their brains and finally decided on two options. One was a whip. The whip here was not a soft whip, but a hard whip. It was called a whip, but it was more like a stick with a handle.

This kind of whip is very heavy overall. It requires the user to use a lot of strength to swing it. It can meet all of Jiang Nanhe's needs. He can basically smash a gap in most weapons with a copper whip and directly knock the opponent's hands out of strength?

But it doesn't look too big, and it can be made very beautifully. It has its own style when used in a wide range of ways, so the general is quite satisfied with it. There is nothing he can do if he is not satisfied. Jiang Nanhe doesn't even want to practice with a spear, but only wants to swing a hammer and a big knife. If he doesn't give in, he is really worried that this child will be raised in the wrong way.

As for the other weapon? It's a copper ring. Okay, this is not a proper weapon. It's the kind of ring that Jiang Nanhe wears on his wrist and neck. It can be used as a weapon by tying silk cloth on it, but the general doesn't think it is very useful.

However, the ring also has some routines. If you practice it well, you can basically use small weapons. This can be regarded as the general's backhand.

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's arrangement and felt that it was very good. The whip was a weapon he had never thought of, but he had seen it before, and it was really heavy.

But he also doubted himself a little. Can he lift it? The whip that the general wanted to make must be made according to the size of an adult. It is basically several times as tall as Jiang Nanhe. It is estimated that it is not easy for Jiang Nanhe to hold it in his hand.

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's complaints, the general was also speechless. What weapon can be easy for a little kid like Jiang Nanhe to hold? He also wanted to use a sledgehammer to swing, but considering his small physique, is it possible?

However, in some aspects, the general was still quite obedient to Jiang Nanhe. For example, Jiang Nanhe said that he did not like weapons such as long swords, so the general did not force him to practice. Although this weapon is more suitable for him, he can't help but not like it.

Since he didn't like it, the general thought of a long whip, an unpopular weapon. Anyway, Jiang Nanhe wanted to practice, so he would practice. He made it for him. If he didn't practice well, he would beat Jiang Nanhe up. After beating him more, he should be able to use it well, right?

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