The general took out his perfectly refined golden whip and shook it towards Jiang Nanhe.

In the room, Jiang Nanhe, who was packing up, was attracted by the general's actions, and his eyes unconsciously turned left and right with his movements.

Looking at his silly look, the general's expression behind the mask was very happy.

Jiang Nanhe has adapted well to the general's teasing of him. Occasionally, the general also has some bad taste. Jiang Nanhe has no complaints about his bad taste. Instead, he is very happy to play with him.

The general can be said to be the closest guy to Jiang Nanhe in this world. It is necessary for Jiang Nanhe to provide some emotional value for the general occasionally. Otherwise, it is easy to feel mentally exhausted just taking care of a child's eating, drinking, defecating and urinating.

So in order to motivate the general to take better care of himself in the future, Jiang Nanhe conducted an in-depth analysis and research on the general.

He found that the general occasionally had some images that he didn't know about, and he would also be a little impulsive, or show some behavior that showed a young mentality.

Jiang Nanhe understood the general's behavior very well. After all, the general was not very old when he died. According to what he said, he should be in his 20s, but he died early.

Although he became a god for a long time, hundreds of years, except for the beginning when the incense was abundant, the country was destroyed later, and the position of the god was dim. In order to save power, he basically spent his time in deep sleep. So if you really count it, Jiang Nanhe doesn't know whether his mental age is older than the general.

Although he is now doing things in many immature places, or more in line with the behavior of babies, he just wants to make himself live more comfortably. Jiang Nanhe analyzed that the behavior that the general occasionally showed was his serious behavior, so it is possible that the general's mental age is really a little younger than himself.

Jiang Nanhe thought so, and his body did not stop moving. He tiptoed to the general.

Compared with the tall and burly figure of the general, Jiang Nanhe was so small that he was pitifully small. He was pulling at the general's armor, and the general subconsciously reached out to hold his butt.

Jiang Nanhe was very flexible now, with the spiritual energy in his body and the previous martial arts training, making him as light as a swallow.

Looking at the small body of Jiang Nanhe sitting on his arms, the general shook his head helplessly, and then handed the golden whip in his hand to Jiang Nanhe.

Looking at the golden whip in the general's hand, Jiang Nanhe was very happy. Although the golden whip was very high, big, long and heavy, he still liked it very much. This was a special gift from the general to him, a weapon that would accompany him for a very, very long time in the future.

Jiang Nanhe reached out to hold the golden whip, and then tried to lift it up, but it didn't come up.

Obviously, the general had already guessed that this would happen. Behind the mask, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing this undisguised mockery. Jiang Nanhe naturally didn't know the general's expression behind the mask. He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy in his body circulated throughout his body, and then the spiritual energy in his palm gradually gathered.

He suddenly exerted force and took the golden whip in his hand. He held the golden whip with both hands. The handle of the golden whip was almost as high as Jiang Nanhe, but Jiang Nanhe was still very happy. He waved it vigorously, and the golden whip was waved vigorously by him. The more he waved, the more satisfied he was.

It's just that he looks a bit weird. A child who is taller than the handle of the golden whip, holding the golden whip and waving it randomly, looks weird no matter how you look at it?

The general raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Nanhe's hair. Jiang Nanhe liked it, so his efforts were not in vain, and his hard work for several days and nights was not in vain.

Jiang Nanhe waved the golden whip back and forth, moving his small body back and forth in the room. Finally, he felt that he could not use it, so he simply went to the open space outside.

The spiritual energy supported his body to become stronger and stronger. The more and more spiritual energy in his body made Jiang Nanhe's physique comparable to that of an adult.

Even though he was not very strong, the spiritual energy could not directly increase his strength, but after some operations, Jiang Nanhe was able to wave the golden whip. For example, by attaching the spiritual energy to his palm, strengthening his arm and palm, he could pick up the golden whip.

Jiang Nanhe waved faster and faster, but he obviously overestimated the amount of spiritual energy in his body. When the spiritual energy in his body was consumed, he felt a wave of emptiness in his body, and the golden whip in his hand was thrown out. With a bang, the golden whip hit a boulder, making a muffled sound.

The stone was cracked, but the golden whip was intact. Jiang Nanhe was very satisfied.

He happily found a good spot on the top of the mountain where the sun was shining and the spring breeze was blowing.

He sat cross-legged and began to meditate, restoring his spiritual energy.

He wanted to play with the golden whip for a while, after all, it would be his weapon in the future, so he had to restore his spiritual energy.

The general picked up the golden whip and waved it casually for a few times. Compared with Jiang Nanhe's difficult waving, he was relaxed. He could also possess Jiang Nanhe now to provide him with strength, but he and Jiang Nanhe felt it was unnecessary.

The general and his team were busy for a few days, and time came to the moment when they were ready to go down the mountain. Last year, Jiang Nanhe and the general explored the surrounding mountains and forests in depth, looking for some survival supplies, and also saw some harmless little monsters.

Last year, Jiang Nanhe and his team went out for the first time and killed the mountain king. In the following trips, they also encountered other monsters with relatively small strength.

Jiang Nanhe and the others did not kill them. The general said that they did not commit murder. They just quietly practiced in the mountains and forests. It was not easy for them to gain spiritual wisdom. Therefore, Jiang Nanhe was told not to kill monsters with pure spiritual energy in the future.

He wanted Jiang Nanhe to learn to respect nature and life.

Jiang Nanhe would naturally understand this, but he was still grateful for the general's teachings. The general was not only his mentor on the road of life, but also his patron saint, his enlightenment teacher, and the guiding light on the road of life.

In Jiang Nanhe's eyes, the general himself was already a great creature, and he could follow the general's direction in the future.

He thought this was very good. Of course, the general did not know about Jiang Nanhe's little thoughts. He was packing Jiang Nanhe's luggage and putting it on the back of the lamb.

This time, he should not show up in the place where humans live. Although ordinary humans cannot see him, there are always some special people who can face ghosts and gods directly.

The general didn't want Jiang Nanhe to get into trouble because of him, after all, this trip down the mountain was just to exchange some supplies.

So the general couldn't show up, so he could only rely on Xiaoyang and Jiang Nanhe himself, which was also done by the general to train Jiang Nanhe's communication skills. ,

Jiang Nanhe has been in the mountain for two years. Although he can communicate with them normally, he speaks very little. Although it is normal for children to speak less, the two-year-old children in the village at the foot of the mountain sometimes can't speak. Jiang Nanhe is less than two years old, but he speaks fluently and clearly, which is very different from ordinary people. However, the general is still worried that he can't communicate with normal people, so he plans to train him in this way.

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