The sound of the lamb sounded like a sheep, but with his movements, it didn't seem so intimidating.

The sheep's hoof in front of him kept hitting the ground, bringing up some dust, obviously accumulating power, and a flash of lightning slowly emerged on his horns, circling around the horns.

He was waiting for an opportunity, and Jiang Nanhe took a look at the surrounding environment.

The wild grass around them was getting taller and bigger, gradually approaching where they were. After taking a look, Jiang Nanhe lay down and gently patted the lamb's body, and the lamb immediately understood.

His upper body suddenly lifted up, and with a cry, the lightning stored in the horns spread out in a spider web shape, and the lightning struck the surroundings in circles.

The dazzling lightning illuminated the surroundings, and Jiang Nanhe only heard a crackling sound, as if something disappeared.

He looked up at the sky and found that it had returned to daytime, and the weeds blocking the road around him had disappeared.

Jiang Nanhe now saw where he was. He had indeed left the road and came to a wilderness.

In Jiang Nanhe's sight, a collapsed tower appeared. It was a tower made of bricks and stones. The tower probably collapsed because of the earthquake just now, revealing the scene inside.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the white bones mixed in the bricks and stones, his face changed, and his brows frowned slightly. He seemed to know this place.

When he was just born, the old man who delivered him told his father in this body that he could be thrown into the abandoned baby tower around the village.

However, his father did not leave him there, but sent him to the mountain.

Now looking at the scene under the collapsed bricks and stones, Jiang Nanhe also understood that this should be the abandoned baby tower around the village.

As for why Jiang Nanhe could recognize it, it was because the bones under the bricks and stones looked too small. The young bones were obviously not those of adults.

What puzzled Jiang Nanhe was why ghosts were born here? Logically speaking, after the death of these abandoned children, their souls should fall into the netherworld and reincarnate again.

Moreover, these dead children should not have much power even after becoming ghosts.

But now they can actually form a sleight of hand to confuse Jiang Nanhe and the lamb and let them come to this place where they were buried, which made Jiang Nanhe feel a little incredible.

The surrounding sleight of hand was broken, but no ghosts appeared. Obviously, they hid.

Jiang Nanhe got off the lamb and looked at the collapsed tower. He only felt the ignorance of the ancient people in his heart.

The infants were born without knowing anything, and were thrown here to freeze to death or starve to death. How innocent they were.

Jiang Nanhe's own fate was the same. If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet the general and the sheep, he would probably be one of the bones in this pile.

Some of these children were born with physical defects, some were sick and could not be cured, and some were simply thrown into this airtight tower because of their gender.

At the last moment of their lives, all they had left were rotten bones and despair. These guys were also pitiful.

Jiang Nanhe thought so, got off the sheep, and walked towards the land of bones.

The collapsed abandoned baby tower was not big, and it was obvious that the villagers didn't pay much attention when they built it.

They just piled up circles of stones into a pointed tower, dug some holes under the tower, sealed the gaps between the stones with yellow mud, and didn't care about the rest.

Jiang Nanhe didn't know what the tower looked like originally, but judging from the bricks and stones left after the collapse, it must have looked extremely ugly.

The child thrown into it saw this ugly tower at the last moment of his life, which was a great tragedy in Jiang Nanhe's eyes.

He walked gently to the collapsed abandoned baby tower, and then with a little force, he broke the collapsed bricks and stones in front of him.

Under the tower was a big pit, and the pit was full of bones. The young bones were stacked on top of each other, revealing a scene of hell on earth.

When he saw this horrible scene for the first time, Jiang Nanhe's heart trembled. This was his body's subconscious reaction. After all, these were all lives. Even Jiang Nanhe could feel the sadness brought by their death in this desperate place.

But he wasn't afraid,

Even though Jiang Nanhe knew that there might be ghosts in these skeletons, he was still not afraid of these poor little guys. They had not experienced all the joys of life, and some were left with only deep despair and sadness.

He understood that feeling, so he was not afraid. He stepped forward and moved the bricks and stones from the pile of bones one by one, revealing this hellish scene.

He looked at the pile of bones and didn't know what to say. There were a lot of bones. Roughly estimated, there were at least dozens of bones, which meant that dozens of young lives died here.

Jiang Nanhe was a little confused. The lamb came over and looked at these bones. His head tilted. There was a flash of lightning on his head. Obviously, he noticed that there should be ghosts in these bones, so he wanted to use lightning to chop them.

Jiang Nanhe raised his hand and grabbed the wool on the lamb. He shook his head at the lamb. It was not that Jiang Nanhe was soft-hearted. After all, these ghosts had just stopped him and the lamb and led them here. I don't know what they were thinking.

But if Jiang Nanhe were asked to attack these ghosts born from the pile of babies for no reason, he would not be able to do it.

He looked at the pile of bones in front of him, his tone was serious, but it revealed a different kind of majesty, which was very inconsistent with his small body. If you look closely, you will find that the tone of his speech is very much like a general.

"I don't know what you little ghosts want to do by luring me here? You and I are both miserable people, and we are meaningless to each other.

I will spare your lives this time, but don't do such a thing next time!

Wash away your own ghost spirit as soon as possible and go to the underworld to reincarnate, which is the right way for you to return! Don't stay in the human world, this is not your home."

After Jiang Nanhe finished speaking, he no longer cared about these white bones.

But after thinking about it, he sighed, and went with the lamb to find some plants with larger leaves and some branches around to build a frame on the bones.

It is not easy to be a human in this world, let alone a ghost. I heard from the general before that ghosts are afraid of light and wind. Ordinary ghosts will feel piercing pain when exposed to light or wind.

These little ghosts were abandoned by their families at birth and experienced the evil of human nature early. After becoming ghosts, no one worshipped them and they never had a full meal. Their lives were miserable.

Now the abandoned baby tower where they lived collapsed directly because of the earthquake. It would be difficult for them to be exposed to light, wind and rain in the future. Jiang Nanhe put the simple shed on the bones for them, clapped his hands, and then sat on the lamb to leave. This was the only thing he could do.

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