The villagers of Zhangjia Village gathered at the open space at the entrance of the village. The village chief called them over to prevent further earthquakes and to count the number of people. The village chief looked at the villagers for a few seconds, then looked at the bodies covered with white cloth on the ground. After confirming that there were no villagers buried, he sighed, and his originally strong body seemed to be hunched over a little. He walked towards Jiang Nanhe. Jiang Nanhe was sorting his luggage at this time. He found some herbs from it, wrapped them in small packages, and handed them to the families of the injured villagers. This was his own little thought. The villagers took the medicine package from Jiang Nanhe and thanked him repeatedly. They couldn't imagine how their families would be saved if Jiang Nanhe hadn't come today.

The village chief walked to Jiang Nanhe and bowed to him. His tone was a little low, but it revealed some respect.

"This little fairy, it's really thanks to you that these dozen people in our village have saved their lives.

Logically speaking, you are our lifesaver and should be warmly entertained, but the village is poor and there is really nothing to give. There are only a few meals. I hope the little fairy will not despise it."

Listening to what the village chief of Zhangjia Village said, Jiang Nanhe waved his hand indifferently.

"Village Chief Zhang, please don't be so rude. The villagers were rescued from the cracks of bricks and tiles by you. I just bandaged their wounds and applied some medicine.

They should be careful in the future. It's not a big deal. As for the food, I don't want to eat it. If possible, I have some wild goods from the mountains. I hope to exchange some grain seeds and salt grains with the villagers. If the villagers don't have them, forget it."

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's words, the village chief waved his hands repeatedly, signaling Jiang Nanhe not to be polite.

"Don't be polite, little god. We can still afford ordinary meals.

After dinner, I will help you ask for what you need."

Village Chief Zhang's attitude is very enthusiastic. There is no way he can be unenthusiastic.

He originally asked Jiang Nanhe whether he would charge for the consultation with a nervous heart. He just said that the village was in trouble. Although it was the actual situation, he also hoped to awaken more sympathy from Jiang Nanhe.

If Jiang Nanhe charged for consultation, he hoped to charge less, but when he heard Jiang Nanhe say that he would use wild goods from the mountains to exchange for some food and salt for them, he felt relieved, so his attitude changed greatly and became very enthusiastic.

Although salt was a rare commodity in this dynasty, it was not too precious to the villagers of Zhangjia Village, or to the people of the surrounding towns and villages.

Because there was a mountain salt mine dozens of kilometers away from them, and the ore inside was all salt essence. Although eating this kind of mineral salt for a long time would cause bad health, at least they were not short of salt.

They were short of food, after all, the taxes in recent years were frequently changed, and sometimes they were too high, but they could spare some for Jiang Nanhe to exchange.

Jiang Nanhe and the village chief chatted for a few words, and they were humble to each other.

Today, he just thought he was doing a good deed to get through the network of people, and it was actually quite effective. From the village chief, Jiang Nanhe heard a lot of news that he didn't know before.

For example, the current dynasty is the Xia Dynasty, which has just been established for three years. Before the Xia Dynasty, the previous dynasty was destroyed by the Xia Dynasty within one year of its establishment, and there were many more before that.

In recent years, the country has changed frequently, and the village chief of Zhangjia Village does not know what the current situation of the Xia Dynasty is. At the end of the year, people from the government come to collect taxes. The situation of those big figures is unknown to them, the little people.

Village chief Zhang only knows that the current dynasty is the Xia Dynasty, but he does not know who is in charge and what is the situation of the royal family.

Anyway, no matter how the war is fought, it has little to do with their remote rural areas.

In addition to this salt mine, which has some economic value, other transportation is underdeveloped, there are poisonous insects and beasts in the mountains, and miasma, etc. Life is very difficult, and some villages and towns are blocked by mountains.

Village chief Zhang knows that their country has belonged to the Xia Dynasty in the past three years, which is already well-informed.

Jiang Nanhe got this information from Village Chief Zhang. Although he didn't know whether it was useful or not, at least he knew the name of the country in recent years.

Knowing this general information, he shouldn't be considered a wild man in the mountains, right? Jiang Nanhe thought in a nonsensical way.

He sat on a relatively high stool and looked at the table.

He didn't dislike the simple food, after all, he had also suffered. When he had nothing to eat before, he had even eaten bugs. Now it was good to have something to eat.

The village chief watched Jiang Nanhe chewing slowly and was more and more sure that this person was not simple.

Although he was young and couldn't tell anything, it was because of this that it looked strange. After all, Jiang Nanhe chewed slowly and was very polite when eating. His movements were really different from those of a country boy.

Village chief Zhang looked at the children who were gathered not far away. Some of them looked older than Jiang Nanhe, but they couldn't even hold chopsticks. Jiang Nanhe used them very well, and whether it was Jiang Nanhe's skin or teeth, they were different from those of the farmers.

Fair skin and clean teeth meant that this person came from a wealthy family in ancient times.

As for whether Jiang Nanhe was a monster or something else? Village chief Zhang had no doubt. In this era, encountering a monster is still heard in stories. Who in the real world would come to this small broken village?

But maybe this perception will have to change in the future. The world is changing, and great opportunities are coming, but that's another story.

Jiang Nanhe silently swallowed the last bite of rice in his bowl. He reached around and didn't feel the handkerchief. Then he noticed that the general couldn't show up and didn't prepare it for him.

He raised his hand and rummaged in his jacket pocket, took out a small handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth. His performance confirmed the guess of Village Chief Zhang.

Jiang Nanhe didn't know that his various performances were different from ordinary people in Village Chief Zhang's eyes. He yawned after eating and drinking, and was very sleepy. He used to take a nap at this time, but today he hadn't changed what he wanted, so he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

Jiang Nanhe calculated the time in his heart. He wanted to go back to his hut and sleep peacefully on the bed. In the past, Jiang Nanhe felt that it would be very simple and easy for him to integrate into the crowd. After all, he had been with others for a long time in his memory.

But reality is often different from what one thinks. Jiang Nanhe is not very used to communicating with too many people. He feels that their thoughts can't keep up with him, or they are not on the same channel.

This caused the meanings of the words expressed by both parties to be different. Jiang Nanhe didn't like it very much, so he subconsciously wanted to go back to his bed to sleep. After all, in his opinion, socializing is no longer necessary.

But the general next to Jiang Nanhe, or floating behind him, didn't think so. He stared at Jiang Nanhe with a covetous look. If Jiang Nanhe dared to say that he would back down, he would be whipped by the general in the middle of the night.

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