Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 115: . Reiki Sweet Potato

In Zhang He's space, the twenty sweet potato vines that he deliberately cultivated spread out and took up a large area.

In particular, the ten sweet potato vines that he has been irrigated with spiritual spring water have begun to absorb spiritual energy on their own after being cultivated for about 300 years.

Now these sweet potato vines are completely different from ordinary sweet potato vines. Each sweet potato leaf is glowing with emerald green luster, like carved from jade.

These ten sweet potatoes have been completely transformed into aura sweet potatoes, and recently, they have stopped absorbing the spiritual energy in the space, indicating that these ten sweet potatoes are fully mature.

Zhang He cut off the vine of a sweet potato, and then carefully peeled off the soil, for fear of damaging the sweet potato.

As the soil was peeled off, the sweet potato inside was revealed. This sweet potato was about the size of a washbasin.

This sweet potato has been cultivated for more than 500 years, and its size is understandable.

Zhang He has even seen more than 200 catties of sweet potatoes on the Internet in his last life. These 50 to 60 catties of sweet potatoes are not too prominent.

Of course, when he grows and cultivates Reiki sweet potatoes, the most important thing is to look at the quality of Reiki, followed by the yield.

Then he dug up five more sweet potatoes with spiritual energy, and kept the remaining five sweet potatoes with spiritual energy. Maybe they could continue to mutate in the future.

The five sweet potatoes that were dug out were also of different sizes. Some of them had several sweet potatoes, and the sweet potatoes were correspondingly smaller.

The sweet potato vines cut from these five sweet potato plants can be used for cutting propagation.

Zhang He took the small skeleton out of the sarcophagus and asked him to cut the sweet potato vines into segments, each segment must have two knots.

He himself went out of the space. The small piece of spiritual field in the small courtyard of Qifeng Mountain, where some spiritual valleys were planted before, was harvested by him a few days ago, and he harvested dozens of kilograms of spiritual valleys.

Now he needs to turn over this spiritual field and use it to grow spiritual sweet potatoes in the future.

Like ordinary cultivated land, Lingtian also needs to loosen the land to prevent the soil from compacting, so that the spiritual energy can be smooth.

If you don’t have enough spiritual energy, you also need to fertilize. Ordinary farmyard manure will definitely not work. How would you let the immortal master drink the spiritual medicine from the feces?

For the fertilization of Lingtian, you can use ordinary spiritual spring water, or you can crush the spiritual stones and sprinkle them into the soil. The main purpose is to supplement the spiritual energy.

After Zhang He turned over all the Lingtian, the little skeleton had already cut all the sweet potato vines.

In order to make a comparison, he also cut more than ten trees in the space, and the rest of the sweet potato vines were inserted in the spiritual field in the courtyard.

After all the sweet potato vines were cut, Zhang He had time to taste the sweet potato he cultivated.

He couldn't finish it because it was too big, so he picked a small sweet potato that only weighed two or three kilograms, and cut a small piece to try it raw.


A raw sweet potato bite into the mouth, the taste is relatively hard, but after chewing carefully, the more you chew, the more fragrant, and there is a spiritual energy emanating from the mouth, the more you chew, the more delicious it is.

Zhang He felt the concentration of spiritual energy. This small piece of sweet potato should be comparable to the Peiyuan Pills he had eaten before, and the spiritual energy in it was easier to refine and absorb.

Next, he threw the remaining sweet potatoes into the pot and cooked them.

The cooked sweet potato has another flavor. The taste is sweet and soft, thin and glutinous, and a little powdery. From the mouth to the nose, there is a strong fragrance of millet.

"Damn it! It's delicious, it's so delicious! It's so delicious!"

It's a pity that Zhang He's cultural level is a little worse, and he can't find any suitable words to describe it. He really doesn't know how to praise the deliciousness of sweet potatoes.

A two or three kilograms of sweet potatoes were quickly eaten by Zhang He. Afterwards, he patted his stomach contentedly before he began to refine the spiritual energy in it.

A day later, the aura contained in this sweet potato was all refined into its own mana.

Zhang He carefully sensed the increased mana in his body. The mana added by this sweet potato was almost the same as a Qi Gathering Pill.

But the spiritual energy contained in a Qi Gathering Pill takes several days to be refined and absorbed, but a sweet potato only needs one day.

In this way, if he eats a sweet potato meal every day, wouldn't his training speed be greatly accelerated.

Originally, after he reached the middle stage of Qi training, his training speed slowed down.

It is not uncommon for a cultivator to reach the tenth level of qi training before the age of 50. Some cultivators still only have the middle stage of qi training until they die of old age.

Now, with the help of Sweet Potato, Zhang He is confident that he will reach the tenth level of Qi practice before the age of 30, and then build a foundation.

From the time he started training at the age of 16, he would be able to prepare for advanced foundation building in ten years, and he would definitely be considered a genius in the world of immortality.

Zhang He was thinking about the beauty of sweet potatoes in his heart, when suddenly he felt a bulge in his belly, and a stream of air was spinning around in his belly.


A loud fart rushed out from Zhang He's back orifice, and a stench filled the entire training room.

Smelly! Stinky!

Zhang He hurriedly held his breath, but unfortunately it was useless. It seemed that this stinky fart had a mana of its own.

It is a stench that penetrates deep into the soul.

At this moment, his face turned green, and he rushed out of the training room and the courtyard.

Until he reached the foot of the mountain, he dared to take a breath of fresh air.

In general, eating ordinary sweet potatoes is also easy to produce gas, resulting in more farts. I did not expect that after mutating into sweet potatoes with spiritual energy, this shortcoming not only did not disappear, but also increased.

It seems that everything has good and bad, and nothing is perfect.

Ling sweet potato has a strong advantage in auxiliary training, but also has a disadvantage that makes people uncomfortable, and it is almost catching up with biological weapons.

Zhang He stayed by the pond at the foot of the mountain for more than an hour before returning to the small courtyard at the top of the mountain.

The patrol team responsible for guarding the small courtyard for Zhang He, everyone looked strange at this time, and there was a lot of vomit on the ground.

Zhang He would definitely not admit it. This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable. He pretended not to know, and walked into the small courtyard as if nothing had happened. At this time, the stench in the small courtyard finally dissipated.

Returning to the small courtyard, pick ten sweet potato seedlings from the spiritual field, mark them, and water them with the spiritual spring water in the space.

At the same time, ten sweet potato seedlings were selected in the and watered with spiritual spring water.

He needs to compare the difference between inside and outside the space.

After three days of continuous watering, the sweet potato seedlings have entered the mature stage, that is, if they are planted normally, it should take three years to harvest.

This growth time is not bad. The reason why it has been cultivated for five or six hundred years is that it includes the mutation process from ordinary sweet potatoes to spiritual sweet potatoes. It cannot be generalized.

After Zhang He excavated all the 20 sweet potatoes inside and outside the space, he found that the sweet potatoes planted in the two places were quite different.

The sweet potatoes planted in the space are more productive. The sweet potatoes in the Lingtian of the small courtyard, after three years of maturity, are about one kilogram per plant.

The sweet potatoes in the space have also matured for three years, and each plant produces about one and a half pound of sweet potatoes on average.

More importantly, in terms of the aura density, the aura contained in the space sweet potato is also more intense, and the overall quality is much higher.

But even so, it is more cost-effective to grow Reiki sweet potatoes than to grow Reiki Valley.

After the mutation of sweet potato, it still inherits the advantages of high yield of sweet potato.

Ordinary sweet potatoes are planted with about 4,000 to 6,000 plants per mu. The mutated sweet potatoes need more space because they need to grow for three years. Only more than 1,000 sweet potatoes can be planted per mu of land.

Even if it is only calculated on the basis of one spiritual stone per kilogram, one acre of spiritual field can generate resources worth 1,000 spiritual stones in three years.

Even the Gu Liang family couldn't earn so many spirit stones in three years.

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