The Lianshi Mountain where Zhang He is located has been besieged for three days. From the beginning, they found that the enemy was attacking, they went down the mountain to fight, and then the number of enemy troops increased and they had to retreat to the mountain.

For the past three days, they were trapped on the mountain, and they didn't know what happened, only that they were surrounded by enemy troops.

After several failures to break through the siege, everyone on the mountain became more and more desperate.

"Baron Zhiyuan, I propose to break through again."

The two forces with the largest number of people on the mountain now belong to him and Baron Zhiyuan respectively.

In addition, there are Weng Shan and several of his subordinates during the Qi training period. They are not many, but their average strength is good.

Weng Shan has always treated Zhang He as a member of the same rank. He has a good personal relationship with Zhang He. He has already agreed to Zhang He's breakout plan.

Zhang He now intends to persuade Baron Zhiyuan to break through with all his strength and let go of all flukes.

"Why don't I want to break through? Unfortunately, as you can see, the opponents are too powerful, and there are so many people. There are at least three people who are just foundation-building cultivators."

Facing the mighty enemy at the foot of the mountain. Baron Zhiyuan was still afraid, and he did not want to die in vain, or to lose both.

"Judging from the current situation, the number of enemy troops is still increasing, while our reinforcements are still far away.

If you fall into the hands of the enemy and become a prisoner of war, your life and death will be in the hands of people. Even if you barely survive, you will never be able to keep your belongings. "

When Baron Zhiyuan heard the words, his expression changed slightly. The only storage bag inherited from their Gu Liang family and a top-quality magic weapon were all carried on him.

If it all falls into the enemy's hands, he will become a sinner of the Gu Liang family, and with the Gu Liang family's wealth, it will be difficult to afford such treasures in the future.

Thinking of this, Baron Zhiyuan's expression became firm. Even if he died in battle, he would return these two treasures to Dehua County.

"Okay! The order goes on, everyone on the rocky mountain is ready, and the breakout will begin at the fifth watch tomorrow.

But there are those who do not obey, that is, they are enemies with me, and I will destroy them!

The Baijia Army will supervise the battle for me, and no one is allowed to retreat. Anyone who is timid will be killed without mercy! "

Baron Zhiyuan was ruthless this time, no matter how much he paid or how many people died, he would break through.

"Young Master Zhang, it's too insincere to speak vernacularly, you have to pay some price?"

At this moment, Baron Zhiyuan is showing his sharp edge, and he will never make any cover up.

"I still have a lot of military rations left in my warehouse. Today, I will take them out and share them with everyone. Everyone has a share."

Zhang He didn't intend to carry these heavy military rations back, so he might as well be more generous and give him a favor.

Let these soldiers, each carrying ten catties of food to break through the siege, will have more hope in their hearts.

That night, Zhang He opened a warehouse, took out all the rations No. 1 and No. 2, and distributed ten catties to each person in public.

There was still a small amount of precious No. 3 military ration left in the warehouse, which was also taken out and formed into a ball with clean water, and each person was divided into a ball the size of an egg.

The No. 3 military ration developed by Zhang He is mixed with sweet potato vines, locusts during the Qi training period.

This military ration has its own spiritual energy. Immortal cultivators can replenish mana by eating it, and long-term consumption can increase their cultivation.

Even for ordinary people, it can replenish physical strength and enhance physical fitness.

Each person eats regiment No. 3 ration, and their physical strength and stamina can be enhanced. For the next breakout battle, it can also increase a lot of chances of winning.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky in the distance was just beginning to appear white, and there were shadows on the rocky mountain, and thousands of black shadows were already touching down the mountain.

Weng Shan and Zhang He led their elites to the front of the team.

The elites of their group killed the sentries silently and entered the enemy army camp below the mountain.

"Ah! Enemy attack... ah!"

Until they broke three barracks in a row, and finally a scream broke the silence of dawn.

This time, it was like poking a hornet's nest. All the enemy troops under the mountain were alarmed, and they came roaring and besieging them.

"Break through with all your strength!"

Since it has been discovered, there is no need to hide it any more. Thousands of people are ready to use their skills to rush to kill. It is about their own lives, and no one dares to let them go.

At this moment, the Black Marines rushing in front each threw a black, human-head-sized ball forward.

"Boom boom boom..."

The black ball exploded violently among the enemy troops in front, the flames shot into the sky, rolled up layers of air waves, and countless broken limbs were thrown into the air.

Two hundred black water troops, and at the same time threw out two hundred head-sized Hunyuan thunderbolts, enough to turn the ground in the enemy camp.

The sudden earthquake of Julie made the enemy unable to adapt for a while.

"Come on!"

While the other party's head was still buzzing, He Xiaoyu took out a mid-grade flying sword and rushed forward with a loud shout.

The two hundred black water troops behind him followed and rushed forward quickly.

Several of Weng Shan's qi-training subordinates were interspersed in the gaps of the Black Water Army to help kill some hard characters.

Behind them are some miscellaneous soldiers, and behind the miscellaneous soldiers are three hundred white armored soldiers clad in armor and holding swords, eyeing them. Anyone who is a little timid will be stabbed in the back.

"Boom boom boom..."

The enemy in front had just recovered and was about to resist, but two hundred Primordial Thunderbolts slammed down.

Although the power of the gunpowder of this Hunyuan Thunderbolt is not very good, the quality is not good, so use the quantity to pile it up, each one is the size of a human head, and it is filled with gunpowder and iron The killing radius is at least ten feet.

Two hundred black water troops, each carrying three Hunyuan thunderbolts, bombarded them in three rounds, forcing a breakthrough for the army to break through.

At this moment, Baron Zhiyuan followed the breakout team unhurriedly. It was the first time he knew that Zhang He had hidden such a powerful weapon.

Under the cover of huge firepower, the team was about to break out of the encirclement.

At this moment, three foundation-building cultivators suddenly appeared in front, blocking the way out of the breakout team.

"Black Water Army! Kill!"

Although the Primordial Thunderbolt in his hand was used up, the Black Water Army still did not retreat in the face of the strong enemy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The Black Water Army threw out the throwing weapons in their hands at the same time, and two hundred weapons flew out at the same time with the sound of the wind.

"I don't know whether to live or die!"

A foundation-building cultivator threw out a large shield, which instantly turned into a size of two or three meters in the air, and in just a moment of circling, he blocked all the two hundred weapons.

Then the three of them used their own means to bombard the Blackwater Army.

The three of them unanimously made the Black Water Army their primary target. As long as they killed the Black Water Army at the forefront, the fish behind them would not attack and collapse.

A flying sword became one zhang in size, and it was about to slash the Black Water Army sideways.

At a critical moment, Aung Shan also sacrificed a flying sword to fight with him.

In addition, there was another megalithic technique, and countless boulders suddenly appeared in the air and smashed down on the Black Water Army.

There was also a fire rain technique that turned into fire rain, which also poured down towards the Black Water Army.

Both of these are large-area attack spells, which are just right for group attacks on the battlefield.

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