After a long talk with Gu Liangyu, Zhang He recruited five monks from the Gu Liang family.

The addition of five immortal cultivators from the Gu Liang family more or less filled the gap in talent.

In the past few years, his subordinates have cultivated many students who are loyal to themselves through the school, but these talents have not yet grown up.

Gu Liangyu and Gu Liangcheng were sent to take charge of Longkou County, and the remaining Dehua County and Lanling County, now only two people, Fat Hu and Fugui, can be promoted as county magistrates.

Both of them only had Qi cultivation stage, but they were able to manage a county, which was extremely rare in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Then, a group of talents were promoted from institutions such as the Black Water Army, the caravan, and the town hall, and they went to various places to serve as township or town chiefs.

The gaps caused by the transfer of people from these places will be filled by recruiting people from the school.

As for the original landlords of the townships, they were all taken down and all their properties were confiscated.

"Young master, in the three counties now, my Dehua county is the only one without spiritual veins."

Fat Hu became the county magistrate, and just took office, he found that the spiritual veins in Dehua County were not half, and the spiritual fields were empty. Due to the lack of spiritual energy supply, they were also degrading.

He inquired about it, but Longkou County and Lanling County each had dozens of miniature spiritual veins.

"So that's what happened! I've been too busy recently, and I haven't had time to deal with it."

Hearing the words, Fat Hu was so happy that his mouth cracked, "How many spiritual veins does the young master plan to give Dehua County?"


Zhang He stretched out a finger and shook it.

"Ah? So few, they have dozens of them."

Fat Tiger felt a little wronged. He was also a county magistrate. There were so many others, but he was the only one.

"Don't worry about that, I'll go tomorrow to take away the spiritual veins of Longkou and Lanling counties, and only one microscopic spiritual vein will remain in each place.

My allocation plan is absolutely fair and equitable. "

"Young Master, you know, that's not what I meant." Fat Hu was about to cry. If this was spread out, Fugui and Gu Liangyu would not hate him to death.

"Young master, let's just forget about it, I don't want spiritual veins anymore."

Zhang He waved his hand, "This matter is settled like this, this micro-spiritual vein is a benefit for every county magistrate and is conducive to practice.

As for the other extra spiritual veins, I will take them away and put them where they are more needed, and most of them will be used in Dehua County. "

In the end, Fat Hu left Heishui Town with mixed feelings and went to take office in Dehua County.

Zhang He went to Lanling County and Longkou County the next day, and took away all the spiritual veins in these two counties, leaving only a miniature spiritual vein in each place for the county magistrate to practice.

The land, spiritual veins, and mineral veins of the Great Zhou Dynasty were all in the hands of a few nobles, but Zhang He was even more ruthless. He planned to control all these resources in his own hands.

It's not that he is greedy, but that it is in his hands, which makes it easier to concentrate on big things.

It is not like the Great Zhou Dynasty, which developed for a period of time, resources were concentrated in the hands of a few people, and the bottom layer was exploited to the point of death.

As for the several county magistrates under his command, Fat Tiger and Fugui are all his subordinates brought out from the refugees, and naturally have no complaints about his actions.

Gu Liangyu has just been recruited by Zhang He to work, so it would be nice to find a job, so how can I have other opinions.

A total of more than 70 spiritual meridians were recovered from these two counties. Zhang He arranged some of them in Heishui Town, while the rest of the spiritual meridians were temporarily stored.

He intends to transform Dehua County into a large-scale sweet potato planting base.

In this food-scarce world, sweet potatoes should be the most suitable food crops.

Even the spiritual sweet potato cultivated in space far exceeds that of Linggu.

Zhang He felt that in order to run a place well, the first thing to do should be food and clothing.

"Young master, spring ploughing will begin soon, but our three counties are now seriously underpopulated. Except for our original three Heishui towns, most of the other towns have only one or two thousand people."

Wei Peng still came over with a small ledger, and asked Zhang He to report the current situation in the three counties.

Previously, the cause of his conflict with the Ye family was population, and now this problem is still troubling him in turn.

In these years of continuous drought, too many people died, almost ten rooms and nine empty spaces.

"It's pretty much the same everywhere now, so I asked Wensheng to do more publicity, saying that we only charge 30% of the land rent, hoping to attract some tenants to come here.

And you can send someone to the slave market to see it and buy it back if there is one.

In addition, you can use as many zombie tools as possible to replace labor. "

Zhang He then handed over many chores to Wei Peng to deal with.

He has one more important thing to do.

Among the great gifts from the Ye family, there is also a 30% share of a mineral vein. He has not yet received it, and now he can finally go and see it.

This time, Zhang He flew to the location of the ore vein alone with his sword.

This ore vein is hundreds of miles away from Zhaoling City and is located in a large mountain.

When Zhang He Yujian flew over the ore vein, a middle-aged cultivator immediately flew out from the ore vein below and greeted Zhang He.

The other party was a little aggressive at first, looking like he was about to fight at any time, but after seeing Zhang He, he seemed to have guessed his identity, and his demeanor immediately softened.

"The opposite is Daoyou Zhang from Heishui Town?"

"It's down!"

Zhang He hurriedly bowed his hands in return, and at the same time looked at each other secretly.

The other party, like him, is in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but he should advance to the stage earlier than him, and it is estimated that it will be sooner than the later stage of foundation establishment.

"Hahaha! I finally waited for Fellow Daoist Zhang to arrive, at Xiaye Xing, please."

Ye Xing very boldly invited Zhang He to enter a stone house in the mountains below.

In one corner of the stone house, some sacks were stacked casually. From the exposed part, it turned out that all the copper mines were inside.

Zhang He was a little surprised to see that the copper ore produced in the ore vein was a very high-quality refining material, one level higher than that of black iron ore.

In the square market outside, this kind of copper mine is not It seems to be very worthless here.

Ye Xing noticed Zhang He's expression, seemed to have guessed Zhang He's thoughts, and smiled heartily.

"Since we have a copper vein here, there is naturally no shortage of ore. Even if the copper essence is occasionally seen, you can see one or two pieces."

Zhang Helai had heard before that a small amount of copper essence was sometimes produced in this ore vein.

This kind of copper essence is a high-quality material for refining magic weapons, and its preciousness can be imagined.

There seems to be a lot of copper ore concentrate produced here.

"However, these ores are only valuable when they are sold. If they are not sold, they are just a stone."

Ye Xing added, "Fellow Daoist Zhang came from afar, and I have nothing to entertain. I only have half a monster meat and a pot of spirit wine in my hand. Please don't mind, fellow Taoist."

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