Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The ancestors of the Zhao family possessed Jindan cultivation base, and every time he made a full effort, he could kill dozens of zombies, which was easier than harvesting crops with a sickle.

However, even if the crops did not have the ability to resist, they would get tired after a long time. At this moment, the zombie corpses in front of him were piled up in a hill, and his face also showed a look of exhaustion, and one-third of the mana in his body had been consumed.

Seeing that the number of zombies coming from far away finally gradually decreased, the ancestor of the Zhao family secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"When the old man kills all these zombies, what else do you have to do?"

However, at this moment, a fire flashed, and then a violent fire followed from the zombies in front of him.


The explosive that Zhang He had hidden on the zombie earlier was ignited, starting from one point and quickly detonating other gunpowder around him.

The ancestors of the Zhao family never thought that Zhang He would hide all the explosives on the zombies, and each zombie was equivalent to a moving bomb.

Now the Zhao family caravan has piled up a circle of zombie corpses.

The explosion at this moment exploded in a ring. The ancestor of the Zhao family took his caravan and was at the center of the explosion, and the damage he suffered at this time was also the greatest.

The explosion only happened for a moment, everyone was in the no-fly formation, unable to escape, the foundation building and qi training monks in the caravan were torn apart instantly, and their flesh and blood were scattered all over the sky.

At that time, the ancestor of the Zhao family called out all the power of the tree-shaped magic weapon, protected him in it, and tried his best to break free from the shackles of the no-flying formation and escaped into the distance.

When the tree-shaped magic weapon exploded, it only lasted for a moment before it was torn apart, and then a defensive shield he sacrificed also burst like a bubble, and then the robe on his body shattered instantly.

After a terrifying explosion, the no-fly formation that Zhang He spent a lot of money on shattered, and it was considered a waste.

Before the smoke had dissipated, an old man with red fruit was seen rushing out of the smoke. It was the ancestor of the Zhao family.

He had a big life, he was not killed by the bomb, and he is still in a good mood now.

This time, the amount of gunpowder was relatively small, and it was much less powerful than the last time, and last time it blew people up in the mountains. This time it was in an open field, and the effect was somewhat reduced.

However, at this moment, the ancestor of the Zhao family is already at the end of the shot. He is seriously injured and has little mana left in his body.

It was just that he was unhappy in his heart, and he still shouted loudly, and had already ordered Feijian to slash at Zhang He.

Even in the heyday of the ancestors of the Zhao family, Zhang He could still fight for a few rounds. Now that the opponent is already at the end of the shot, he has nothing to fear.

Immediately, a small mountain flew out and collided fiercely with the opponent's flying sword.

At the same time, the God Slaying Sword had appeared strangely on the left temple of the ancestor of the Zhao family.

The ancestor of the Zhao family hurriedly dodged to the right, but his reaction was a little slower after being seriously injured.

Fortunately, the Jindan powerhouse has a strong vitality, and such an injury is still fatal.

Just as the ancestor of the Zhao family was dodging to the right, a one-legged white bone skeleton suddenly appeared under the ground on his right side.

The white bone skeleton opened its mouth wide, and spit out a cloud of blue and cold flames, flying towards the ancestor of the Zhao family.

At the same time, Zhang He's Xuanyuan Mountain had also been sacrificed in the air, and the power radiated from Xuanyuan Mountain made the ancestors of the Zhao family slow down.

Under the simultaneous attack of the three parties, the small skeleton released that dark blue and cold flame, which finally fell on the ancestor of the Zhao family, and instantly ignited a fire on him.

"Ah! What the **** is this?"

The ancestors of the Zhao family were covered in blue flames. Not only did he not feel a trace of heat, but he felt like he was falling into an ice cave, and his whole body was shivering with cold.

It was as if the vitality within the body was ignited in the flames and was rapidly disappearing.

The ancestor of the Zhao family, who was already at the end of the shot, still dared to fight, and immediately turned into a light, flying out of Zhang He's attack range.

Zhang He wanted Yu Jian to chase him down, but found that the ancestor of the Zhao family had disappeared into the sky as a light spot.

My own cultivation base is not enough, and the speed cannot catch up, so I can only sigh helplessly, missing the opportunity to never have future troubles.

At the same time, I have to sigh that Jindan cultivator's life is too hard and too difficult to kill.

The Zhao family caravan had already been wiped out in the explosion just now, and most of the valuable items were also destroyed in the explosion.

There are only some copper mines scattered around, Zhang He picked it up casually, and picked up several thousand catties of spiritual mines, which was considered the harvest of this battle.

With this gain, he did not even recover the cost of purchasing the formation. In this battle, he was at a loss in terms of input and output.

After Zhang He cleaned the battlefield, Ye Xingcai sneaked up in the distance. Seeing that Zhang He was all right, he was obviously relieved and his expression became relaxed.

"Friend Zhang, how was the result?"

"The ancestor of the Zhao family was seriously injured and escaped."

Zhang He said very lightly, looking very relaxed and freehand, and he looked clean, not like his appearance after the war at all, showing the demeanor of a master.


Even though he had seen the results on the spot, Ye Xing still couldn't believe his ears.

That is the golden core powerhouse. For most cultivators, it is already an untouchable supreme existence, but now it has been defeated by a foundation-building cultivator.

Although his ancestor also died at the hands of Zhang He, there are still many speculations about Zhang He's strength.

Their Ye family chose to form an alliance with Zhang He. The original intention was that as long as Zhang He could carry a Jindan cultivator without defeat, he would be content.

And severely injured a Jindan cultivator is beyond the level of an ordinary Jindan cultivator.

Although he was hiding in the distance just now, he sensed the earth-shattering loud noise and the tremor of the earth. This is by no means a means that ordinary Jindan cultivators can use.

After the ancestors of the Zhao family were defeated, Zhang He and the Ye family allied, and finally got back the copper veins.

Zhang He and Ye Xing were still guarding the mine, and Zhang He still transferred Shitou's small team of black water troops to help with the chores.

During this period, Ye Xing found an excuse to personally return to Zhaoling to report the specific situation of the battle to the family.

When Ye Xing returned to the copper mine again, he solemnly found Zhang He, along with Ye Kai, the head of the Ye family.

The moment Ye Kai saw Zhang He, he immediately gave him a deep salute.

"This time, thanks to Daoyou Zhang's efforts to turn the tide, the Ye family survived.

On behalf of the entire Ye family, I came to express my gratitude to Fellow Daoist Zhang. "

"Fellow Daoist Ye doesn't have to be so polite. You and I have formed an alliance, and it is appropriate to take action in the face of danger."

The two of you came to me and greeted me for a long time, and Ye Kaicai said again:

"In order to express our gratitude to Fellow Daoist Ye, the Ye family decided to send another 20% of the copper mine to fellow Daoist. Please don't refuse."

This time, it is not an exaggeration to say that Zhang He helped the Ye family through a crisis.

Since Zhang He defeated the ancestors of the Zhao family, many forces that were in disputes with the Ye family instantly died down.

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