In the north of Pushan County of Chen State, Ji's coalition army and Sun and Moon Alliance each have tens of thousands of soldiers, confronting each other.

The two sides fought a small fight for three days and a big fight for five days.

In the beginning, the Sun and Moon Alliance was still in a weak and beaten position, and could only retreat. Since the three elders of the Sun and Moon Alliance returned, they stabilized the situation a little, and the defeat was no longer so ugly.

In recent days, the railway at the rear has reopened to traffic, and the Fourth Elder has sent another batch of personnel and materials from each branch to the front line.

In particular, after the last batch of 2,000 militiamen in Ningjing County were almost all killed, another 2,000 militiamen have now been sent by train.

These militiamen are all tenants who shave food in the fields. During the slack time of farming, they will organize to practice military formations and practice some basic martial arts exercises, but their nutrition cannot keep up, and their actual physical combat power is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

As usual, these militiamen would be as fragile as paper in front of the immortal cultivators.

But now these 2000 militiamen are all equipped with the second-generation spiritual tools produced by the arsenal, and the power they can exert is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of foundation building.

2000 is equivalent to the combat power in the early stage of foundation building, and it is already a force that cannot be underestimated in this battlefield where tens of thousands of people mainly practice Qi.

After the militiamen of Ningjing County joined the war, they finally leveled the battlefield situation.

The success of the militia has made the weapon of spiritual tools re-enter the vision of the major forces.

The Great Zhou Dynasty did not lack the manufacturing technology of spiritual tools, and many of the great power libraries preserved this inheritance.

It's just that it didn't attract attention before. After all, spiritual tools are only external objects, and they are useless for cultivation.

The most important thing is that once this kind of thing is flooded and mastered by ordinary people, it is very detrimental to the rule of the noble class.

Now the situation is different. Now in troubled times, if you don't use it, others will use it.

Affected by this battle, many major forces are quietly studying the refining technology of spiritual tools.

For those who do not have the refining ability, they can directly contact Ningjing County to purchase.

Zhang He's requests to buy spiritual tools were all accepted.

There are currently two types of spiritual tools produced in Ningjing County. One is called the No. 1 spiritual tool, which can exert the power of magic during the Qi training period.

The other is the model used by the 2000 militia now, which can exert the power of building a foundation, and is called the No. 2 spiritual tool.

The principle of the spiritual tool is to convert the spiritual power in the spiritual stone into a spell and release it through the rune array method.

The spiritual tools in each category can actually be subdivided into many types according to the spells that can be released.

Such as release fireball, ice cone, water dragon, entanglement, earth wall...

Seeing the orders for spiritual tools that kept coming to his door, Zhang He was not in a hurry for this war, and he simply sent 1,000 militiamen to the front line.

Use the battlefield to show the various effects of Ningjing County's spiritual tools to all the watching forces, making this war a weapons exhibition in Ningjing County.

At the same time, the industrial park vigorously expanded the scale of spiritual tool production.

From the very beginning, a refiner was responsible for refining a spiritual tool, and now it has become an assembly line production, and many of the processes are in charge of puppets, which has improved production efficiency to the extreme.

Due to economies of scale, the cost of producing spiritual tools in Ningjing County can be reduced by at least half.

At present, there are many forces in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty that can produce spiritual tools, but Ningjing County is the only one that can quickly produce large quantities of spiritual tools on a large scale.

Many forces that were unable to obtain spiritual tools quickly came to Ningjing County for purchases, and now the order has been placed in next year.

At present, the arsenal can produce 6,000 pieces of No. 1 spiritual tool and 1,000 pieces of No. 2 spiritual tool a month.

The production cost of No. 1 spirit tool is about 10 spirit stones, and the external price is 60 spirit stones, which can make a profit of 50 spirit stones.

The production cost of the No. 2 spirit tool is about 150 spirit stones, and the external price is 650 spirit stones, and each piece has a profit of 500 spirit stones.

According to the current production capacity, the arsenal can make a profit of 800,000 spirit stones per month.

Moreover, the production capacity of the arsenal is still expanding, and the output will be larger and the cost will be lower in the future.

There will also be other competitors entering the game.

Zhang He's display of new weapons on the battlefield lasted only three months and could not go on any longer.

Because there are also many spiritual tools in the Ji clan's coalition on the opposite side, and sometimes the two sides will shoot at each other.

Judging from some of the spiritual tools that were seized, 70% of the spiritual tools were produced by themselves.

The enemy bought his own spiritual tool and used it to beat himself.

For this reason, Zhang He has to bear a lot of pressure within the Sun Moon Alliance.

The helmsmen of each branch have some complaints behind their backs, and the three elders also put pressure on him, hoping that Ningjing County can stop the sale of spiritual tools to the outside world.

But after Zhang He's comprehensive consideration, the plan to sell the spiritual tool to the outside world must not be changed. Even if it is acquired by the enemy, he must sell it.

He is not asking for money or life, but to occupy the market.

Elder Jiang and the others have never experienced a highly developed market economy, so they cannot understand the logic.

For example, the No. 1 and No. 2 spiritual tools are not particularly technically difficult, and many major power libraries still have technical information on this aspect.

As long as you pick a few refiners and study for a period of time, many forces have the ability to produce them.

In the future, in the production and sales of spiritual tools, there will definitely be competitors, and most of them are larger forces than Ningjing County.

At that time, the market developed by oneself will be occupied by others.

What Zhang He has to do now is to occupy the market in advance before the competitors appear, so that the latecomers cannot get in.

If he voluntarily gives up now, he is not as strong as others, and he will never be able to get it back in the future.

Compared to mastering a market in the future, the pressure it is under now is not worth mentioning.

Of course, the pressure on the Sun Moon Alliance on the battlefield was related to him after all, and he still needed to take some responsibility for it, and he would not sit idly by.

On this day, on the battlefield to the north of Pushan County, the two sides started another battle.

On the Sun Moon Alliance side, a militia formed a long formation, holding a spiritual tool to shoot a round of colorful spells on the opposite side.

As usual, there is only good luck on the opposite side. Now there are spiritual tools in the Ji clan's coalition. Although there are not as many as here, they also use the spiritual tools to launch a defensive spell, blocking most of this round of attacks.

"Boom boom boom..."

On the other side of the battlefield, the monks from both sides also rushed together, and the battlefield was full of blood.

At this moment, a flying battleship flew out from above the Ji's coalition army on the opposite side, and shot countless spells of brilliance at the Sun Moon Alliance, which was also mixed with the bombardment of some magical weapons.

"Flying battleship is out again!"

A Sun Moon Alliance cultivator shouted impatiently.

It is very difficult for them to deal with the Ji's coalition forces on the ground now, and they have no more energy to deal with air strikes.

Every time the Sun Moon Alliance can only dispatch Nascent Soul powerhouses to fight against the flying battleship, but the other party’s Nascent Soul cultivators will often take advantage of your exhaustion and wait for you to give you some heavy lifting.

Every time the other party dispatches a flying battleship, the Sun Moon Alliance will suffer a little.

It's just that today's situation seems to be a little different. The Nascent Soul cultivator from the Sun Moon Alliance has not yet appeared.

Just in the anxious expectation of the monks of the Sun and Moon Alliance, there was a rumbling sound from the rear of their camp.

Everyone was attracted by the strange sound, and the consciousness couldn't help but look behind.

I saw a group of puppets with strange shapes and even a variety of puppets appearing behind the Sun and Moon Alliance army.

Some of this group of puppets are tall, armed with shields or melee weapons such as battle axes and broadswords, and walk in the front row.

Some are petite, with crossbow bolts, and follow behind the team.

Some puppets were fitted with wings and flew over the army, with several rocket launchers installed on their abdomens and backs.

This army is the 5,000 puppets transformed by Huya. After being transformed and equipped with weapons, this army is quite scary.

The 5,000 puppets were controlled by ten Jindan cultivators and 100 base-building black water troops. In terms of tactical cooperation, they had already practiced many times.

Now these 5,000 puppets are advancing in coordination, which seems to be orderly, and there are rules between advancing and retreating.

Seeing that there was an army of puppets on their side to help out, the monks of the Sun Moon Alliance immediately gave way to both sides and let the army of puppets go first.

The monks of the Ji clan's coalition had never seen such a situation before, seeing that the front of the puppet army had rushed forward.

Most of these puppets are not human-shaped, some have six legs, some have eight legs, and some have several wheels.

But the puppets in the front row have one thing in common, that is, they are large, reaching a height of one or two feet. Some of them rushed in front of the Ji's coalition forces, like a high wall, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

The puppet hand spit out a huge axe and chopped it down, and often it could be split into two sides together with the man and the magic weapon.

Ordinary attacks that fall on these big puppets also hurt, but compared to their huge size, it's not a big deal.

After all, most of these tall puppets rushing in the front row are doing rough work in the mining field. The most important feature is that they are strong and powerful.

Those smaller puppets followed closely behind these tall puppets, and the bows and crossbows in their hands also began to fire, shooting a rain of arrows towards the Ji's coalition camp ahead.

For a time, countless people fell to the ground with arrows.

While the puppets on the ground were advancing, more than 1,000 puppets flying in the air had taken the initiative to find the flying battleship.

These flying puppets all carried several bazookas, and they surrounded the flying battleship like a swarm of hornets. UU reading

The flying puppets fired a salvo of more than 1,000 rocket launchers, causing the flying battleships to sway in the air, and the protective light curtains also flickered.

The flying battleship must not only be beaten without fighting back, but the flying puppets are small in size and flexible in movement, and most of them are dodged.

Only a small number of puppets were destroyed, but it had little effect on the overall combat effectiveness of the flying puppets.

Immediately afterwards, the flying puppet carried out the second round, the third round of salvo, and the fourth round of salvo...

The flying battleship was relatively large, and it was like a big target in the air. It was hit by the bazooka, and the protective formation was finally shattered.

The flying battleship that lost the protective formation immediately turned around and ran away.

How could the puppet army let go of such a good opportunity and follow closely behind the flying battleship, until all the rocket launchers they were carrying hit the flying battleship, and then they returned a little reluctantly.

After several rounds of bazooka attacks, the flying battleship was finally unable to support it, and fell apart into many pieces in the air.

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