Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 352: .0 gold to buy horse bones

"Thank you fellow Daoists for coming to help, I'm grateful!"

At this critical moment, the entire Sun Moon Alliance has come to help, and it can also play a lot of roles.

Zhang He can also guess one or two about the real intention of everyone.

"Since everyone is so interesting, I can't let everyone work in vain.

I still have five Ningying Pills here, and I also asked Elder Jiang to distribute them to those who need them most in our alliance. "

As Zhang He said, he took out five jade boxes and opened them on the table, revealing the baby-shaped medicinal pills inside.

At this moment, everyone in the Sun Moon Alliance, from Elder Jiang to the common helmsman, all had green eyes.

They still remembered the human head on the big tree at the door. The reason why these people were hung on the tree was that they were asking for a congealing infant pill.

And Zhang He's shot is now five Ningying Pills.

In the past, all the major forces wanted to get Ningying Pill, they all needed to go to the top wealthy family to become a small child, be a grandson, and then spend a lot of money, and finally get a Ningying Pill.

At this moment, everyone in the Sun Moon Alliance can't wait to put the Ningying Pill in their pockets immediately, but the restraint and politeness on the surface must be maintained.

"Then why are you embarrassed? We have just come here, and we haven't helped us with anything, so how can we receive such a big gift."

When Elder Jiang said this, his heart skipped a beat, for fear that Zhang He would be too real, take his polite words seriously, and take two Ningying Pills back.

"This time because of the troubles in Ningjing County, I feel sorry for you, these Ningying Pills should be considered as a gift.

Until this trouble is resolved, Zhang must still have a heavy thank you! "

Fortunately, Zhang He was not so determined, and he also promised that as long as he helped, he would thank Ningyingdan afterwards.

When everyone in the Sun Moon Alliance heard the words, they immediately geared up for a fight, hoping to find someone to fight hard.

"Fourth Elder, what do you need us to do, just tell me what to do!"

Now that the benefits have been taken, Elder Jiang took the initiative to ask Zhang He.

"There is really a place that needs your help."


"Jinwu County! I have a team stationed there, but it's still not enough. I hope you can go and help one or two."

"No problem, leave this to us."

Everyone was polite for a while, chatting some gossip, then Elder Jiang led everyone away and went directly to Jinwu County.

Jinwu County was not a key location, and Zhang He did not send many monks, and sometimes Zhang He had to personally support him when there was not enough manpower.

Now it is just right to arrange the people of the Sun Moon Alliance.

After the people from the Sun Moon Alliance went to Jinwu County, the three elders discussed together and distributed the five Ningying Pills.

Those who got Ningying Pill naturally went to retreat happily.

As for those who did not get it, although they were a little disappointed, there was still hope.

Zhang He had promised that there would be Ningying Dan as a gift. Since he can take out five pills at a time now, he should not be stingy next time.

There is no airtight wall in the world. The news that the Sun Moon Alliance received five Ningying Pills from Zhang He quickly leaked out.

There are reasons why the people of the Sun Moon Alliance are not very popular, but the most important thing is the Shadow Pavilion.

According to Zhang He's instructions, the Shadow Pavilion brought the Sun and Moon Alliance to help in the battle, and Zhang He sent the news of five Ningying Pills, which was widely publicized from various channels.

In addition to collecting information, the intelligence department can also act as a propaganda agency and become Zhang He's mouthpiece.

Shadow Pavilion can guide public opinion, bring rhythm in the world of immortality, and influence other people's ideas.

Even an immortal cultivator, who has lived for countless years, will still be affected by the general environment, and thus make some choices from the mainstream.

At this time, in an inn in Ningjing County, two late Jindan cultivators were quietly conspiring.

"Brother He, what are the chances of us going to Ningjing County to steal Ningying Fruit?" Qi Yun asked hesitantly.

He Fang shook his head and sighed.

"It should be less than 1%, but with our financial resources, we must be unable to buy the Ningying Pill, this is the only way for us to achieve Nascent Soul.

Even if you die, you have to try it. "

Qi Yun also sighed, silent for a while, and then said.

"I feel that there is no hope of even one percent. You didn't see the big tree at the gate of the Ningjing County City Lord's Mansion, and there are not a few heads of Nascent Soul powerhouses.

What can we two alchemy cultivators do? "

"Brother Qi, if you have any thoughts, it's better to say it directly!"

Qi Yun thought for a while before saying, "I think it's better to change our minds than to die."

"I don't know if you have heard that some time ago, the three elders of the Sun Moon Alliance brought their respective helmsmen to visit Zhang He and expressed their willingness to help.

That Zhang He was also really generous, and he gave five Ningying Pills as soon as he shot.

Even the 13 top tycoons have never been so generous. "

"You want to betray your family and take refuge in Ningjing County?" He Fang immediately reacted, Qi Yun's real intention was to seek refuge in Ningjing County.

"I don't necessarily have to betray the family. I believe that the ancestor of the Qi family should also be a reasonable person. I only joined Ningjing County as an individual, and it does not affect my loyalty to the family.

Moreover, if you can use this to achieve Nascent Soul, is it better than anything else? "

Qi Yun was thinking in his heart that if he could get Ningying Pill by taking refuge in Ningjing County, it would be okay even if he betrayed the family.

The family would definitely not be able to get the Ningying Pill for him, and his life span was already short, but if he could break through to Nascent Soul, not only would he have a higher status, but he would also be able to live for more than 1,000 years.

The stakes here, you can make a choice after a little thought, it is really tempting.

Seeing that He Fang was still hesitating, Qi Yun said again: "Going to Ningjing County to steal the Ningying Pill is almost a lifeless death, but now there is another way that may work, why not go and try it?"

He Fang nodded silently at this moment.

The next day, He Fang and Qi Yun came together outside the Ningjing County City Lord's Mansion to ask for a meeting.

A steward of the City Lord's Mansion met the two of them, and when he heard that the two had made a special trip to serve, he immediately reported to Zhang He.

Zhang He heard the words and let a clone come out to meet the two in person, which made them flattered.

What surprised them even more was that Zhang He made a promise on the spot that anyone who worked in Ningjing County and made contributions to Ningjing County could get the reward of Ningying Pill.

Then Zhang He actually prepaid two Ningying Pills for the two of them in advance, and the two only needed to make up for the credit for Ningjing County in the future.

Qi Yun and He Fang got the Ningying Pill that they thought about day and night, their legs trembled with excitement, and they almost lost urination.

When the two walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, their heads were still dizzy.

Zhang He's move is to buy horse bones with a thousand dollars.

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit, the world is bustling, all go for the benefit, and everyone will seek benefits and avoid harm.

The 13 top aristocrats strictly control the major forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty, relying on two aspects.

First, relying on the powerful force of the cultivator of the gods, no one dared to resist.

But there are not many powerful gods, and it is impossible to let the ancestors of gods come out to shock them all day long, and the ancestors are also very busy.

Therefore, we have to rely on the second point, that is, to control the resources of the Ningying fruit tree, everyone must be obedient, and the forces that are not obedient cannot get the Ningying Pill.

The Jiang family has already sent messengers, and they are in contact with all parties, so that the major forces within the sphere of influence will come together to attack Ningjing County.

However, such a large-scale operation will take some time to organize.

Zhang He was going to take advantage of this time difference to dig a hole in the opponent's alliance.

Don't you just want Ningying Dan? As long as I can work for me, I will give Ningying Pill, which is much more generous than the Jiang family.

In the next few days, the news about He Fang and Qi Yun joining Ningjing County and Zhang He directly rewarding two Ningying Pills disappeared, and was spread by Shadow Pavilion to all corners of Xiuxian Realm.

This news has a greater impact than the previous Sun Moon Alliance's acquisition of Ningying Pill.

After all, the Sun Moon Alliance and Ningjing County are still a family, and now in a crisis, it makes sense to send some Ningying Dan to win people's hearts.

But He Fang and Qi Yun went to seek refuge with Ningying Pill, and they really succeeded in getting Ningying Pill.

What He Fang and Qi Yun can do, most people can do.

Compared with the previous means of stealing or robbing, it was much easier for Ningjing County to hang his head on a tree.

On one side, the success rate is extremely low, and there is no life and death. The other side has a high success rate, and you only need to work for it.

Of course, some people thought about the idea of ​​fighting He Fang and Qi Yun in the past, but these two were also very thieves.

But there is no way to grab the Ningying Pill.

A few days after the news spread, other monks soon came to Ningjing County.

Zhang He also let his avatar receive the visitor, but this time, he did not advance the Ningying Pill on the spot, but assigned a task to him. After completing the task, he could receive the Ningying Pill.

And made a contract that after using Ningjing County's Ningying Pill to break through to the Nascent Soul stage, he would still need to serve Ningjing County for 100 years.

Although this result is not as good as the two of them, it is not bad.

100 years is a long time. Ordinary mortals have to live two lifetimes to make up this number.

But for the Nascent Soul powerhouse, it is really insignificant, sometimes it takes 100 years to retreat once.

The propaganda offensive of the Shadow Pavilion is still going on, and after that, people have come to defect, and Zhang He is always willing to come.

If these people can't be used by me, they can only become enemies, and it's a matter of turning enemies into friends, so why not do it.

In the following period of time, cultivators continued to join the Ningjing County camp as individuals. In addition to Jindan cultivators, there were also Nascent Souls who came for their younger generation.

When the major forces discovered that their cultivators had joined Ningjing County, they all turned a blind eye, and some even secretly supported it.

It's a good thing to make one more Nascent Soul cultivator in the family, who doesn't want?

On the other hand, Jiang's is still in contact with the major forces and is organizing the dispatch of troops.

If Jiang's power alone can destroy Ningjing County, the more than 100-odd infants in Ningjing County can only be considered more troublesome.

The Jiang clan elder thought that by the time Ningjing County was destroyed, these families within his own power would be severely damaged.

A large number of cultivators here took refuge in Ningjing County, and they were soon discovered by Jiang's.

Jiang's Immortal Mountain, Jiang's Great Elder served as the commander-in-chief of the extermination of Ningjing County, and at this moment a Jiang's child came to report.

"Reporting to the Great Elder, Ningjing County promises great benefits to all immortal cultivators who take refuge. Recently, the biggest cultivator has entered Ningjing County in his personal capacity."

This Jiang clan's disciple presented a more detailed information to the first elder.

The elder Jiang took it over to take a look. In this short period of time, there were quite a few people who joined Ningjing County.

It means that Zhang He has already dug a corner before he starts.

"The order goes on, and the major forces will strictly monitor their own children, and they must not seek refuge in Ningjing County, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

The elder thought for a while, and then added.

"As long as there is enough merit in the battle to encircle and suppress Ningjing County, Ningying Pill can be rewarded."

The orders of the elders were quickly conveyed to the major forces by Jiang's messengers.

Intimidated by Jiang's threat, there were a lot fewer monks who took refuge in Ningjing County, but they still could not be completely cut off, because the conditions offered by Ningjing County were more attractive, and the chance of getting Ningying Pill was higher.

Some families, under the pressure of the Jiang family, began to recall the monks who had taken refuge in Ningjing County.

He Fang and Qi Yun, who first joined Ningjing County, finally succeeded in breaking through from Jindan to Nascent Soul realm after a period of retreat.

They obtained Ningying Pill from Ningjing County and successfully broke through to Nascent Soul. The deeds of the two have once again become good materials for the publicity of Shadow Pavilion.

With the help of the Shadow Pavilion, the two of them have a lot of popularity in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

These two people have become positive examples of Ningjing County's publicity.

As long as the current situation is mentioned, or Ningying Dan is mentioned, someone will immediately mention these two.

On this day, Qi Yun received an elder from the Qi family in his cave.

"Qi Yun, you can break through to Nascent Soul in this way, the whole family is very happy for you."

When the blood relationship between this elder Ping and Qi Yun was relatively close, he also took more care of Qi Yun, and at this time, he showed a gratified color.

"This is still thanks to the cultivation of the family and the second elder in the past. Qi Yun has never forgotten it."

"Good! Good! Good! It's best if you can think so."

The second elder of the Qi family praised, and then sighed.

"But now there is an embarrassment, because the deeds of you and that fellow Daoist He have become a typical example of Ningjing County's publicity, and now the family is under a lot of pressure.

The Jiang clan's messenger has been guarding the Qi waiting for the clan to call you back.

Otherwise, the whole family will be punished! "

When the second elder said this, he stood up and gave Qi a big gift.

"Qi Yun, can you come back with me, the family has cultivated you, and you can't implicate the whole family because of yourself!"

"Second Elder, why do you need to do this!"

Qi Yun hurriedly returned the salute. After all, his heart was still toward his own family, and he had nothing to say about loyalty to Ningjing County, it was nothing more than an exchange of interests.

"Between me and Ningjing County, they helped me break through, and then used my deeds to recruit other monks, it was nothing more than mutual use.

Now that I have successfully broken through to the Nascent Soul, there is no place in the world except for the powerful ones who transform into gods.

Naturally, there is no need to have to nest here, so as to implicate the family. "

Qi Yun and the second elder discussed many details again. The next day, the two left Ningjing County hand in hand and flew straight to Qi's place.

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