Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 387: . This kind of man is the most handsome

"Actually, I was born on a farming planet..."

Since Zhang He is going to save the monks of Jingshan Kingdom this time, he can no longer hide this kind of thing. He should reveal the origin of his birth and the fact that the Wing Clan is preparing to slaughter the breeding planet.

Li Yuehua fell into silence after hearing this. She couldn't imagine how much effort it would take for a cultivator to escape from a breeding planet.

She could imagine how desperate the human beings who were born on this planet would be.

Over the years, many of her clansmen have been kidnapped by other races, and most of them have been thrown into some breeding planets.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, originally there was an agreement between you and me that we should help each other, but with the strength of the Wing Clan, it is much stronger than our human clan."

When Li Yuehua said this, there was some embarrassment on his face.

"We have always been stared at by other surrounding forces here. If we rashly join the war to deal with an enemy stronger than us, other forces will definitely take the opportunity to attack, which will bring destruction to our human race. disaster.

As the great elder elected by everyone, the concubine has to think about the safety of billions of human races on this planet. "

Zhang He can understand Li Yuehua's position. As a leader of a force, it is impossible for him to hand over the lives of billions of people to others just because of a word or two, or just because of sentimentality.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, I dare not expect fellow daoists to participate in the war with all their strength. This time, I hope to get the help of a senior human race."

In addition to having a large number of powerhouses in the integration stage, the Wing Clan is most afraid of the Mahayana powerhouses of the Wing Clan.

In the face of this level of powerhouse, he has nothing to do.

The reason why Li Yuehua, a human race, has survived under the presence of powerful enemies until now, must have been the existence of strong people in the Mahayana period, otherwise it would have been wiped out by other races long ago.

He came this time because he hoped to get the help of the Mahayana powerhouses. Even if he didn't make a move, just sitting next to the battlefield and drinking a cup of tea would still have a deterrent effect.

"I can't be the master of the Mahayana ancestor in this matter, I can only take you to see the ancestor."

Li Yuehua pondered for a moment before speaking.

"We have a total of two Mahayana ancestors, but the situation is a bit special.

One of them can't take action now, even if our human race is facing extinction, it may not appear.

Another Mahayana ancestor has experienced too many battles over the years, with entangled injuries and poor health. "

"So, don't hold out your hopes too much."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived in front of a cave.

There were two guards at the door. After Li Yuehua showed his identity token, he was led into a living room.

The two of them only waited for a while before they saw a middle-aged man in the fusion period walk in, first bowing to Li Yuehua.

Then he looked at Zhang He with a smile and bowed his hands.

"Under Yuan Qihao, who is this fellow Daoist?"

"This is Fellow Daoist Zhang. He came here this time to visit Patriarch Chang."

Unexpectedly, when the middle-aged man heard the words, his face immediately turned cloudy and gloomy.

"Elder Li, it's not like you don't know the situation of the ancestors, so don't bring outsiders to disturb you in the future!"

"Send off!"

Yuan Qihao turned his face on the spot and was about to leave, Li Yuehua hurriedly stepped forward to stop the middle-aged man.

"Brother Yuan, this is indeed my reckless behavior. It's just that this fellow Daoist Zhang also has a last resort. It's better to let him see Old Ancestor Chang, or let him die."

Yuan Qihao pondered for a while, and his face softened a little.

"You can see the old ancestor, but don't disturb the old ancestor to rest."

"Okay, the concubine knows, and please ask Brother Yuan to lead the way."

Yuan Qihao led the two out of the living room, passed several winding corridors, and passed several formations, and finally stopped in front of a small house.

The hut in front of him was not luxurious, but the building materials of the hut really surprised Zhang He.

The walls, doors and windows and other objects of the hut are all carved from a whole piece of third-order spiritual stone, showing a low-key yet luxurious local tyrant temperament.

Zhang He secretly said, this human race looks shabby, it turns out that the broken ship also has three pounds of nails.

Li Yuehua and Yuan Qihao saluted respectfully in front of the house, and Zhang He followed suit.

After the two paid their respects, they moved forward and gently opened the door of the spirit stone, and suddenly a strong spiritual energy rushed towards them.

The aura in the house has condensed into a thick fog, Zhang He naturally took a breath, at least inhaled the amount of aura of a second-order spiritual stone.

The interior of the Lingshi hut is extremely simple. There is only a bed carved from a whole piece of Lingshi. There is half a person lying on the bed, and the rest has no foreign objects.

The reason why it is half a person is because this person only has half of his body left, his hands and feet are all mutilated, and only one hand is still intact.

The whole person can no longer distinguish the original image, half of the face is missing, revealing the bones, which looks a bit terrifying.

There are new granulation sprouts on the white bones that are constantly wriggling and growing, but just as these flesh lotuses grow, they are swallowed by a black gas, and then quickly decay and turn into pus.

"This is the ancestor of the Mahayana period of my clan. Since the ancestor has advanced to the Mahayana, he has experienced more than 800 battles in just one thousand years.

With personal power, support a living space for the human race.

It's just that because of the accumulated injuries, the vitality is now on the verge of extinction. "

When Li Yuehua said this, tears fell from the corners of his eyes. This is an old man who is respected by the entire human race and a role model for many young people who are determined to learn.

The current tranquility of their human race was all created by Chang Ancestor with his life.

At this moment, Yuan Qihao clenched his fists tightly and looked up at the roof, holding back the wetness in his eyes.

"Let's go, don't disturb Old Ancestor Chang's recuperation."

Zhang He gave Old Ancestor Chang a big gift again, turned around and walked outside the house. Even if Old Ancestor Chang got up from the spiritual stone bed at this moment, he couldn't bear to let him fight again.

For your own business, think of a way.

Li Yuehua and Yuan Qihao didn't say anything more, and quietly followed Zhang He out of the hut.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is the property you gave away. You won't get paid if you don't make any money. You should take it back."

Li Yuehua returned the big gift that Zhang He had previously given to Zhang He as it was.


Zhang He waved his hand, but did not reach out to take it.

"Let this money be reserved for the elder brother Chang to find some better healing treasures."

Zhang He stared at the Lingshi hut. At this moment, he felt that the Lingshi hut was too shabby and not worthy of the ancestor Chang.

"Ancestor Chang, before he fell into a deep sleep, once explained that with his little vitality, he could still fight for the human race once.

If it's just a simple shot to shock and so on, it should be able to last three times.

This is already the last strength of Ancestor Chang. "

Ancestor Chang sealed up his remaining vitality by sleeping in a deep sleep, so that he could fight the last battle for the human race.

After the First World War, Ancestor Chang's vitality was exhausted and he would completely disappear from this world.

Gu Xue

"With Patriarch Chang's injury, ordinary elixir is useless."

"More than a thousand years ago, I heard that there was a five-element spirit root leaf with wood attributes on Nanlin Star. Unfortunately, by the time we raised enough money, the auction would have already ended."

When Zhang He heard the words, his heart moved, but he remained silent.

"Can the wood-type spirit root leaves heal the wounds of the ancestors of Chang?"

"The wood-type spiritual roots contain the purest vitality, which should be able to add a lot of vitality to the ancestors, and will naturally be of great use to the injury.

It's a pity that I couldn't buy it last time. This kind of heaven and earth spirit is too rare, and it is impossible to find it. I don't know if there is a chance to encounter this kind of spirit again. "

Li Yuehua remembered that he missed the treasure last time, and still sighs with embarrassment.

"I'll go back and find a way. Even if I look for a needle in a haystack, I should be able to find some information about the wood attribute spiritual root."

Zhang He left a sentence and left in a hurry.

As for the other great ancestor of the human race, Li Yuehua only mentioned it at the beginning, and then he deliberately avoided this question.

Zhang He guessed that there must be some hidden secrets, since the other party didn't tell them, he didn't ask questions.

After leaving this human planet, Zhang He entered space.

The two Five Elements Spiritual Roots he planted in the space have grown a lot after years of cultivation.

The emerald-green wood attribute spiritual root, although only one or two feet high, grows with lush foliage, and there are countless green leaves growing on it.

In the middle of the canopy, there are also green fruits the size of two fingers.

Originally, several flowers bloomed, but in the end, only two fruits were produced, and I don't know when they would ripen.

But leaves are definitely enough.

As for the fire attribute black tree, the branches are relatively tall and sturdy, but the leaves on the top are very few.

Zhang He plucked a leaf from the tree, wrapped it in a delicate jade box, and put a talisman on the outside to prevent the loss of spiritual energy.

He didn't send it right away, but waited for more than ten days before sending the leaves in person.

Before leaving, he specially dressed himself up.

He made several cuts on his face with a knife, rolled in the mud puddle a few times, ripped his clothes to pieces, and burned his head.

Looking in the mirror, he was still not satisfied. He took out a flying sword, stabbed him in the stomach, and put a pot of blood from his body. This time it looked a lot more miserable.

On the same day, Li Yuehua saw Zhang He appear in front of him with such a miserable appearance, but happily took out a beautifully packaged leaf.

Zhang He didn't have any extra words, he threw the leaf away and left, without even mentioning the matter of asking the ancestor to help in the battle.

At that moment, Li Yuehua was moved to tears, thinking that such a man is the most handsome.

She didn't know how much the man in front of her paid for and how much suffering he suffered for this leaf.

She only knew that in such a short period of time, it was more difficult than reaching the sky to obtain such a rare treasure that could be encountered but not sought after.

Only this kind of man is a real man who stands up to the sky. He gave silently and took on everything, but he didn't say a single rhetoric. He just smiled and turned and left.

Li Yuehua handed the wood attribute spirit root leaf to the other five elders for safekeeping, and asked them to use this leaf to heal ancestor Chang.

After she explained all this, she left the planet.

As an individual, she will go to the breeding star to fight side by side with Zhang He.

In fact, Zhang Hezhen didn't intend to deceive Li Yuehua, but he had two of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots.

This matter is of great importance. If it spreads out, it will bring disaster to oneself and even the entire human race.

In order to hide this secret, he could only bear everything silently by himself.

Zhang He has many clones. When he was dealing with Li Yuehua here, all the other clones started to work.

During this period of time, the Golden Winged Eagle made every effort to acquire various high-end materials throughout Nanlin Star.

These materials will be used to make various puppets, magic weapons, spiritual tools, psionic gunpowder and other war weapons.

The Golden Winged Eagle was purchased regardless of the cost, so that the prices of many materials on Nanlin Star fluctuated a lot.

Many monks who do not know what to do can only scold profiteers for maliciously driving up prices.

The golden-winged large carved spirit stones are like flowing water, not only hollowing out the home accumulated in the Jingshan grocery store, but also transferring a large number of spirit stones from other places for use.

As for the problem of insufficient spiritual stones, don't worry too much.

Recently, there is a snake named Qingchi, who is selling all kinds of elixir to the outside world.

His elixir was abundant in quantity, of high quality, and supplied in large quantities. For a time, it attracted merchants from all over the world to snap up.

The spirit stones rolled in and flowed into Qingchi's pocket, and then flowed out of the golden-winged eagle's pocket. This series of transactions raised Nanlinxing's gdp by several percentage points.

In Jingshan, there have always been several clones of Zhang He.

Recently, he has frequently taken out various high-level materials and handed them over to research institutes and industrial parks.

Let them be fully productive and fully produce all kinds of war materials.

Any war is inseparable from economic support, and the world of immortals is no exception.

In the battle, various magic weapons collide violently, which are easily damaged and need to be repaired or scrapped.

A cultivator will consume a lot of mana, which needs to be replenished in time during the battle. If you are injured, you need a healing medicine.

Especially the fighting method of Jingshan Kingdom, using puppets, rocket launchers, rocket bombs, and the little boy truth No. 1 weapons, even more vividly reflects the burning of spirit stones.

The people of Jingshan have been accumulating for more than a thousand years, day and night thinking about breaking the The various efforts they have made in the past thousand years have all exploded recently.

In just a few days, they produced dozens of warheads of the Truth One.

According to Zhang He's instructions, these warheads do not require launch vehicles, saving a lot of materials, and the volume of the warheads has also increased a lot.

This special warhead is more powerful and more suitable for sneak attacks.

At the same time, Zhang He also distributed all the Divine Transformation Pills accumulated by these hands.

Almost as long as the cultivation base reaches the late Nascent Soul, there is a chance to receive the Divine Transformation Pill.

Now that we have reached this stage, there is no need for everyone to hide and tuck them away. Cultivating a group of cultivators is always better than Nascent Soul.

Recently, cultivators of Jingshan Kingdom have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

After one of the monks turned into a god, he did not hide his good breath, and immediately attracted the guidance of ascension.

When he desperately watched his body fly high into the sky and was about to explode himself.

A cultivator from the research institute flew up, inspiring the array plate in his hand, and a burst of light wrapped the cultivator of the gods, and the power of ascension disappeared instantly.

The research institute has studied the cage array outside the planet for more than a thousand years, and has already found dozens of perfect ways to crack it.

I didn't use it before just to prevent the snakes from being caught in the grass.

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