at this time,

On the other side of Tianxian City, in the vast residence of the Murong clan, in the secret room at the most secret core.

The ancestor Murong was sitting on the white jade futon,

Retreat and practice hard,

The Taoism connotation circulating in the surroundings, the surrounding void is all affected by this power, which is distorted, and escaping unparalleled auras.

If someone were here, you would find that the lingering aura in Murong Ancestor's body was stronger than before.

Obviously during the exchange and questioning with Zhang Qingyuan in the past half month,

Both confirm,

He also got bad benefits,

Now I am digesting the gains.

At this moment,


boom! ! !

A touch of **** light that had been condensed to the extreme, suddenly tore the void, the stone gate on the periphery of the secret room and the protective circle on it were all in a flash, like paper, they were easily torn apart!

With the terrifying **** aura and sharp edge, wherever it passed along the way, a terrifying storm swept across the void!

Under the shocking blood glow, even the void seemed to be easily shattered!

The incomparable strength penetrated the defense of the secret room, and between the electric light and flint, it had already bombarded the figure in the secret room fiercely!

And at this time,

The ancestor Murong, who was in retreat, did not expect that the secret place at the core of the house would encounter an attack from the outside world.

Moreover, this attack was not blocked by the outside formation at all, and the light was lit up in an instant, and it was already in front of you!


At that moment,

The complexion of the ancestor Murong changed drastically in an instant!

But the attack came too fast and too secretive, until he discovered that there was no possibility of dodge anymore!


The momentary effort is too much to think about, and the whole person is immediately ready to detonate all the mana in the body to avoid this fatal blow!

But at that moment,

The ancestor Murong suddenly found out,

There was a burst of emptiness at the moment the burst of his own mana was mentioned!

It's like a person is preparing to stand up suddenly, but suddenly his feet are soft!


At this moment,

The pupils of the ancestor Murong shrank sharply to the size of a needle!


The **** light did not stay at all, and it hit the body of Murong ancestor fiercely. Immediately, the terrifying power exploded, and the space seemed to be torn apart. Murong ancestor's body was penetrated, bloody. The power of Taoism intertwined and collided with the principles of the law in the body, resulting in a violent explosion, and the shock wave of destruction swept through it!

The land of the secret room with a radius of more than ten feet, all shattered and disappeared at this moment.

The radiant blood spurted out, and every drop seemed to possess a mighty power, shattering the impact of Taoism, and disturbing the entire heavenly aura into chaos!

The figure of the ancestor Murong was even more like a beam of laser light, sweeping across the void, flying backwards and bombarding it!

Wherever you have passed along the way,

The void ground was shattered, successive explosions soared into the sky, and the rocky soil on the edge was melted!

"Ahem! Wow!"

At the end of the ravine, the surrounding earth and soil collapsed, and the ancestor Murong's figure half-kneeled on the void, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

At this moment, there is already a huge wound on his chest.

The stab wound ran across, as if he was going to be cut off at the waist, the flesh and blood disappeared in a large area, revealing Bai Sensen's bones, and the beating organs protected by Dao Yun's streamer!

It can be said that half of his body is almost a skeleton now!


The ancestor Murong raised his head and stared at the front with unbelievable eyes.

I saw a surging void in front of me,

The smoke spread,

Then a figure appeared, and it was Murong Pengxian, the head of the Murong family!

At this moment, Murong Pengxian's expression was dim. As a monk at the pinnacle of the True Origin Realm, his eyes were somewhat evasive, and he did not dare to look directly into the eyes of the ancestor Murong.

As the head of the Murong family, he is naturally clear about the situation in the family secret room.

It is also with the help of him who is very familiar with the secret room defense formation,

Only when the enemy came in and attacked easily, the ancestor Murong was hit hard in an instant, and he was so badly injured that he was on the verge of death!

"Give the old man a reason!"

The gaze of the ancestor Murong became colder than ever before.

Bitter murderous intent,

The temperature of the surrounding air drops sharply!

"Hehe, old ghost Murong, why bother to be so angry? It's just that the catastrophe is about to fly separately..."

There was a cold voice, suddenly swayed in the void,

The **** light surged like a wave of blood, and then a figure of the great guardian standing in the void was condensed in the void, with a smile on his face, looking at the Murong family ancestor not far away indifferently. .

"The three big holes really come together, old ghost, your birthday is here!"

Another calm voice spread,

In the void to the left of the ancestor Murong, thunder light shone, the dazzling light seemed to tear the vacuum, and the figure of the ancestor of the Lei family also walked out of the void.

This is not over yet,

The void on the right, the same **** light, with a black mask on one side, and a skinny figure emerged from the occupying the other world!

"The three big holes really come together, old ghost, today your Murong family will definitely die!"

The three cavities of Zhenqi machine pass through the sky thoroughly, intertwined with each other, and they are in a powerful and unstoppable power to completely block and suppress the surrounding void!

At this moment,

The ancestor Murong is already in a desperate situation!

Seeing this scene,

The heart of the ancestor Murong completely sank.

He already ignored the Murong Patriarch who had betrayed to the other side, his eyes swept across the three people in the void in front of him.

"But I don't know how the old man He De can, to be treated so grandly by the three!"

At this moment, the heart of the ancestor Murong has sunk into the bottom.

With such a lineup, let alone one after another suffered heavy losses, even in its heyday, it will never escape!

But even so,

The ancestor Murong still flashed many thoughts in his mind, looking for the possibility of escape.

"Old ghost Murong, you don't have to pretend to be crazy and sell stupid, hand over the token of the Sky Demon City, and this seat will be able to leave you a corpse! Don't make it difficult for this seat!"

In the void ahead, the great guardian looked at ancestor Murong indifferently, and said coldly.

"The old man doesn't understand, what is the token of the Sky Demon City, what is that?"

"Heh, old ghost, do you think it's useful to pretend to be crazy and behave stupid?"

The blood demon sect guardian sneered.

"There used to be the three big families in Tianxian City. The Xie family completely disappeared thousands of years ago. You Murong family and Lei family have tried to spend a lot of effort to find that thing, but you haven't found it."

"May I tell you that the token of the Xie family is now in the hands of our Blood Saint Sect!"

"Hand over things obediently, this seat will make you feel good, and will leave you with a trace of blood in the Murong family!"

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