at the same time,

Within Murong’s cave,

The entire cave world has become a mess at this moment, as if it has been hit by saturated artillery fire for three days and three nights, and it is devastated!

Especially in the center of the battle, there are looming dark cracks in the sky over a radius of tens of miles. The space is like shattered glass, and the dark cracks that are invisible to the fingers spread.


Above the earth,

The soil at the core is directly wiped out by an invisible big hand, revealing a huge basin with a depth of tens of miles wide and no end in sight!

At the edge of the abyss of the basin, beyond those dozens of miles away, the remaining earth's soil has also been cut through a thick layer, with huge cracks crisscrossing and cutting the earth to pieces!

All the green on the surface has disappeared,

The huge abyss of the earth that cannot be seen to the bottom, the criss-crossed cracks, the rolling magma, and the billowing smoke that is swept into the sky by the impact current, the hot temperature is permeated.

Above the sky, the impact of residual energy is still sweeping, setting off a storm of destruction, sweeping across the sky frantically.

All of this,

The secret realm of the cave that was originally like a paradise turned into a world of **** at this moment!

"It's careless!"

In the sky, amidst the storm swept by the energy impact, Zhang Qingyuan covered his chest and coughed a few times. His complexion was a little pale, a ray of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his figure was a little shaky.

Took a few deep breaths,

It took a while before he recovered, and his pale complexion reappeared a little blush.

he is injured!

In this collision, even though Zhang Qingyuan had already used his own strongest assassin, after being promoted to Dongzhen, he already had a drastically transformed natal killing magical power, but he was still defeated under that **** day attack. Next battle!

Wounded by that blow, suffered a lot of injuries.

"Sure enough, since I was promoted to the cave realm, although I still have a cautious mind, the smooth wind and smooth experience along the way has still made me careless!"

Zhang Qingyuan eased his breath and sighed authentically in his heart.

When he came to the land of Jiuzhou, even though he had seen a lot of cave realms, none of them could surpass him.

Whether it was the dean of Beishan Bieyuan Lu Shijie, the great elder Fan Gongliang of Qianyun Mountain, or the ancestor Murong, or even all the Dongzhen-level existences encountered in the exchange meeting.

Although the realm is much higher than his, Zhang Qingyuan is confident that he can easily suppress everyone if he talks about his true strength!

Among the circles I came into contact with,

Quite the feeling of being invincible in the world.

It is precisely because of this that, in a corner of his heart, pride that even he can't detect has breeded!

This fight can be regarded as a blow to Zhang Qingyuan, and completely dispelled the trace of arrogance that had risen in his heart!

Obviously, in my hunch, I feel that the other party may have the means to kill myself.

However, because of his carelessness, he eventually fell into the trap of the other party, and was delayed by the other party's words, and successfully used the last means of pressing the box.

Zhang Qingyuan was very clear about the power of that blow.

If it’s not that you have already been promoted to Dongzhen, if you have not cultivated to be able to defeat Dongzhen when you are in the true origin realm, you can kill the magical power of the Great Zhoutian and the five elements reincarnation.

If after being promoted to Dongzhen, your life’s magical powers have not changed along with it, and the power will rise to a higher level,

I am afraid that under this blow,

I am afraid I will die here!

Whether it is the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his own creation, the Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation, or the Xuanxian martial arts, in the face of this attack, there is no power at all!

The power of that blow is really too strong!

Even if his strongest assassin used his life to kill the magical power of the Great Zhoutian and the Five Elements Reincarnation, he was still unable to contend, being crushed by that vast and boundless force, forcibly shattered, and the terrifying force eventually wounded himself!

"The Jiuzhou Continent, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this is a wider world than Yuzhou Haizhou. Although the realm of the cave is already at the pinnacle of the spiritual world, it has not reached the level of invincibility!"

"There are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky, but you can't be as careless as today!"

Zhang Qingyuan sighed secretly in his heart.

The lesson this time,

It undoubtedly woke him up, more sober and cautious!

It's normal for people to make mistakes,

No one can make mistakes,

Zhang Qingyuan is not afraid of making mistakes.

I'm afraid that I don't know if I'm wrong, and I won't correct it if I know it's wrong.

Fortunately, he is not that kind of person,

Knowing mistakes can be corrected,

This is one of Zhang Qingyuan's best qualities along the way!

Clear up the mood,

During this period of time, Zhang Qingyuan mobilized the power of the five elements in his body, the principles of the five elements obliterated the different kinds of mana, and the wood line vitality repaired his body, already gradually suppressing the injuries in his body.

Not long after,

His face regained his blood,

The injuries in the body cannot be said to be fully recovered,

But at least, it doesn't affect him much.

After that, Zhang Qingyuan was indulged for a moment, and then the whole person seemed to enter the water, stepping into the void in one step.

next moment,

The sky ten miles away,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure walked out of the void, and the surrounding space was reflected, like ripples of water, but the whole person was teleporting, crossing a dozen miles of void in an instant.

The breath of the whole body is permeated, the Five Elements Dao machine corresponds to the heaven and the earth, and the diffused Dao Yun faintly turns the surrounding space into a method domain dojo!

The streamer revolves, and the brilliant light shines, setting him off like a descending fairy!

And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan's gaze glowed with a faint white light. Through the billowing smoke and dust storm that obscured his vision, he saw the big guardian lying on the ground not far away, his body fragmented, and only half of his breath was left.

Glance up and down,

The spread of spiritual consciousness is cautiously explored,

It is necessary to make sure that there is no danger in the other person,


Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed, and appeared in the sky more than ten feet in front of the great guardian like a flash.

He was suspended in mid-air, condescending, looking at the big guardian who had completely lost the ability to resist lying on the ground, his eyes were a bit complicated.

this person,

It was a good lesson for him.

Realm of Hole Not everyone is as easy to deal with as the realm of Hole he killed!

Face any opponent,

Don't be careless at any time!


He won after all!

"Why, even though I lost that attack, with my own strength, it was me who survived."

"And you, in order to stimulate that attack, ignoring the injury exhausted your few powers, and then you encountered the devastating impact of the collision, without the power to cope, and finally ended up like this."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed authentically.

In the previous collision, even though his own destiny to kill magical power was defeated,

But judging from the final result, it was him who won in the end!

The Blood Demon Sect is worthy of being the Demon Dao Sect. Although the power of the jade talisman seal inspired by the Great Guardian is terrifying, the price is also extremely terrible.

At the time of the battle, Zhang Qingyuan clearly sensed,

At that moment of excitation, when the terrifying power broke out, it almost drained the opponent's entire mana!

It is precisely because of this,

Although Zhang Qingyuan was defeated in the collision and confrontation of that blow, although he was injured, his injury was far less tragic than the one in front of him.

This is not surprising,

The destructive force of the collision bursts across the world, but you will not avoid your friendly unit just because you are the one who makes the move!

At that time, the Blood Demon Sect's Great Guardian was first severely injured by Zhang Qingyuan, and then sucked dry by that jade talisman. The lamp was already exhausted. Where could there be the power to resist the big explosion that destroyed the world?

The power that can penetrate even the void of the sky and the laws of the secret realm swept across, and the big guardian who was bombarded and involved was only half a breath!

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