
The words of the ancestor Murong caused Zhang Qingyuan's pupils to shrink to the size of a needle at this moment!

Not long ago,

He knew the definition of this immortal from Murong's ancestor.

That is above the realm of Dongzhen, the end of the road of cultivation for this world, the existence at the end of the road of cultivation!

Suddenly, Zhang Qingyuan remembered.

When I asked Murong's ancestor for information about the Primordial Immortal Sutra, the other side's expression had an unnatural feeling, as if something was hiding.

Finally, I specifically asked why I should pay attention to this issue. After I answered that I learned by accident, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the time, he just felt a little strange, but didn't doubt too much.

but now,

Everything is right!

Perhaps it is because of this Murong family, this Tianxian City, hidden things that can be related to the immortal in the ancient years!

this moment,

Even Zhang Qingyuan himself couldn't help but surge in his heart!

"You know, many years ago, this Tianxian City was not the current Tianxian City, but should be called another name, Tianxian City!"

After the ancestor Murong saw that he had revealed the news of the immortal, the young man in front of him still remained pampered, and his expression on his face had not changed much.

I admire him a little bit more in my heart.

A certain idea that hadn't been decided before became firmer.

"Sky Demon City?"

A hint of doubt flashed across Zhang Qingyuan’s eyes.

But it soon came over again. Just before that, when I was in the restaurant, I heard what the old book teller had said on the street.

Tianxian City, in fact, was not Tianxian City at the beginning, but rather Tianxian City!

But what does this have to do with Sky Demon City?

"Yes, Sky Demon City!"

The ancestor Murong nodded, and looked up at the top of the hole in the cave that was torn apart by the previous collision attack. His vision seemed to pass through the gap. He saw the sky outside the secret realm of the cave, and his eyes were full of complexity.

He didn't continue to suspend Zhang Qingyuan's appetite and continue to conceal it. Instead, he talked about a certain secret history.

Ten thousand years ago, this city was a city dominated by the Demon Race, named Sky Demon City, and it was a big city close to the Territory of the Demon Race for the Demon Race.

Also at that time,

Three powerful human races learned from a certain channel that in the ancient years, the descendants of a certain demon race who had followed a certain fairy, carrying the legacy left by their ancestors, were hidden in the sky demon city!

Thus, the three strong human races came together.

Through various means, the demon race that occupies the sky demon city was finally defeated, but when the demon race of the sky demon city left, they were ready to detonate the veins, wanting to razing the entire sky demon city to the ground.

But fortunately, after the three human race powerhouses spent a great price, they suppressed the riots.

But even if it is barely saved, the entire Sky Demon City is like a suppressed volcano. There is such a huge amount of energy underground. A carelessness may cause the world of thousands of miles to be wiped out in ashes!

The remains of the Sky Demon City could no longer be explored.

And in order to be able to suppress the turbulent earth vein energy,

The three strong human races spent a great deal of manpower and material resources, jointly arranged a huge formation, sealed the entire Sky Demon City, and rebuilt a city on the Sky Demon City. With the power of a city, The Sky Demon City, like a gunpowder barrel, was suppressed underground!

That is the origin of Tianxian City!

And those three strong human races also became the founders of Tianxian City, and in the following years, they each left their own blood and formed the three major families of Tianxian City.

And because the Sky Demon City was sealed by three powerful human races back then, so if you want to pass the great formation that sealed the Sky Demon City and enter the Sky Demon City, you need the tokens left by the three human ancestors back then.

There are three such tokens in total.

Each is in charge of three major families.

The Murong family and Lei family were also one of the three big families back then!

There was originally a Xie family,

However, thousands of years ago, due to a major change, the Xie family eventually extinguished the clan. In that major change that year, the Murong clan and the Lei clan were more or less mixed up later, trying to find the Xie family's legacy. It’s a pity that neither party seems to find it.

Moreover, after the Xie family was destroyed, both Murong and Lei family suspected that things had fallen into each other's hands.

As a result, the relationship between the two formerly mediocre two gradually deteriorated, and various frictions and conflicts have accumulated over time, to the point of death and death!

"But I didn't expect that the Xie family's token would eventually fall into the hands of the Blood Demon Sect, and I don't know what role they played in that great change back then."

The ancestor Murong sighed authentically.

"According to the ancestor's message, because of the changes in the Sky Demon City that happened too fast, they could only reluctantly suppress the detonated earth vein energy. Everything in the city has not been explored. They can only use the suppression seal to use time to crush the pounds. The vast energy is gradually consumed away."

"The demon city site that day has never been entered since the three ancestors sealed it."

"Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, I am afraid that the energy of the demon city that day will gradually wash away calmly in the torrent of time, and it is time to start! The old man does not know what the blood demon sect people want to do, but the old man knows that in the sky demon Before the city is opened again, those who are hiding in the dark will never let go of the old man or the Murong clan!"

The ancestor Murong said in a deep and authentic voice.

The secrets in the Sky Demon City were suppressed along with the seal ~ www.readwn.com~ no one can enter that city since then.

But one thing is certain,

What the three human ancestors planned must have something to do with the former immortal!

Otherwise, the three ancestors would not have spent so much energy on it. In the end, even if they could no longer enter the Celestial City, the three of them had never left the Celestial City. When they were dying, they solemnly made a will to their descendants. Ask this thing!

Although according to the words handed down by the ancestors, it was only a descendant of the blood of a monster who had followed a certain "fairy",

But any existence that can be related to the fairy in the legend, that has caused the three great energy to search for in a lifetime in the ancient years, is absolutely enough to make any monk in the real world go crazy!

Since the people of the Blood Demon Sect found this place,

And sent the three big holes to really come, I am afraid that I have already prepared!

In addition, the ancestors of the Lei family have taken refuge in each other,

Now that the entire Tianxian City has been reduced to a huge whirlpool, Murong's family, who is at the center of the whirlpool, has no possibility of escape at all!

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his head in thought,


This is a little troublesome.

But suddenly he seemed to think of something, and asked aloud:

"Does that old man know, what kind of race is the bloodline of the monster that once followed a certain fairy?"

"According to the record, it is a family of blazing Tianlin snakes, and it is pitiful to say it. Because of the existence of the ancestors of the blazing Tianlin snakes in the ancient years, basically every younger monk hit them big and small. Idea, now this monster race group has completely perished!"

The ancestor Murong said with emotion.

Without noticing at all, when Zhang Qingyuan on the side heard the name, his pupils suddenly shrank!

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