
Zhang Qingyuan is also a mortal.

For this feeling of being ignored by people, with more empathy.

While angering the coldness of the Blood Demon Sect, he also thought of more.

"High above the power, above the nine heavens, looking at all beings like ants, if I traveled to this world and didn't work hard, I might also be shaken to death by the aftershocks of the powerful fight, and there is no hope of changing my own destiny. !"

Looking at this immortal city in the ruins, Zhang Qingyuan was angry at the Blood Demon Sect for the deaths and injuries of hundreds of millions of people in the city.

But there was also a melancholy sigh in his heart.

If he did not master the power, his fate would not be much different from ordinary people in this city.

Life and death follow the tide, maybe one day a certain power stepped on it, and inadvertently trampled on a large piece of it!

Just like right now,

In order to open the Heavenly Demon City, which was suppressed by the Heavenly Immortal Town, the Blood Demon Sect treated the tens of millions of lives in the city indifferently, without any scruples!

Just as the ancestor Murong and Zhang Qingyuan were shaking in their hearts,

at the same time,

They clearly saw that there was a constant stream of light rising from the ruins of the Tianxian City, and then plunged into the huge crack and rushed into the suppressed Tianxian City below.

Those are all monks with a little bit of strength,

I saved my life during this great change, and then I saw the appearance of the ancient and weird city that was suppressed by the Tianxian Town. The first time I felt that it was an opportunity, I rushed into it without permission.

Originally, more monks just watched indifferently, waiting for others to make their way forward, but as the earth tore and the majestic aura in the cracks poured out, the monks who had been watching immediately regretted in their hearts. Zhi Se, hurriedly drove the escape light and plunged into it!

The richer the aura is, the higher the level of heaven, material and earth treasures produced, the more opportunities there will be!

Although most people don't know the whole story, but basically, they have already smelled the smell of opportunity!

On the Jiuzhou continent,

Once the young man got the chance and took advantage of the wind, this kind of experience is not just the existence in the novel!

All of a sudden, the streamer flickered, and Zhang Qingyuan faintly perceived that several powerful and majestic auras then rushed into it!

That is the mighty breath of the cave realm!

Even if they condensed their breath, Zhang Qingyuan, who was not allergic, could still perceive the fleeting fluctuations!

"It looks like they are all in, and those guys who participated in the exchange meeting but have not left yet, and with such power, I am afraid that the Dongzheng realm not far away will be attracted to it in all likelihood!"

Zhang Qingyuan was secretly authentic in his heart, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel tight in his heart.

If, as the ancestor Murong said, there are things in the demon city that have something to do with the immortal who stood at the end of the world, then he is naturally very interested!

For Zhang Qingyuan, who is aspiring to be at the top of the world of spiritual practice and eventually surpassing this world, the path taken by his predecessors is undoubtedly a great attraction for him.

What's more, the Red Flame Tianlin Snake clan is still a small fire clan!

"Little Huo, how is it, do you feel anything?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked Xiaohuo secretly in his heart.

"The call of blood is stronger, and it feels like there is a voice in the whole ear saying these things!"

Xiao Huo was a little confused and at a loss.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded slightly.

There are already some ideas in my mind.

Just as Zhang Qingyuan was thinking about how to prepare to speak, at this moment, the ancestor Murong's expression on the side was obviously tangled for a moment, and there was a trace of reluctance on his face, but he soon sighed, as if letting go of a certain knot in his heart. , Made a decision.

With a sigh in his heart, the ancestor Murong said to Zhang Qingyuan beside him:

"Xiaoyou Zhang, I need your help on one thing, I don't know..."


The appearance of the Sky Demon City undoubtedly caused a great shock in the Heavenly Immortal City and the nearby cultivation world.

The huge beam of light rising through the sky can still be seen vaguely even from three thousand miles away, which naturally caused the nearby monks to be continuously attracted.

A large number of monks broke into it, looking for opportunities in the Sky Demon City.

As a giant city site that has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, the accumulation of spiritual energy within it makes the entire Sky Demon City site turn into a hole in the sky.

The low-level elixir that was originally humble on the roadside has been washed by the aura for thousands of years, and after countless years of growth, it has grown into a century-old treasure of the world!

It can be said to be a panacea everywhere, and opportunities everywhere!

However, with the continuous influx of monks, the battles and conflicts between the monks in the ruins of the Sky Demon City became more and more fierce.

And at this time,

In a certain blood-colored space, the world was gloomy, and the whole world was infested by the dull Blood Fiend law domain.


Suddenly, a loud shout burst like thunder and shook the whole world!

Immediately after that, a vast and boundless coercion swept across the entire void like a torrent of tsunami ~ www.readwn.com~ The light in the blood-colored space became dimmed sharply.

The world filled with Lingde in the void is also the pressure of fear, shivering!

A figure immediately hit the chest like a heavy hammer, and the whole person was lifted out like a rag doll, rolling and falling not far away, setting off a cloud of smoke and dust!


The figure coughed and spit out a mouthful of blood, clutching his chest, and barely struggled to stand up, looking at the figure that escaped in front of him with an extremely terrifying aura, his expression was extremely terrified.

This person is surprisingly Lei Wanhong, the ancestor of the Lei family who successfully escaped!

However, in the old days, the ancestors of the Lei family, who are in the heavenly city can be said to call the wind and the rain. Any attitude can determine the life and death of tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, facing the figure in front of him, his face was full of sincerity and fear:

"My lord spare my life! My lord spare my life!"

Lei Wanhong repeatedly bends over, begging for mercy with a horrified expression.

"Three people, two in the middle of the legal realm, and one at the peak of the early stage of the legal realm. To besiege and kill a half-remaining old man in the middle of the legal realm, and a newly promoted newcomer to the legal realm. Two people were counter-killed, and only one escaped. come out?!"


Zuo Tianzun's face was as gloomy as water at this moment, and the black face could almost be twisted out of water.

The terrifying aura escaping from the whole body not only dimmed the light, but also made the entire space faintly cracked!

Even Void couldn't bear his terrifying anger!

"What's the use of the deity to come for waste like you!"

Unparalleled anger, like the essence, turned into an overwhelming tsunami that would submerge and cover the entire world, and the blood-colored ignorance would turn the world into a billowing ground, sweeping every corner of the world!

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