As one of the two giants in Tianxian City, surpassing tens of millions of people, being aloof, calling the wind and calling the rain, naturally there will be no natural bones, willing to be the next generation!

These days, the low-pitched sigh has already made Lei Wanhong feel angry.

But all that is for the smooth implementation of the plan!

The Lei family occupies the Heavenly Immortal City and has been passed on for thousands of years. In this generation, two great holes have finally appeared brilliantly. How could it easily leave all the ancestors’ foundations, take refuge in the Demon Sect, and go to the barren land outside the continent. That is not only hard, but also a life of selling one's life that is reduced to a tool by others? !

The so-called demon sect, to put it nicely, is the magic power and reputation, but to put it badly, it is just a group of bereaved dogs!

Let the Lei family give up the rich life of the native Yunzhou, run to the poor mountains and bad waters, and lead a life that will never make it out for a lifetime, how is this possible!

"People of the Five Elements Sect, have they all been notified?"

Lei Wanhong suppressed the anger and disdain in his heart, and asked the younger Lei family aloud.

"It's been notified, ancestors, and the whereabouts of those people have been acting according to our assumptions. The top five elements have sent Gale to investigate. It is estimated that there have been some changes in the back of the big people, as long as the exact news is Pass it back and it’s not impossible for more big shots to come."

"The guy in Gale, the rumors are not so good, huh! This is indeed the method of the Five Elements Sect. If something happens at that time, it will be good for them to take it. The black pot is the stupid of Gale. It is really a good calculation. !"

Lei Wanhong snorted coldly.

In the words, the senses of the Five Elements School are obviously not much better.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as people arrive, that's enough. Next, I will try my best to find the kid named Zhang Yuan, report it to the Blood Demon Sect, and use him to delay Zuo Tianzun's actions! I have finished the set, and I will wait. To draw them up."

"But ancestor, that Zhang Yuan really has the strength to deal with Zuo Tianzun who can deal with the Blood Demon Sect? That is a giant of the Demon Sect! If that kid loses too fast, will it affect my plan? "

"Hmph, of course that kid can't be Zuo Tianzun's opponent, and the old man doesn't expect him to have much influence on the Blood Demon Sect and his party, but a delay is enough."

Lei Wanhong stood with his hands in his hands, his expression arrogant, and he showed a look that he was in control.

"That weird kid is just a chess piece, a chess piece that delays Zuo Tianzun for a while and makes you suspicious!"

"It is the people of the Five Elements Sect that can really make a difference! Under our guidance, they will inevitably have conflicts. That's the best time for me to wait!"

The pupils of the Lei Family's ancestors flashed with ambitious light.

When the powerhouses at the top level have confrontation and battle, then it is the time for them to fish in troubled waters!

And sitting on the two big holes of the real Lei family, and the information handed down by the ancestors of the Lei family, it is bound to be able to take the lead and obtain that thing!

No one knew about it. Among the three ancestors of Tianxian City, their ancestors of the Lei family had learned a very important secret.

This secret,

Enough for them to gain a great opportunity in exploring the Sky Demon City!

And this secret is always in the hands of the core cultivator of Lei Jiadong's true level. It is the basis for Lei Wanhong to dare to calculate the two giants of the Five Elements Sect and the Blood Demon Sect at the same time!

"If you can get something like the ancestor's mouth, and get the secret of becoming immortal, then even if the entire Lei Family is destroyed, it will be worth it!"

In Lei Wanhong's eyes, a cold color flashed faintly.


Ruins of Sky Demon City,

Since tens of thousands of years have passed, the seal of that year and the energy of the earth veins that are enough to destroy the sky demon city for thousands of miles have been combined, resulting in an incredible change. Under a certain "special" environment, the entire sky demon city remains In ten thousand years, it has grown into an extremely vast area, hundreds of thousands of miles wide!

During this process, the ruins of the Sky Demon City were also torn apart by the expanding mystery.

Broken into pieces,

All over every corner of the cave world!


Although the Tianxian City was smashed by the three ancestors of the Tianxian City, the remaining demons were either dead or evacuated, but there were still fierce beasts wandering by the demon's imperial envoys in the city.

These fierce beasts live in this world without human intervention, and their entire cave sky secret realm is extremely abundant. After thousands of years of evolution, the fierce beasts living here are terrifying, and there are even holes in between. The existence of the fierce beast overlord at the true law domain level, occupying thousands of miles of land, is fierce and mighty!

But this is not over yet,

With the destruction of the Sky Demon City and the suppression of the terrifying energy of the earth veins, within ten thousand years of this evolution, I don’t know what happened to the secret realm of the cave.

Became extremely sinister,

All sorts of dangerous places that can invisibly deprive life of life seem to be the combination of the wreckage of the fierce monster beasts and the qi mechanism of heaven and earth, forming a natural lore array, dangerously forbidden places one after another.

While gaining great gains, the crisis is also unprecedentedly sinister!

Within three short days, the number of monks who entered the weird sky cave secret realm of Sky Demon City had already been reduced by nearly half, and they were basically dead in this sinister environment!

But at the same time, the rich harvest is still attracting the intrusion of monks from outside.

But everyone has such a fluke mentality,

Other people’s bad luck is that they have bad luck. Why can’t you be the lucky one?

And as long as you are a little more careful and pay more attention, you have a greater chance of avoiding danger, right? !

In this context,

The number of people killed and injured did not scare others. On the contrary, it was the deeds of collecting thousands of years of elixir and obtaining all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, or extremely cherished heaven and earth treasures, so as to break through the border and improve. crazy!

In this context,

The entire secret realm cave sky of Sky Demon City was shrouded in a frenzied fight, and the blood evil aura filled the sky, causing the entire sky to become dark and red in the dark, filled with a restless atmosphere.

at this time,

Somewhere on the top of a mountain,

Zhang Qingyuan was standing on the top of the mountain, holding a piece of old broken parchment in his hand, watching the trend of the mountains in the sky and the earth from time to time, as if calculating the direction.


call out!

Several rays of light suddenly rushed out of the surrounding dense forest, dozens of feet-long terrifying true essence swept through with a sharp whistle, tearing the air, with a fierce aura, as if to cut him off at that moment!


Zhang Qingyuan, who was calculating the map in the parchment, raised his brow.

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