Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Weird sea of ​​bones

call out!

On the gloomy sky, below is the boundless earth.

A stream of light swiftly passed high above the sky at an extremely fast speed, but when it passed, it was silent and silent. Even the light and shadow behind him disappeared quickly, obviously converging the breath.

In the blink of an eye, the light and shadow swept across the distance, and in a flash, it landed on a mountain below.

The peak is a hundred feet high, a bare rock cliff.

Looking down from above,

A **** mist shrouded in front, and the ground was densely covered with a sea of ​​white bones with almost no end in sight!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure stood on the top of the mountain, the invisible and intangible consciousness spreading, preparing to explore the surrounding environment clearly.


In that sea of ​​blood-colored bones, there seems to be an invisible force that inhibits the exploration of divine consciousness. Even with Zhang Qingyuan's current practice of divine consciousness, it only explores an area within a radius of four or five miles!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingyuan did not frown, but heaved a sigh of relief.

"This is it!"

According to the memories of the few people who searched for their souls, this sea of ​​bones was forbidden from divine consciousness, and they were so angry that they approached a little bit. As a result, they felt a huge movement in the distance, shaking the mountains, and With an extremely terrifying aura swept across, as if the Hell Tianyuan, and then the white bone forest sea seemed to come back to life, each of the white bones and skulls stood up again, and besieged them toward them!

That horrible scene directly caused all the cultivators below the Eighth Layer of True Yuan among them to die here.

The remaining few of them relied on their strength to surpass others, and barely escaped from the sea of ​​bones of activity.

But after experiencing that incident, the healing pills and magical treasures of spirit stones on their hands were almost completely consumed.

For this reason, when Zhang Qingyuan was looking at the map alone on the mountain, he temporarily took a break and prepared to besiege and kill, but he did not expect to hit the iron plate.

But it is precisely because of this that these people brought such an important message to Zhang Qingyuan, which can be said to be infinite merit.

"Boss, what was the demon blood pool that day, can it really help me get promoted to Dongzhen?"

Xiao Huo's look was also a little excited.

After all, for it, being able to get promoted to Dongzhen is definitely something to be very excited about.

"Don't worry, if the Murong family's records are correct, the accumulation of thousands of years will definitely promote you to Dongzhen, you see..."

Zhang Qingyuan is confident,

Pointing to the sea of ​​bones below,


I saw that the ground in front of me suddenly felt like a shaking mountain, and the space was trembling. I saw a huge beast flying by over a hundred meters long. The roaring sound was full of bloodthirsty smell, crazy. The ground rushed into the Bone Forest Sea!

But then, a terrifying scene appeared!

As the alien beast rushed into the sea of ​​white bones, the blood-colored mist that enveloped the sky was like a living thing, and it actually sent out a kind of joy that makes people feel creepy, like a tide surging toward the alien beast. Come.

at the same time,

The entire sea of ​​bones seemed to come alive at this moment.

Layers of white bone sea surging like waves, like a living behemoth, opened the huge mouth of the abyss, quietly waiting for the arrival of the prey, and swallowed it in one bite!

And that huge behemoth, enveloped by the dense **** mist and overwhelming malice, turned out to be eroded by an invisible force, like time rushing across the body, glowing indestructible from the surface of the body. The epidermis quickly lost its light and color, dried up and cracked one after another, and then fell off in large pieces!

Large areas of the epidermis collapsed, and the flesh and blood quickly dried up. The alien beast that was hundreds of feet long became a withered skeleton in just a few breaths!

Fanning his shriveled wings, his head raised up with a bellows-like scream, set off a huge demonic energy that impacted in all directions, making a loud rumbling noise, and blasting the sea of ​​bones into a huge hollow one after another!

But this dying struggle didn't last long. Soon the alien beast lost all its vitality. After the last stern and desperate roar, the shriveled body fell from the air like a mummy. .

In this process, the dry skin, muscles, bones and flesh are as if they have suffered thousands of years of weathering, and they quickly fall off and turn into gravel.

In the end, it turned into a white bone frame, fell to the ground, and became one of the white bones that can't be seen on the earth!

at the same time,

In the area where the huge alien beast fell,

The **** smoke became more intense,

Yin Hong is like blood, like a mass of real blood!


Xiao Huo took a deep breath at this moment, and swallowed with difficulty!

"Boss, although the guy just now was a fierce beast with no wisdom, but with that level of aura, he was a half-step hole-level thing, that's gone?!"

"This sea of ​​bones with no end in sight, I'm afraid that's how it came, and how do I feel as if this thing is alive?"

" I think we'll just forget it, my small body can't stop these things, it's better to look for other opportunities..."

At this moment, Xiao Huo's heart was full of anxiety.

I was afraid that my black-hearted boss couldn't think about it, so I threw myself down.

If that's the case, it's over!

This sea of ​​bones in front of me is a forbidden place where humans and animals are extinct!

Can't afford to provoke!

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

Zhang Qingyuan ignored this guy, grabbed its tail, and stepped out in one step. The space under his feet seemed to shrink to an inch, and it fell on the edge of the sea of ​​bones in the blink of an eye.


The weird sea of ​​white bones seemed to sense the arrival of living creatures, and a faintly salivating gaze appeared. The **** mist full of malicious and unknown on top of it also flows like a living thing. , Gradually gathered together, full of weirdness.

"Old, boss, or let's just forget it!"

Sensing this overwhelming malice, Xiao Huo swallowed with difficulty.

However, Zhang Qingyuan ignored this guy directly.

Step forward,

Stepped into the bounds of this bone forest.


At that moment, a sharp scream sounded, and the boundless sea of ​​bones in front of the forest was shaking violently at this moment, as if the terrifying gods and demons above the wilds were awakened, and the boundless waves of bones flew up. , To Zhang Qingyuan and the endless terrible pressure of the small fire on the side!

And at this moment,

Xiaohuo found,

The original retreat behind him has completely disappeared, turned into a vast ocean of white bones with no end in sight, boundless, and no way out can be seen!

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