
Just as Zhang Qingyuan was on alert, the world shook violently!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a vast expanse of breath rising into the sky, making the already gloomy light in the sky completely dimmed!

On the ground of the white bones in front of him, amidst the violent shaking, huge cracks suddenly collapsed, and then a huge white bone hand came out from the big underground hole, wrapped in a sharp claw wind. , Tearing the space, shrouded directly at Zhang Qingyuan.

That is a huge and unmatched hand with white bones!

A finger is as long as hundreds of feet, and the entire giant white hand is more like covering the sky, enveloping the deep weirdness and unknown, crushing down with great strength, and the void shattered along the way, revealing a stretched hand. The invisible dark abyss, as if to shatter everything in front of you!

"This is not an illusion!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes condensed slightly, a palm shot, the five aggregates of colors gathered in the palm, the power of the five elements is more like covering the whole world, the vast power spreading overwhelmingly, it also turned into a big hand covering the sky several hundred meters long. Ruthlessly together with that huge bone claw!


The huge impact, as if Mars hit the earth, the whole world was shaking violently at this moment!

The violent energy erupted like a storm, and the bones of the earth were shattered into cracks, and collapsed one after another. The invisible force squeezed, and the bones screamed and squeezed into bone meal. , And then dissipated with the airflow in the energy shock!

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan's figure couldn't help being shaken back a few steps. With this force, the whole person retreated and leaped to the sky.

Zhang Qingyuan stood in the air, looking ahead.

The impact of this blow made the giant white hand seem uncomfortable. Zhang Qingyuan was directly hit by the palm of his hand, and he retracted back into the abyss of the huge cracked hole!

At the same time, I can only see the bones underground,

In front of the huge Bone Mountain, a dense sea of ​​bones surrounds the hole stretched out by the giant white bone hand, surging like a sea wave, and then a beam of light red as blood soars into the sky from the crack hole!

Along with the rise of the beam of light, a huge shadow slowly rises!

That figure was wrapped in dark armor, like a mummy that was magnified a hundred times and a thousand times. Through the gaps in the armor, you could see the completely dry flesh and blood, and only the bones of Bai Sensen remained at the arm. , But its entire body is as high as thousands of feet, casting an extremely heavy oppressive power to the world like a giant god!

The entire space seems to have stagnated under heavy pressure at this moment!

"This thing is your last resort!"

The huge armored figure roared, and the sound made the space tremble in large swaths, squeezing away in all directions, and the terrifying aura swept in all directions!

This terrible roar, spreading for dozens of miles, the little fire beside Zhang Qingyuan all raised his throat, and his heart was so terrified that it almost stopped suddenly!

If it weren't for Zhang Qingyuan's aura to protect him, I am afraid that just the aura of that skeletal giant would be enough to crush it to death!

The fluctuations in the amount of violent violence emanating from the bone giant also made Mu Chen secretly startled.

The power of this big guy has already reached the True Hole Realm. Even a monk at the late stage of the True Hole Realm would have to spend a lot of effort to deal with it!

Obviously, this big guy should be the strongest method of the Sky Demon Blood Pool!

After Zhang Qingyuan shattered the illusion of the Heavenly Demon Blood Pool, he walked without any worries all the way, largely because the Heavenly Demon Blood Pool condensed almost all of its power into this skeletal giant!

And with the appearance of this skeletal giant,

Zhang Qingyuan clearly perceives that the **** mist covering the sea and sky of the Bone Forest has faded more than a bit, and even the power that suppresses the consciousness is dissipated a lot!


Just as Zhang Qingyuan was thinking about it, the skeletal giant's red eyes stared at Zhang Qingyuan violently, and once again let out a deafening roar, grabbing his hand at the void beside him, and a big bone stick that was hundreds of feet long appeared in it. In his hand, heavy stick shadows waved, dark and deep energy lingering on it, accompanied by the dance of stick shadows, it seemed that even the space was shattered!

The skeletal giant was holding the stick in his hand, and one jumped to the sky. At this moment, the white bone stick was haunted by the deep gloomy black light, and the incidental energy swept towards Zhang Qingyuan with the energy that was so empty and fearful for it!

The speed of this skeletal giant was astonishingly fast, the giant stick of bones turned into an overwhelming afterimage, and the vast expanses of space were shattered!


Accompanied by a loud noise, it was seen that the huge shadow of the stick was wrapped in an unmatched potential, and it bombarded like lightning!

Break through the space and come in a flash!

It hit Zhang Qingyuan's head and his entire figure was bombarded and shattered!


Swept by this fierce and incomparable stick, Zhang Qingyuan's figure, along with the void of several meters around him, was shattered into gravel at this moment!

The remaining power swept across, making a violent rumbling sound. The entire sky and the earth seemed to be overturned at this moment. The white bones and the earth were all split in half under this terrifying stick, more than ten miles. The long huge crack spread and opened, revealing an invisible crack in the abyss!

The world is shaking violently,

Smoke swept the sky, dyeing half of the sky white!


A stick shattered the mountains and rivers and bombarded the invading enemy, but the scarlet pupils of the bone giant showed a trace of dazedness!

Huh, what about the flesh and blood energy of that two-legged creature?

The wisdom that is not strong makes him unable to understand the truth.

In the past, there was a strong invasion. When it went down and killed the opponent with a stick like this, at the same time, the majestic flesh and blood energy would escape and become the food for his growth.

But the two-legged creature that gave him a very dangerous feeling clearly felt terrible, but after breaking it, there was no trace of sweet flesh and blood energy!

How is this going?

The skeletal giant's eyes were blank and really couldn't understand.

At this moment,

"Pure to the extreme power, possessing the ability to destroy all magic with a single force, I am afraid that even a cultivator in the late legal realm can't block your stick head-on!"

The faint voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Like strands, the ubiquitous breeze airflow invades every inch of the void of heaven and earth, without shadows and traces, no way to touch.

"But unfortunately, your shortcomings are also very obvious, and this is enough to become your most fatal weakness!"

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