The overwhelming sword power swept across the entire sky, and wherever it passed, the void seemed to have been chopped through a huge cracked abyss, spreading hundreds of thousands of feet of void!

Revealing the dark chaos that swallowed some light!

Accompanied by the invincible edge sweeping, the horror made people feel the trembling fluctuations, making everyone present feel as if they have fallen into the abyss of hell!

"You dare!"

At this moment, Daoist Gale showed an unprecedented horror on his face, roaring loudly, his voice resounding like thunder.

But everyone present could already hear the stern and restrained meaning in that voice!

It's just that for the views of the people around, the Daoist Gale is completely unconcerned!

At this moment, he put all his mind on the brave young kid in front of him.

How dare he!

He is the real world power of the Five Elements Saint Sect, how dare this little devil make a move? !

Isn't he afraid of angering Yunzhou's overlord, the Five Elements Saint Sect, and causing the people of the sect to be chased and killed?

For a moment,

Many thoughts flashed through the mind of the Gale Daoist, and his face was full of unbelievable.

However, he didn't have the opportunity to think too much anymore. The long river of horrible sword aura that seemed to split the entire void had already tore through the heavens and swept in front of him!

All the things resisting the front, even the void, are easily wiped out!

The power of horror and the crisis of life and death are coming, making Galewind Dao people's spiritual awareness and warning signs flicker crazily!

Will die!

If this sword can't stop it, you will die!

That kid didn't keep any hands at all, full of murderous intentions against him!

boom! ! !

Above the sky, a vast and majestic aura exploded, impacting the sky and the earth like a vast sea, and the void shook violently. At this moment, Daoists of Gale had a great desire to survive, and all the power in the body was at this moment. Broke out.

The light of three colors of red, orange and green bloomed, and the mana fluctuations of the fire and the gold and the wood broke out at this moment.

The power of each law is enough to crush mountains and rivers, and the three powers converge together to produce earth-shaking improvements, turning into energy to destroy everything in the world!

"Block me!!!"

The Daoist Gale roared, his face distorted at this moment.

But unfortunately,

Reality is not an anime novel, and his gale is not the protagonist in an anime. The louder the roar, the power can increase rapidly, which in turn will crush the villain.

At the moment when the Gale Daoist broke out,

The long river of sword power that can not resist its sharpness also runs through. The strength of the three-line law condensed by the Gale Daoist, under that sharp sword power, has not been able to resist even a quarter of an hour. A sword cut through the air, and the remaining power swept past, cutting his body in half by volley...

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The earth-shaking sword power swept across a wide area of ​​tens of miles, the sky was cut open, leaving a huge crack and abyss tens of miles across the sky.

The color of the cracks, as black as ink, swallowed all the light, and gave people a sense of fear!

And at this time,

The terrifying wind storms that swept across the long river of sword power also swept along with them, setting off an extremely terrifying wind between the heavens and the earth, and the monks who had gathered around them were all lifted out!

Only a few cultivators at the pinnacle of the True Essence Realm poured the True Essence into their feet, and their figure was swaying in the energy storm that swept through, but they could barely resist it!

The devastating storm lasted for a while,

Until a quarter of an hour later,

It has only gradually subsided, but the True Origin Realm cultivators are barely able to stand in place.

The remaining monks almost got out of the mud. The pressure between heaven and earth has disappeared. The true essence in the body can barely run smoothly, and the breath of true essence shook, and the dust covered with smoke was bounced away.


When their sight was restored and they looked up to the sky, they saw a scene almost unforgettable for them!

I saw above the sky,

A spherical shadow traversed a round parabola in mid-air, traversed hundreds of feet, and finally fell into the hands of the terrifying young monk on the ground.

The unfamiliar young hole is really capable of grabbing the spherical object and lifting it high,


A voice pressed like a Tianxian, covering every voice between the heavens and the earth, as if the emperor ordered, there was no murmur between the heavens and the earth, and it entered everyone's ears with majesty.

"Those who dare to cross the line, end like this, die!"

Up to this moment,

The smoke and dust are a little thinner,

And the people after that really saw the appearance of the ball held high in the hands of that young strange hole, really powerful.

What kind of sphere is that?

It's just a head!

The head of a notorious Dongzheng monk from the Five Elements Saint Sect, the overlord of the Yunzhou Cultivation Realm!

At this moment,

The head of the Daoist Gale was so powerfully held up by the young monk Dongzhen, his face was still faintly discernible.

Perhaps when he died, the crack Taoist still couldn't believe how dare this kid? !

How dare he really kill himself!

It's just that everyone has no intention to pay attention to this. Everyone looked at this scene, and there was a stormy sea in their hearts. Even if it was a calm monk in the past, there was a horror that could not be concealed!


The Daoist Gale actually died!

It's not just that the young strange hole really has no scruples about the Holy Sect of the Five Elements at all.

It is because of the strength of the opponent!

Although there are not many people present who are filled with great disgust towards that guy, Gale has lived to this day, and it's not just relying on the background of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

As the power of the cave realm,

No matter how bad the reputation is, the strength can't be too low!


It is because of the strength of the opponent!

Although there are not many people present who are filled with great disgust towards that guy, Gale has lived to this day, and it's not just relying on the background of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

As the power of the cave realm,

No matter how bad the reputation is, the strength can't be too low! It is because of the strength of the opponent!

Although there are not many people present who are filled with great disgust towards that guy, Gale has lived to this day, and it's not just relying on the background of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

As the power of the cave realm,

No matter how bad the reputation is, the strength can't be too low! It is because of the strength of the opponent!

Although there are not many people present who are filled with great disgust towards that guy, Gale has lived to this day, and it's not just relying on the background of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

As the power of the cave realm,

No matter how bad the reputation is, the strength can't be too low!

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