
The majestic blood pool energy, the undercurrent impact, and the dazzling light obscured all vision. The terrible energy attached to each surge impact is enough to easily crush any monk in the True Element Realm into ashes!

Zhang Qingyuan is surrounded by the power of the Five Elements Dao Yun, and continuously transforms the majestic energy that has swept through it into the purest energy. It absorbs little by little and turns it into a resource for continuously strengthening itself!

However, he did not stop because of the immediate benefits.

Even after slaying the Daoist Gale, there was no time to inspect the storage ring he obtained, and the figure quickly flew towards the depths of the sky demon blood pool.

Zhang Qingyuan doesn't know how long the remaining means can withstand. He can only say that he speeds up as much as possible, and the benefits are digested and absorbed.

Despite Zhang Qingyuan's current strength, even if the cultivator of the real world came, he would not have much fear.

It's just a little more effort.

But after all, the less troublesome things are, the better.

Along with Zhang Qingyuan's rapid fall, the blood pool energy around him has also become more and more intense. The strong convective pressure generated by it is probably because the real monks of Half a Step Cave have arrived here, and they will not be able to carry it for long!

And the deeper you go, the greater the pressure!

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't show the slightest hesitation on his face, and the figure was still descending quickly. In his perception, the distance that could cause him to sense was getting closer and closer!

And at the same time,

In this pool of blood, Zhang Qingyuan heard vaguely, something seemed to be beating!

Like a huge drum, it was struck in the depths of the blood pool, sending out deep and distant vibrations, bursts of waves from the depths of the blood pool, as if it had some resonance with the blood in his body!

"What could it be?"

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's heart also aroused great curiosity.

The speed has accelerated again a bit.

After a quarter of an hour,

Zhang Qingyuan dived for an unknown distance, roughly estimated to be at least a few miles deep, and finally reached the bottom of the Heavenly Demon's blood pool!

And here,

Zhang Qingyuan finally saw the thing that caused his heart and blood to tremble!

At the bottom of the demon blood pool that day, there was a placenta-like thing that spanned thousands of feet and covered the entire bottom of the pool that was magnified thousands of times!

A huge living biological placenta!

Strips of pink tentacles, like long beards, float in this pool of blood, floating like ribbons!

And at the same time,

In the center of that huge placenta, there is a huge blood-colored heart that is like a hill, beating like the drums of the wild!

That huge heart beats vigorously every second,

At the same time every beating,

They are all swallowing a huge amount of energy, turning it into a dense torrent of torrents, intersecting with the power of the entire sky demon blood pool, and it is the source of all power for the sky demon blood pool!

And the energy energy machine contained in that heart, in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes at this moment, is like a big sun emitting extremely blazing energy machine!

Only the emission of that Qi machine means that it possesses a vast power that the monks in the realm of the cave can't bear!

"That's it!"

"Unexpectedly, Heaven and Earth Fortune Xuanqi can actually do this!"

"No wonder I feel that the demon blood pool seems to have consciousness on this day. I am afraid that such a blood pool has gradually evolved into the category of "life" after thousands of years of accumulation!"

this moment,

Looking at the huge beating heart on the "placenta" below, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed with light, and there was a wave of waves in his heart.

He could feel that the huge heart in front of him was the true essence accumulated by the entire Heavenly Demon blood pool for thousands of years!

As long as the miraculous heart in front of him has been refined, the huge Taoism and energy contained therein will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the improvement of his body training!


Without much hesitation,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure quickly flew towards the huge heart.

Just when he reached the distance of hundreds of feet,



The consciousness of the sky demon blood pool seemed to be in danger, and the placenta at the bottom of the pool violently rolled up at this moment, causing a huge storm at the bottom of the pool.

Immediately after,

The huge tentacles pierced the water like a dragon, roaring torn apart the space, and strangling in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan with terrifying power!

Everywhere along the way, the space seemed to be torn and shattered, and the large tracts of space swayed, causing the extremely strong energy in the blood pool to produce even greater turbulence!

The apparently soft and pink tentacle arms are transformed into the most vicious and terrifying monsters at this moment, opening their **** and hideous mouths, revealing long and sharp teeth ~ ~ vows to devour Zhang Qingyuan and destroy it. !

"Huh, dying to struggle!"

Zhang Qingyuan snorted coldly, and his body shook, and the surrounding Dao Yun Qi machine shook and turned into a tangible five-color divine wheel, centering on his whole person, reflecting the terrifying force that made the void also shattered!

A large number of tentacles flooded the sky and the earth, instantly submerging Zhang Qingyuan's entire figure!

But the next moment,


There was a muffled sound,

The power of the five elements of the week and the sky blended and collided, producing a terrifying annihilation force that was difficult to describe in words, and instantly tore and shatter the dense tentacles around them, crushing them into dust!

Those fierce and incomparable "Flood Dragons" have almost no resistance, and they are easily torn apart like paper!

"If it is another cultivator of the cave realm, it may feel a little troublesome to face you with such a method, but it is a pity that you met me!"

In the flat voice,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was haunting the Five Elements God Wheel, was like a ruin and invincible along the way. He directly broke through the dense forest of tentacles and crashed into that huge heart!

boom! ! !

The moment Zhang Qingyuan hit the huge heart, he seemed to have entered the richest and purest Taoist energy between heaven and earth!

That pure essence,

Almost without refining, he entered directly into Zhang Qingyuan's body and quickly improved his strength!

Not only that,

The power of Dao Yun law created by the beating of the heart is also the source of the purest Dao law between heaven and earth, so that the power of the Five Elements Dao law that Zhang Qingyuan has mastered is active at this moment!


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