
Lei Tianhao is not a person waiting for death. In a crisis, the whole body burst out with thick buckets of thunder and lightning, tearing the sky apart. Under the action of an invisible force, this madness and boundless thunder converged and twisted into each other. A horrible thunder dragon with a length of hundreds of meters, the bright thunder light oscillated, roaring and coiling around Lei Tianhao, turning into an indestructible thunder buckler, to resist this terrifying hand that overwhelms the world!

All the power in the body burst out at this moment, and the Thunder Law domain spread out instantly!

Wherever the lightning flashes, the space seems to be shattered by the fight!

The gloomy light, which can't see the slightest light, surrounds its surface, revealing waves that make people feel terrified!


All this is in vain!

The big hand that covers the sky and the sun, the five fingers are like the power of the five elements rotating between the golden, wood, water, fire and earth, intertwined into a five-element world, rapidly extending in all directions, turning into a five-element world, encompassed between the palms, overwhelming The world is empty!

This is like a big hand covering the world, after defeating Lei Tianhao's previous lightning giant pillar, as if his power had not decayed at all, he slapped him mightily!

Click, click...

The crisp cracking sound resounded between the heaven and the earth, as before, the thunder shield that hovered around Lei Tianhao, as fragile as glass, easily shattered by huge power!


Lei Tianhao's eyes widened in horror, his face was full of incredible expression, and he was ready to struggle, but it was too late.

The big hand in the air seemed to be consciously manipulating, and he slapped him between the palms with a slap. The power of the five elements was intertwined into a chain of laws, intertwined, and turned into a law seal, sealing all the power in his body!

Within a few short breaths, Lei Tianhao was able to destroy the true level of the horror hole of mountains and rivers. He was easily grasped and suppressed by this palm, and quickly dissipated, as if he had become an ordinary mortal.

Lei Tianhao's whole figure was like a rag doll, grabbed by the terrifying big hand, and took it back.

Thousands of feet of void disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if teleporting through space. Zhang Qingyuan grabbed Lei Tianhao's body in front of him. As soon as he loosened his hand, he fell to the ground with a splash, splashing smoke and dust on the ground.

Lei Tianhao sat paralyzed on the ground, staring in horror at the unfathomable and profound aura in front of him, as if he could not see the end of the young monk.

The body staggered back, trying to back away and escape.

this person,

This person is absolutely impossible for him to deal with!

This level of power, even in the entire Northern Mountain Region, is definitely a giant standing at the top level!

It is a terrifying power that exists only when standing at the top of the Northern Mountain Region practice world!

Such an existence, but how could he be able to deal with him who hadn't been promoted for a long time? !

And the fact is the same, it was just a time of meeting, and he was caught in front of him by a single move, which was unimaginably powerful at all!


Must escape!

At this moment, endless fear arose in Lei Tianhao's heart, and there was only one thought left in his mind, that is to leave here immediately!


When he was discovered by Zhang Qingyuan, life and death were no longer in his hands!

When Lei Tianhao staggered backwards, preparing to explode with power to flee, he saw one after another on the surface of his body, like chains, intertwined and entangled on the surface.

Lei Tianhao tried his best to mobilize the power in his body, but only caused the chain of light that was tangled around his body to inflate a little, and he was quickly pressed back again!

The seal that the power of the five elements turned into was one of the methods Zhang Qingyuan used to deduced by Dayan Shu.

Based on the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements, it is turned into a substantial chain, blockade and intertwined, even for himself, it takes a lot of effort to be able to break free.

It's impossible for a guy who hasn't been in the cave for a long time to break free!

I didn’t care about Lei Tianhao’s struggle,

Zhang Qingyuan stood with his hands,

Looking down at the small fire in the sky demon blood pool ahead, his voice said indifferently:

"Let's say, Lei Wanhong sent you over, what are you going to do?"

When Lei Tianhao, who was struggling, heard this sentence, his heart suddenly became tight, and some beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but he quickly suppressed the vision, and forcefully calmed down:

"No, it's nothing. The villain just saw the huge inspiration rising from this side, so he came to see if there was any chance. This is a coincidence. If there is any offense, please forgive me!"

Lei Tianhao, who had been forcibly calmed down, had his brain moving quickly, and finally realized that in front of this level of existence, unless the other party showed kindness, it was impossible to escape.

So gave up the struggle and bowed his head begging for mercy.

"Since it is a coincidence, what are you nervous about?"

Zhang Qingyuan's gaze turned, and his gaze was placed on Lei Tianhao.

The eyes are as deep as the starry sky, and those gazes seem to be able to see through the human and all the secrets in my heart can be seen through!


Lei Tianhao left sweat beads on his forehead again, just about to say something.


There were bursts of light in Zhang Qingyuan's pupils, like if the starry sky swirled and turned into hazy three flowers, the strands of clear and mysterious lines intertwined in the pupils, and gradually merged into the deepest center of the dark pupil!

At the moment when he touched these pupils, Lei Tianhao's soul seemed to be drawn out, and as the vortex in the pupils continued to rotate, he sank into the dark abyss!


Lei Tianhao's eyes became blank at this moment, as if he had lost his soul and became pale.

"Well, tell me now, why did your ancestor ask you to come over?"

Zhang Qingyuan’s voice,

At this moment, it becomes far and near, and with a mysterious charm, people can't help but fall into a deep sleep.

"The ancestor's order..."

Above the high mountain of bones, invisible power spreads, turning the surrounding void into an extraterritorial world independent of the heavens and the earth, isolating light and sound, so that outsiders can't see what's going on inside.

Within this field of space,

Lei Tianhao sat slumped on the ground, his eyes blank, saying something.

While Zhang Qingyuan stood by and listened, his expression on his face sank, but as Lei Tianhao told him, he touched his chin, as if he had thought of something, and he seemed to have some idea.

After a while,

Lei Tianhao had already explained the matter, but Zhang Qingyuan was still worried, and put his hand on his head to search for his soul. After confirming that the information was correct, he killed him with a palm.

"Huh, Lei's old dog, really good calculation!"

Zhang Qingyuan snorted coldly.

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