When Zhang Qingyuan's figure left, the monks who had been waiting around rushed up frantically.

This is not surprising,

The reason why these people stay here and wait, to a large extent, is for this time.

Although there were many chances for the secret realm that appeared inexplicably under the suppression of the Heavenly Immortal City, the dangers in it were also great.

In this small sea of ​​bones, within a few days, two cave realm powers have fallen one after another.

In the past, aloft, in the eyes of many of them, the existence of the myths and legends that are simply alive is so easy to die on the spot.

Although this is due to the conflict between monks and monks, the danger is also conceivable!

Compared with the uncertain danger,

On the contrary, the place where this certain opportunity is located is much safer.

Although the most quintessential part of it was taken away by the unfamiliar but unfathomable strength, it will definitely be taken away in the near future by the young stranger who has set off a huge storm in the entire Yunzhou cultivation world.

But the problem is that things that can be appreciated by that mighty power, even if they are sent to them, I'm afraid they can't be digested.

On the contrary, it will cause disasters because of holding heavy treasures.

compare to,

The surviving soup that the great power can't look down on is the most suitable opportunity for them!

These remaining soup chances are just leftovers, and they won't attract too many people who are too strong to compete.

Stable income, low risk,

For the remaining cultivators who have gone through most of their lives and their twilight years, they have seen a lot of things. They have already given up and climbed to the sky, can recognize their old monks, or have only one or two strengths of true essence, and can clearly recognize them. For people of their own strength, it is undoubtedly a great attraction!

In fact, it is true.

Although the essence of the heart in the Sky Demon's blood pool had been looted by Zhang Qingyuan, Xiao Huo's promotion also consumed most of his energy.

However, the remaining pool water still has a lot of functions for the monks in the early and mid-term of True Primordial Realm.

And because of Zhang Qingyuan and Xiaohuo’s successive looting,

The energy in the blood pool of the sky demon is absorbed and refined, and the remaining liquid is more suitable for them, the lower-middle level cultivators, to improve their strength!

Otherwise, if it was the concentration of the Taoist energy in the water of the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond at the beginning, I am afraid that a few more drops would be enough to blow up a cultivator in the early stage of the True Origin Realm!

In addition to the pool water,

The Heavenly Demon Blood Pool has heated up the energy for tens of thousands of years, and the power that escapes from it is enough to form some treasures of heaven and earth around it.

Such as the blood jade bones formed after being infiltrated by the blood pond water for an unknown number of years, the growing bone spirit flowers, the spiritualized soil stones, etc., for Zhang Qingyuan, there is no need to bend down to pick up these things. .

At this level, there is absolutely no need for Zhang Qingyuan to waste time on these low-ranking heavenly materials.

It is one of the soup leftovers after eating,

But these things,

For these cultivators of the True Origin Realm who stayed around and were weak in strength, it was completely different!

Some of them have been soaked in the water of the Heavenly Demon blood pond for ten thousand years, and the energy of the blood pond has been continuously eroded for ten thousand years.

These many associated spiritual materials are not inferior to the existence of heavenly materials and earth treasures for these low-level True Essence realm low-level cultivators who are not strong, how can they not let these people go crazy? !

A group of cultivators excitedly explored around the White Bone Mountain, all gaining a lot of money, and gradually, battles began to erupt.

But all this has little to do with Zhang Qingyuan, who is leaving.


Between the void,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure wandered between the void, rushing and traversing, walking through the space at a speed that ordinary creatures could not see, and each breath spanned several miles of space.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.


Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not have to dominate all the resources and not allow others to mine ~www.readwn.com~ the leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

Just let them go,

Anyway, I can't affect myself.

Although Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness had a sense of what happened behind him, he didn't mean to stop it.

Are some low-level monks,

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan did not necessarily have to dominate all resources and not allow others to mine them.

Leftover leftovers,

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