Just as when he was fighting the enemy and found something was wrong, Lei Wanhong would still open the face of the real law realm and flee directly.

Every time Lei Wanhong went out, he would more or less leave himself some back-ups in case of emergencies.

While waiting here this time, Lei Wanhong, who had already vaguely sensed something wrong in advance, how could he not make first-hand preparations in advance?

Although he did not anticipate Zhang Qingyuan's arrival.

But he who acted cautiously, after all, before that, reserved a backhand for fleeing!

Originally, before Zhang Qingyuan's method of siege was determined, he was still a little worried, but when the small fire that had already promoted to the real world was intercepted, Lei Wanhong was deeply shaken in his heart, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

A great demon in the cave realm stands in the front, and behind is an invincible enemy. For others, it has basically cut off their way of life!

But for Lei Wanhong, only this is the case, he has a back hand, and there is vitality!


A sharp neigh suddenly resounded between the heavens and the earth, and Lei Wanhong's entire body was turned into an electric light at this moment, flashing and beating with terrifying thunder power, breaking through the air and splitting visible traces. !

Almost at the same moment,

Xiao Huo's huge snake body, already carrying the mighty power to destroy the space, whizzed and slammed it down at him!


There was a crisp sound, as if it hit a stream of water, and the dazzling light bloomed, and Lei Wanhong's whole body was condensed like thunder plasma, and was splashed and torn apart by a tail!

Plasma bursts and sputters in all directions!


The huge tail of the small fire is like a stick in the sky, and the remaining terrifying force sweeps across the earth. The terrifying force shatters large areas of space, and the escaping force wipes out the earth and soil below one after another, making the earth violent. Shocked, the force of horror tore a huge crack in the deep, ten-mile-long Tianyuan, as if torn the entire earth and soil in two at this moment!

Amid the violent vibration, the air current rolled up into the sky, engulfed in billowing smoke and dust, rushing into the sky, dyeing half of the sky to earth yellow.


A small fire broke out with such a terrible blow, without the slightest joy on his face.


I saw the void ahead. The plasma that was smashed to pieces did not fall to the ground, but turned into a series of lightning to tear the void between the volleys, bypassing the huge body of Xiaohuo, and shooting away in all directions. !


Such a scene left Xiao Huo at a loss for a while, and he didn't know what to do.

But after all, it reacted quickly. The majestic demon aura stunned the void, and the dark aura filled the sky, forming a heavy storm to rewind the space, encumbering the vast energy towards the splitting electric light coil. Past!

Since it is unclear that the electric light is the fleeing body, then block it all!

At this moment, Xiaohuo completely exploded all of its own power, shaking the sky, sealing the void, and shaking the sky!


It has a very good idea, but as a snake monster who has first entered the realm of the cave, compared to the old monster Lei Wanhong who has been immersed in the realm of the cave for an unknown period of time, it is still a long way behind.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The deafening explosions exploded one after another, and the violent energy generated by the collision was vented between heaven and earth. Wherever the streamer fluttered, thousands of meters above the sky was blown up, revealing a dark abyss where you can't see your fingers!

Under this violent collision and explosion,

Xiao Huo's huge snake body shook, and the figure retreated a few steps.

It can be seen that all the powerful demon powers that he used to block have been broken, and the flashes of lightning are like laser lasing, and in a flash, it is like a small fire that has penetrated the block, escaping from the blocked world!

"Damn it!"

The red glow in the little fire snake's eyes flickered, revealing the color of anger, the huge body hovered, gathering the energy that made the whole world dimmed by terror, and it was about to pursue it.

But at this moment,

Hum! ! !

In the ground below, a ray of light suddenly lit up, soaring to the sky, forming an indestructible light curtain on the void ground, blocking this whole world.

At this time, those electric lights had already escaped from the space enveloped by the light curtain, and the light curtains swaying in the void in front of them had become the biggest obstacle to the pursuit!

The sharpness in Xiaohuo's pupils got worse, no matter what, the huge tail rolled up the majestic sea-like monster power and bombarded it forward!

The power of horror swept across the void, and the large tracts of space were shattered!

Such a terrifying power, the power that is entrapped is enough to destroy the world!

When hitting the light curtain, the light curtains seemed to make a squeaking sound, and the explosion produced a torrent impact that was enough to break the vacuum, causing the light curtain to shake violently and faltered, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.


Accompanied by the venting of power, the sunken light curtain finally calmed down, not broken!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Huo's huge body also shrank his pupils slightly.

And at this time,

Outside the light curtain, the lightning flashes that fled everywhere converged in a certain direction for a short while, and finally condensed into a figure composed of lightning flashes~www.readwn.com~ The dazzling light quickly dissipated and revealed Lei Wanhong came out with a shameful face.

At this moment, looking at all the blocked light curtains behind, a touch of flesh pain flashed across Lei Wanhong's face.

But soon this color of flesh pain disappeared, and arrogance and dazzling appeared on the face, and his eyes looked at the small fire that was blocked from pursuing with some sorrow.

"Hmph, this is an even more sealed formation. It was obtained by the old man from an ancient ruin. Even a cultivator at the top of the legal realm is wishful thinking to break through!"

"The old man has a foreboding that this trip will not go too smoothly, so I laid out this formation in the dark in advance, so stay here!"

Lei Wanhong sneered.

Although the biggest life-saving backhand is consumed here, it is a good thing to be able to save one's life after all.

Thanks to his foresight, he laid out such a method in advance, otherwise he would probably be planted here this time!


As long as this plan can be successful, and you can successfully get something like that, when the magical power is achieved in the future, this hatred must be repaid ten times a hundred times!

Lei Wanhong thought of this, and his face flashed with sorrow.

This series of events is long to talk about, but everything happened in just a dozen breaths. At this time, Zhang Qingyuan's figure crossed the space and already appeared in the depth of Xiaohuo.

A pair of indifferent eyes stared at Lei Wanhong through the heavy curtains of light.

Suddenly the latter, who was originally grim-faced, had a verbose body, his complexion changed slightly, and he dared not stay anymore. The whole person turned into a light and fled towards the sky and fled...

He just turned around and just wanted to run away quickly, but he didn't find that Xiao Huo's eyes were a little pity, with a little sarcasm.

And beside Xiaohuo, Zhang Qingyuan's gaze, standing with his hand held down, was flat without the slightest fluctuation.

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