
The dazzling golden light flashed, exuding a terrifying aura, Zhang Qingyuan's palm was formed into a seal pattern, and the power of the sword pill was aroused by his spiritual thoughts.

call out!

The sword pill turned quickly, and in the next moment it turned into a sword light that tore through the space, and instantly pierced through the space of hundreds of meters, with an indestructible majestic sword force, and slashed towards the light curtain!

The sharp waves of the golden law contained in the spirit weapon seemed to resonate with the heavens and the earth at this moment, emitting waves that made the sky and the earth tremble!

Jin Xing sword power rushes into the sky!

Boom! ! !

Sword Maru was wrapped in a bombardment with the sword force of the Tianhe River, and hit the light curtain of Taniguchi in front of him, and there was an earth-shattering explosion immediately!

The devastating energy erupted. At this moment, the entire world was violently shaken, and a wave of space was rolled up, like a torrent of tsunami, sweeping away in all directions!

At this moment, the surrounding earth seemed to be hit by an invisible force and collapsed suddenly.

The jagged ancient trees hundreds of meters high, the bluestones that have been dyed green by moss that have not changed for thousands of years, the weeds covered by vines... the forest and land around Taniguchi are suffering from an irresistible natural disaster at this moment, breathe In between!

The mighty power spread far, and within ten miles, the world shattered, as if to reopen the chaos!

"Hi, is this the power of the spirit weapon?!"

The shock of horror caused the small fire on the side to almost be lifted out, and the figure retreated several feet. Seeing the scene of this terrifying power explosion, they all took a breath, and their eyes were almost straight. After all, the saliva in his mouth flowed down a little unsatisfactorily.

This level of power is enough to kill it with a single blow!

It is no wonder that there are two levels of combat power with and without spiritual weapons!

My boss, this monster is already strong, but with this thing, I am afraid it will become even more terrifying!

The shock of the terrifying energy gradually subsided.


Even with such a tyrannical attack, the light curtain that seals the entrance is still invisible, as if the previous attack did not play a role at all!

The light curtain stands firmly in the void in front, completely sealing and obscuring the space vortex entrance behind him!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Huo's eyes widened in surprise.

The power of the previous blow was enough to destroy the mountains and rivers, but the force that burst open was enough to make a ten-mile radius collapse, and the space seemed to be shattered!

However, with such a terrifying blow, the sword that was powerful enough to slay it easily did not leave a trace on this light curtain? !

"Boss, this thing is too defensive, what should we do next? Are we going to deal with that Zuo Tianzun of the Blood Demon Sect?"

Xiao Huo looked up and looked at Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan was silent and shook his head slightly.

After a while, he said:

"It is not the time yet. If you meet the opponent at this time, you will be caught in a huge whirlpool, and it will be difficult for you and me to get out."

After devouring Lei Wanhong's memory, Zhang Qingyuan learned all his calculations, and also knew that behind him, there was a deeper hidden force, pushing everything behind his back, and calculating an unknown conspiracy!

Now he beheaded Lei Wanhong with the momentum of thunder, and swallowed the news in his mind through the Heavenly Devil's Divine Sweeping technique, coupled with the small fire bloodline induction.

This allowed him to gain a great opportunity ahead of the multi-party competition.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't want to waste this opportunity to jump out of the whirlpool ahead of time, and return to fall into the undercurrent whirlpool again!

"But what about the seal formation in front of me? This thing, I'm afraid it doesn't take three tokens to be able to open it?"

The light curtain in front of me just lit up a corner.

Through the light curtain in this corner, you can see the looming formations on the other two sides, but the two sides are dimmed, obviously there is no activation of the token, and they are in a dimmed state.

It is estimated that only three tokens are present and the triangular formation is illuminated, and the sealed formation can be opened.

As for wanting to break the battle with force,

The previous sword can already explain a lot of things.

"There is no absolutely perfect formation in this world, and it is even more unlikely that there will be a large formation that will exist and function forever. Even those large formations that rely on the power of the heavens and the earth will be exhausted due to the operation of the earth veins. And lead to decay and shatter...If this seal had just been shattered ten thousand years ago when the Sky Demon City had just shattered, I might be at a loss because of it, but now..."

"How long can it last for ten thousand years of time washing?"

In Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils, a faint light was shining, and the mysterious and ineffable Taoism began to linger and revolve, turning into a dazzling crystal flower, slowly blooming!

Three flowers of spirit and spirit!

With the slow blooming of the three flowers, the divine consciousness has strengthened to more than ten times that of normal, invading the void like a substance, spreading and covering every corner of this world!

The powerful divine consciousness began to search every inch of the array light curtain to detect the flaws in it.

After half an hour,

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes abruptly, and sharp light burst out of his pupils.

"found it!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Jian Maru turned into a golden light that pierced the sky and the earth, with terrifying power, slashed towards a certain area of ​​the light curtain!

Boom! ! !

This sword stood in the weakest area of ​​the formation light curtain!

The violent explosion shattered the space, and even the powerful force passed through the array light curtain, shattering a corner of the array base that had been scoured through thousands of years and gradually decayed behind the light curtain!

This fragmentation immediately caused a chain reaction!

Click, click...

It was like a cobweb-like crack on the glass, and the cracks spread and opened. With a crash, the entire light curtain was completely shattered!



"Little Huo, let's go!"

Zhang Qingyuan waved to the small The latter nodded, and then a person and a snake turned into a light and rushed into the space vortex hidden by the light curtain!

The sky was spinning around,

Zhang Qingyuan has entered a gray world with a small fire.

The dilapidated world, without a trace of wind, the earth is full of dusty broken walls and ruins, no trace of plant vitality can be seen, gray, deathly silence.

The whole world seems to be dead at this moment!

"Is this the site of the Red Flame Tianlin Snake, Xiaohuo, where is your bloodline induction?"

There was nothing to look at in such a repressive and dead environment, Zhang Qingyuan directly asked Xiao Huo beside him, ready to find the thing he wanted as soon as possible.

"Up there!"

With a small fire to guide the way,

Zhang Qingyuan turned into a ray of light and flew high in the sky, quickly flying over a distance of dozens of miles.

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