When you have enough strength, lifting the table is undoubtedly the fastest and most effective method!

Along with the ban of the Sky Demon City, these trials have also been stagnant in this secret realm for an unknown number of years. With the passage of time, the spirits dissipated, materials decayed and decayed, and collapsed and collapsed.

The test of the ban has already been in the scouring of time, and the dust has not been repaired, and the blocking ability has long been weakened.

How can Zhang Qingyuan be blocked?

The test of the chess game was smashed in one fell swoop, and Zhang Qingyuan followed the spatial passage into the next world.

Across the front,

It is a ladder standing in the boundless dark abyss, extending into the dark deep space with no end in sight!

The emptiness of the black hole swallowed all the light, and the darkness that could not see the five fingers of the hand was as straight as a wild beast, as if it was about to jump out and swallow everything in the world!

If ordinary people are here, I am afraid that they have not stepped on that ladder before, and they have already born a great fear in the endless darkness!

This second test!

And obviously,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the patience to come down and accept the test.


The majestic sword aura, accompanied by that crisp sword chant, rushed straight into the sky, the sharp sword aura rippling between the heaven and the earth, like a ray of light when the heaven and the earth first opened, tearing open this boundless chaotic darkness!

The terrifying sword force not only caused the small fire that followed closely to produce a glow on the back, and the neck was cool, as if the sharp sword force was about to cut off the feeling of his head, even if it followed closely later. The light and shadow of the desolate old man who came in, the afterimage was shaken for a while, and was almost dissipated by the sword!

It can be seen that between the sky and the earth, the bright golden sword is as majestic as a torrent and tsunami, fluctuating with the horrible golden law, and in one fell swoop, it slashed towards the dark void that stretched to the end of the ladder!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion swept away immediately, and the whole world was shaking violently at this moment. The invisible staircase was instantly destroyed by the bright sword light, even with the bottomless dark abyss around it. It was torn apart, revealing a huge sword mark traversing the void, and a burst of white light came from the void sword mark.

The second test,

Zhang Qingyuan used violent means to smash it again with a single sword!

After that, Zhang Qingyuan didn't stay anymore, and passed the sword mark directly into the third test!

Just like the previous two tests, Zhang Qingyuan's power was like a broken bamboo, and he directly used his own five element magical powers to break the test in one fell swoop!

Zhang Qingyuan acted swiftly and broke the triple test in succession.

The time spent in it is not even a quarter of an hour!

If the monks who have participated in this ancient triple test come alive, I am afraid they will be jealous to death!

"Haha, it seems that this so-called test is not very good!"

Xiao Huo followed Zhang Qingyuan with a smug expression.

not far away,

He also followed all the way, and the old man's light and shadow figure who saw everything in his eyes was already very weak. He sighed, and his heart was complicated.

I personally saw that the triple test was broken, and the burden I had carried on my shoulders for an unknown number of years was finally relieved.

There are also people who break the test not using the dignified solution, but the unhappy of bypassing the test and taking shortcuts.

It's just that now he is just a ray of remnant soul after all,

I don't have the ability to stop the opponent, I can only let it go naturally.

"That little guy, come with me!"

The figure of the old man sighed, and suddenly waved his hand to the small fire who was walking in with Zhang Qingyuan not far away, indicating his past.

"Me? What do you want to do?"

Xiao Huo asked suspiciously.

"If you follow along, the things in there, if your host doesn't have the chance, you won't have any chances by the side."

The light and shadow of the old man were flat, and the figure drifted away in the other direction.

It's just that his figure has become thinner and thinner, like a light that may be extinguished at any time.

Xiao Huo turned his head and looked at Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the old man's light and shadow, and looked at him calmly. He couldn't see anything. In the mysterious sixth sense, he didn't feel any malicious in him.

"Go ahead."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and let Xiao Huo follow.

This should be a good thing,

Although Xiao Huo had doubts in his mind, he still trusted his boss, so he followed the past.

Seeing Xiao Huo leave and disappear in the corner after that light shadow, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much worry in his heart. Since the other party was not malicious, it would basically not be a bad thing.

Zhang Qingyuan stepped out, his feet shrank into an inch, and the space between his breath spanned hundreds of meters.

Like passing through the water, waves of ripples wafted between the void.

Zhang Qingyuan crossed a certain boundary and came to another gloomy world!

The dim sky seemed to be crushed down, and a huge dark mountain rose from the ground, carrying a heavy and boundless pressure.

"this is......"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because on the top of the mountain, there seems to be an obelisk, the air, void and light in the sky and the earth, it seems that they are all converging in that direction!

It’s like the end of everything,

In a trance, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to see the heavens and the earth and everything, all turned into rules, intertwined with the void, and weaved to form this colorful world!


There is no time and space, the purest "point" in the world appeared in front!

Immediately afterwards,

One road, one rule after another, instantly, like ten thousand rivers, rushing and shining with brilliance, and finally extended to the last end, attributed to the final "point"!

Heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, five elements, space, time...

The endless laws have been swallowed by that point, as if they have fallen into a deep abyss, everything will come to an end, and all things will come to one point!

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan seems to have seen the collapse of stars~www.readwn.com~ the collapse of stars, and saw the way of heaven and all things grow and flourish, and finally collapse into one!

The endless stream of light passed by, and the boundless sentiment flooded in his heart, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be sinking into the experience of this ten thousand confluence!

In the dim, it seems to be enlightened!

I don’t know how long it took,

Maybe a moment,

Or a year,


Zhang Qingyuan woke up from the sinking, suddenly opened his eyes.

at this time,

He was surprised to find,

I didn't know when I had crossed a distance of thousands of feet, climbed a huge mountain, and came to the top of the mountain, standing in front of a stone stele standing in front of me!

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