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The blood transformation technique is very strong. As a high-level secret technique that the Blood Demon Sect is only open to a few top tiers, its level has reached the level of the earth-level secret technique!

Among the cultivators of the same rank, no one can withstand the influence of the power of this secret technique.

When fighting with it, if he can't win quickly, he will eventually control his blood in the air, causing a self-destruction from the inside out, and being killed by him in one fell swoop!

In previous battles, once Zuo Tianzun successfully performed this secret technique, the future results were basically unprofitable.

It was a victory!

Unless it is a powerful person with a higher cultivation level that suppresses the influence of blood in the body with absolute strength, or interrupts it before the formation of the secret technique is effective, then once he is fully deployed by the secret technique of blood transformation, That means the end of the battle!

But unfortunately,

What Zuo Tianzun met now was Zhang Qingyuan!

After cultivating his body to the realm of golden muscles and jade bones, to a certain extent, Zhang Qingyuan already possesses a certain power, similar to a golden body without leakage!

This is like a container, from ordinary porcelain materials to diamond-like materials!


Because of the in-depth exercise of every bit of bone and blood, the body-refining monk himself has a strong ability to control every bit of his own flesh and blood!

Although the blood transformation Dafa is strong,

But after all, it was the traction and control of the blood flow in the enemy's body, which caused damage. Faced with Zhang Qingyuan's level of body refining in the realm of golden muscles and jade bones, he was already powerless!

"It seems that your method does not have the effect that it should be."

Zhang Qingyuan, who was initially taken aback by Zuo Tianzun's blood transformation technique, suppressed the restless blood in his body, he sighed in relief and looked at Zuo Tianzun not far away with a sneer.

Then Zhang Qingyuan ignored the ugly face and took the initiative!

Speaking of it,

This time, it can be said that Zhang Qingyuan has been awakened.

If it weren’t for the fact that I had unexpectedly obtained huge benefits in the Heavenly Demon’s blood pool at the site of the Heavenly Demon City, and swallowed the heart that had accumulated the essence of the Heavenly Demon’s blood pool for thousands of years, I would be able to achieve the golden muscle and jade bone realm in one fell swoop. You have to roll over on the spot!

This kind of secret technique that ignores the space and the defense of Taoism is really terrifying!

Judging from the other's confident face, it is obvious that in the past, I don't know how many Hole Realm powers have been killed by this pit!

And Zuo Tianzun’s hand,

Also really taught Zhang Qingyuan a good lesson.

Being able to make such a big name in this realm, it can be said that he is standing at the pinnacle and disturbing the world. He is not a brainless villain, and must have the strength corresponding to the fame!

Not every realm of the cave is as powerful as the Liefeng Taoist of the Five Elements Sect.

Without sufficient strength, without a state of mind to match it, it is a joke to want to become a prestigious existence!

"The Five Elements Reincarnation in the Great Week!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Qingyuan took advantage of the opportunity to counter the opponent's blood-transforming Dafa, and directly used the most powerful hole card five elements magical power!

It is precisely that he does not intend to give the opponent the slightest chance to suppress the opponent with the strongest means in one fell swoop!

This type of supernatural power, whether in the past or now, is one of Zhang Qingyuan's most powerful bottom cards!

Hum! ! !

The vast five-element mana was completely released at this moment, causing the void of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles to violently oscillate at this moment, and a wave of rippling waves swept away in all directions.

Above the nine heavens,

The five-color light reflected the sky and slowly merged together, turning into the five-element round wheel of the sky, as if swallowing all the rays of light from the sky and the ground, as if the blazing sun emits a terrifying hot air engine!

All the sounds between heaven and earth seem to have disappeared at this moment,

It seems that there is a great horror that makes the world silent, and the depression like a tide spread to every corner of the world!

"This is supernatural power?!"

The pupils of Zuo Tianzun's eyes shrank suddenly at this moment.

The blood-melting Dafa didn't play its due role before, and the opponent's golden muscle and jade bones had already set off stormy waves in his heart.

But at this moment, with the display of Zhang Qingyuan's supernatural powers, seeing this scene, Zuo Tianzun's heart was even more shocked!

Supernatural powers,

It can be said to be a third power system that is completely different from magic weapons, magic weapons and martial arts!

If the treasure is a weapon in the hands of a monk, and the magic martial arts are martial arts that fools oneself through practice, then supernatural powers are similar to growing one more hand and foot!

The cultivation of supernatural powers is extremely demanding.

The difficulty is even more difficult than the magic martial arts above the earth level!

But the particularity of supernatural powers, under certain circumstances, is even more powerful than that of spiritual weapons!

Because the power of supernatural powers will grow with the growth of monks!

"You are not a member of the Five Elements Sect. I have seen the methods of the hypocrites of the Five Elements Sect. They want to condense the five elements into magical powers. It's a joke!"

Zuo Tianzun roared, and his pupils flashed with amazement, as if he wanted to see everything in and out of Zhang Qingyuan's body.

"Yes and no, then what is the difference?"

"Your Excellency, a generation of magic door giants, don't use these little tricks to delay time, die!"

High above the sky,

Zhang Qingyuan pressed down with one finger,

That gathers all the brilliance of the sky and the earth, like the Five Elements Great Zhoutian in the center of the world, swallowing and tearing the void at this moment, like a black big sun, blasted towards the boundless blood sea of ​​Zuo Tianzun's incarnation!

Zuo Tianzun’s blood transformation method is very strong, incarnate in the power of the river of blood, covering hundreds of miles of the sky, vast and boundless, and the power in it makes Zhang Qingyuan almost unable to break free from it!

But at the same time of being powerful, there is also a price!

The huge sea of ​​blood,

Let Zuo Tianzun's power have almost been increased by more than ten times.

Can accompany,

It's that huge sea of ​​blood is bloated as a whole It is difficult to avoid attacks.

If it was in the past,

With the boundless power of the sea of ​​blood, it is not difficult to swallow all the enemy's attacks. At the same time, in the process of swallowing the enemy's magical attacks, the sea of ​​blood will digest the energy in it, and it will continue to grow.

The more the enemy struggles, the stronger the force absorbed by the sea of ​​blood, and the more terrifying the bondage!

Like a swamp in the mud,

The more you fight,

The deeper the enemy sinks,

Until finally fell into a desperate situation!


Surprisingly, it is Zuo Tianzun's most powerful assassin besides the blood transformation Dafa!

No one outsider knew of this secret hole card, because everyone who saw it was dead, it was Zuo Tianzun's method of pressing the deepest hole in the bottom of the box!

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