The two big caves really joined forces, coupled with the land advantage of the gate of Qianyun Mountain, stimulated the rising guardian formation, and many disciples of Qianyun Mountain...

At this moment, the world has already formed a net of heaven and earth in this side!

The great ancestor of Qianyun Mountain didn't think that under the siege of such power, that one was just the first to enter the realm of the cave for a long time, and the little ghost who only relied on a spiritual weapon could escape!

Looking at the sword pill behind Zhang Qingyuan, who was blocked by all the back roads in the sky, exuding horrible power fluctuations, the ancestor of Qianyun Mountain was full of greed at this moment.

Staring at that round of sword pills that exudes the glory of the sun,

As for Zhang Qingyuan, he simply ignored him, looking at him like a dead person.

Spirit weapon!

This is a real magic weapon!

Even in the ancient Qianyun Mountain, there is no spiritual weapon in the sect.

This is a strategic force that can change the situation of one side!

If you can get this spiritual weapon, then his strength will be no less than the power of the peak of the law realm!

Even if there were forces from the Outland who wanted to intervene in the Northern Mountain Region, they couldn't resist his Qianyun Mountain's unification of the entire Beishan Valley!

"Hand over the spirit weapon, kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe this ancestor can spare you."

"But think about it, you, a person who is so high and knows how high the sky is, won't surrender and beg for mercy. The ancestor has no choice but to kill you first!"

"Do it!"

Without paying attention to Zhang Qingyuan at all, Qianyun Mountain Taishang ancestor waved his hand and suddenly ordered.

There are many dreams in the night, and you must first take down this kid and take away the magic weapon, which is the established fact that this magic weapon belongs to the spoils of Qianyun Mountain.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome if someone is forced to intervene.

As the voice of the ancestor of the Millennium Mountain Taishang fell,

boom! ! !

The monks of Tianyun Mountain all shot together,

In the lower earth square, in the middle and late stages of the True Primal Realm, the elite disciples, deacons, elders and other monks of Qianyun Mountain in the half-step hole in the real realm, all displayed their most powerful under the orders of the ancestors. Stunt, bombarding Zhang Qingyuan in the sky!

The cold light reflected in the sky, a series of massive attacks tore apart the space, and the rays of light bloomed one after another, like a gust of wind and rain, shrouded toward Zhang Qingyuan.

Perhaps the two attacks can be destroyed for the monks in the cave realm.

But when this number is increased to dozens or hundreds of times, the number is enough to produce a qualitative change,

Even if it is the damage of ants, once it accumulates enough, it is enough to kill the elephant!

at the same time,

Behind Zhang Qingyuan, the head of Qianyun Mountain Wu Zunzi's deep eyes flashed a touch of icy coldness. Immediately after he waved his sleeves, the vast mana was turned into a sea of ​​mana, and in an instant, thousands of waves rose up like a void in the sky. The endless mountains, the mana is tumbling, smashing the space, and directly sweeping away in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan in front!

The power of Hao Da seemed to annihilate the space!


Not far away, the ancestor of Qianyun Mountain also snorted coldly, grabbed it out with a palm, and slapped it towards the void ahead!

There was a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and there seemed to be faint traces left in the void, as if it was twisted and torn by this palm, and the space was distorted in large areas!


Under a palm, the world is shaking!

The boundless mana swept away like the vastness of the sea, and then it seemed to see a phantom of clouds and mountains, one after another, vast and boundless, rising one after another, rushing towards Zhang Qingyuan's direction, as if the whole world It's all going to be crushed!

Three forces fought against each other,

Presenting the trend of reciprocity between heaven and earth, Zhang Qingyuan's escape space was sealed off, and he vowed to kill him on the spot!

At this moment,

There is no escape, there is no escape!

In the square below, all the monks and spectators who saw the battle in front of them all had a sigh in their hearts.

Some people who were planning to leave also stopped.

Where can I not understand such a scene?

This man is dead!




A sigh, suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

It seems to be mixed with many complex emotions such as speechlessness and compassion.

Overwhelming all the momentum, it clearly enters everyone's ears.

I saw above the sky, facing the siege of these three directions without any escape route, Zhang Qingyuan did not have the slightest fear on his face, but with an inexplicable, unclear pity.

There is no He is ready!

The sword pill behind him, at this moment, exudes a vast and boundless golden light, a wave that makes people feel frightened, and then it diffuses at this moment.

Immediately after,

The light of the sun, like a meteor, descends from the sky!

Facing the triple attack that everyone saw as mortal, Zhang Qingyuan drew the sword pill and swung three swords!

The first sword,

Towards the direction of the big earth square, it was like falling from the sky, under the hot air, dozens of hundreds of attacks that shocked the world, like ice and snow meeting boiling water, quickly melted,

Jian Guang then fell on the ground,

The square that Qianyun Mountain spent an unknown number of years to build, along with the entire mountain gate peak, was instantly cut open like tofu, shattered, and collapsed!

The second sword,

Sword Maru circulated, cutting straight behind him,

An unremarkable slash with one sword, like a beginner wielding a long sword in his hand, practicing a basic straight stab!

But under this sword, the sky was directly cut open, and where the vast golden light sword passed, the sky cracked a huge abyss that was thousands of feet long!

The vast and mighty force exerted by Wu Zunzi, the head of Qianyun Mountain, was easily cut open like a piece of paper. Wherever the majestic sword light swept away, it was destroyed!

Wu Zunzi hadn't reacted yet, that terrifying sword light swept over him, instantly engulfing him!

The third sword,

Between the nine heavens and ten earths, it seems that a clear sword sound has risen,

Sword Maru rotates,

The void quivered, with golden ripples,

It is like golden light born out of all beings in the world, falling like a meteor, emitting the eternal brilliance of a star, turning into a beam of piercing, indestructible sword power, and rushing towards the ancestor of Qianyun Mountain. !

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