boom! ! !

With a slash, the air in the radius of the radius was rolled up, and the fierce and boundless strength made the air creak when pressed, and the surroundings seemed to be caught in a landslide and tsunami!

Chi Yan billowed all over the sky, and the mighty power rose into the sky, as if it was breaking the mountain and breaking the mountain!

Face this terrible third knife,

Zhang Qingyuan did not retreat but moved forward, and his figure directly greeted him!

It seems to use the body to try Wang Chong's third knife!


Just as the broad sword that rolled up the flames was about to fall into Zhang Qingyuan's body,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure suddenly turned into an invisible and innocent smoke cloud, and also like a flying feather. Everyone around hadn't seen what was happening, and had already bypassed the huge blade strength in an instant!

Wind and cloud have no phase, water is invisible!

When Zhang Qingyuan tried to integrate the artistic conception of water he comprehended into Yunyanbu, his body skills became even more illusory, full of an invisible charm.

The speed is still the previous speed, not much improved.

But the dodge with a trace of intangible charm has already raised several levels!

To avoid Wang Chong Chiyan Trifold Wave's third knife with a slight difference and thousands of miles away!


[You have performed martial arts Yunyan Step, you try to integrate the artistic conception of water into your body technique, your martial arts Yunyan Step proficiency increases, your body technique martial arts Yunyan Step proficiency +3]


Lines of writing flashed across the data panel in my mind,

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't care at all.

Once again, Zhang Qingyuan, who avoided Wang Chong's third blow with all his strength, went straight to face Wang Chong!

Boom! ! !


The third knife of Chiyan Trifold Wave failed again, and the tyrannical force swept out, leaving a visible crack on the ring with hardness comparable to stainless steel. The burnt black trace spread around, and the rolled up storm was surging. , Swept half of the arena in the air!


Not only did Wang Chong lose the slightest joy, but his expression changed drastically!

At this moment, the old power is gone, and when the new power is still alive, Zhang Qingyuan approaches him like a ghost!

The empty door is wide open!


Spread his right hand, his five fingers grasped the air and clenched it into a fist. The surrounding air seemed to collapse at this moment, sinking like a heavy hammer!


The current is turbulent,

With great power, Zhang Qingyuan blasted out with a punch, and blasted directly at Wang Chongkong's chest!

At this moment, Wang Chong had just swiped a failed full blow, and he had no ability to return to defense at all.

I could only watch Zhang Qingyuan's punch hit his chest.

boom! ! !

The powerful Qi Jin exploded, and the air waves visible to the naked eye swept in all directions, and a violent gust of wind swept all around.


Wang Chong spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was more like a cannonball flying upside down and falling outside the ring. The bricks and stones below collapsed and collapsed, splashing smoke and dust.

"On the 72nd, Zhang Qingyuan wins!"

As the voice of the deacon and referee fell, Zhang Qingyuan also let out a long sigh of relief.

Fists clenched slightly and flickered.


This battle seemed easy, but in fact Zhang Qingyuan had already used all his strengths except for various martial arts tricks, and he hadn't kept a little bit of strength!

If it weren't for Zhang Qingyuan's overall strength, if it weren't for Dacheng's Yunyanbu to cooperate with the artistic conception of water, or for the opponent's eagerness for quick success and instant benefit to defeat him in a single encounter, Zhang Qingyuan would seize the flaw.

This battle, I am afraid it is not more difficult to fight!


No matter what, I finally won.

The eleventh group has a total of more than one hundred and sixty people. After winning this game, Zhang Qingyuan's ranking will also enter the top eighty!

And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan's performance in the ring also aroused the surprise of many spectators below.

"Won, I didn't expect it, on the contrary, it was a lower level who won the battle, and the opponent looked unscathed, so he solved the battle just as if it were ruined!"

"It was that Wang Chong who was reckless and gambling too much. Not only did he fail to make a contribution in one fell swoop, he was seized by the opponent instead."

"It was a martial skill just now, how can it be so powerful? It's incredible to avoid even a human-level martial skill that is a little higher than that!"

"That disciple named Zhang Qingyuan, Yun Yanbu, is afraid that he has already stepped into the realm of great achievement, possessing the power to turn decay into magic, and it is not surprising to be able to escape. But speaking of it, physical martial arts can achieve this point, then Zhang Qingyuan's strength is also good, so I am afraid that he will be the first seed to enter the semifinals again."

The battle that ended like a thunder and lightning not only did not disappoint the spectators present, but whether it was the ferocious and domineering red flame three-fold wave or Zhang Qingyuan's illusory cloud and smoke step, everyone around them was particularly excited and excited. .

There was a lot of discussion.

This kind of victory and defeat was divided in an instant, but they were full of calculated confrontations from the beginning, and then the battle of one hit and kill made them feel more exciting.

Many spectators in the audience exclaimed and talked,

The outer disciples of the same group of ring can't help but put their eyes on Zhang Qingyuan.

Look up and down.

Secretly remembering this strong opponent in his heart, thinking about what means should be used to deal with it if he faces it.

For the gaze around,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't care much.

At this moment, his mind was sinking into the use of the artistic conception of water, absorbing the gains from the battle just now.

Previously used the cooperation of Yunyanbu and the artistic conception of water in actual combat, which made his body full of invisible charm, avoiding Wang Chong's three attacks for This made Zhang Qingyuan more firmly realize that only The right way to practice is to use the artistic conception of water and the appropriate martial arts and martial arts together.

The combination of artistic conception and martial arts not only enhances the power of martial arts.

It also allows one's own understanding of martial arts to be more in-depth, speeding up the speed of improving proficiency.

"Sure enough, fighting is the best way to improve!"

Zhang Qingyuan felt enlightened in his heart.

The improvement of this battle was not much, but Zhang Qingyuan understood the direction and sensed that the use of Yunyanbu was closer to a floor.

However, it was this bit of progress that eventually converged into rivers and seas, and the accumulated progress made the monks' cultivation strength continuously improved and climbed to a higher realm.

Next, Zhang Qingyuan silently recovered from the stage, while keeping his eyes on the stage, observing the previous battles of other outer disciples in the same group.

Every monk has his own different skills,

In this big competition arena, it can be said that a hundred flowers bloom.

Whether it is relying on stacking talisman attacks, or the unsheathing of the sword, the battle of magic weapons, or the splendid collision of magic and martial arts.

The collision and fighting of the disciples of the outer sects opened Zhang Qingyuan's vision.

And by observing under this platform,

Zhang Qingyuan also roughly understood the strength of the eleventh group arena.

Except for the six cultivators with the nine-fold Lingyuan in the front, Zhang Qingyuan was not very sure about the outcome, and even two of them had no confidence in it.

The other disciples basically didn't have much problems.

I already have a rough estimate of this preliminary round in my mind.


After deciding the top eighty of each group.

This is the end of the first day of the competition!

Wonderful book house

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