"It's a great event. It seems that there are people in the Yunzhou cultivation world who can come!"

   Yunzhou border,

  In the small border town that borders the wilderness,

   Zhang Qingyuan looked at the crowded city in front of him, and the densely packed powerful machines in the city, could not help but sigh with authenticity.

   A small border town, I’m afraid that one day there will be so many monks. The hole in the legend that has never been seen since the establishment of the town in the past is really powerful, and it is even more crowded.

   made the entire town shiver under these terrifying auras.

   It's just a city with people coming and going, full of wild fields, which not only brought fear to this small border town, but also brought some strange prosperity at the same time.

   Many people took advantage of this opportunity to spontaneously set up a stall on the edge of the city to exchange materials and information, and gradually formed a temporary market.

   But no matter what,

   just felt a little bit or two, and could feel the eagerness before the great battle that filled the sky.

   "But having said that, with such a big fanfare, wouldn't the people of the Five Elements Saint Sect be afraid of those people from the Blood Demon Sect fleeing directly?"


   Zhang Qingyuan asked openly towards Nanshan beside him.

   This trip is not the only two of them,

   There are also two cultivators at the top of the legal realm in the Southern Mountain Region.

   Although the realm is the same as Zhang Qingyuan, because of the inter-generational relationship between Nanshan Gong and Zhang Qingyuan, standing at a later position, Zhang Qingyuan and Nanshan Gong were given the first place.

   Along the way, the two of them didn't show anything. After all, they have lived for an unknown number of years. Their minds are already as deep as the sea, and they will not easily show anything on their faces.

   It’s just that they don’t know,

Due to the practice of Taiyi Divine Refining Technique, especially after coming to Izumo, I got another fragment of Taiyi Divine Refining Technique from Chang Shan from the Chang Family Escort, which greatly strengthened Zhang Qingyuan’s sixth sense. .

   is also because of this,

   Regardless of how ordinary you behave behind you all the way, the deep ocean-like malice that comes from the darkness, one by one, is clearly sensed in Zhang Qingyuan's perception.

   Not only them,

   Nanshan Gong, who behaved very kindly along the way, was even worse than the two behind him!

   Zhang Qingyuan could not help but feel a sea of ​​exclamation.

   If you don’t need a guide, you can enter it with a suitable capacity, and you can’t just find a place to do it in the middle of the road!

"Haha, the daoists don’t know that the living environment of this Outer Realm is extremely harsh. At night, a horrible nine-nether wind will blow up, ecstasy, and even a monk in the realm of Dongzhen can’t. How long does it last to resist, only if you hide in a cave or hide under the mud before the night comes, will you be safe and sound."

   "Furthermore, there are still all sorts of unknowns in this vast outland savage land. It is rumored that even the giants of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm may not be able to retreat in their entirety once they break in!"

   "Behind the mountain gate of the Blood Demon Sect, there is a mysterious and unknown land with no entrance but no exit!"

   "No one knows what these people of the Demon Sect think about, building a mountain gate with their backs on such a secret and unknown place. Now it seems that this is directly sending themselves into the Jedi."

"Because the two giants of the Five Elements Saint Sect before raided, they were already blocked at the gate of the Blood Demon Sect Mountain, and then the Five Elements Saint Sect's large forces were transmitted through the teleportation array, which has already completely completed the exit of the Blood Demon Sect. Block it!"

   Nanshan Gong smiled and explained.

   talked about the general situation of the current Blood Demon Sect.


   Blood Demon Sect becomes the meat on the cutting board.

   The Great Legion of the Five Elements Saint Sect is besieged outside, already blocking the passage of the Blood Demon Sect.

   The power of the two giants in the realm of Wanhua is enough to interfere with the space, making the teleportation array in the sect unable to function.

   The reason why the Holy Sect of the Five Elements does not attack,

   is just because the blood demon sect's guardian array is too strong, and I don't want to spend too much power on the offensive and fighting.

   Now accompanied by the Five Elements Saint Sect's censorship, and the monks who were attracted by this news have gathered, I am afraid it is not long before the decisive battle.

   cannon fodder has arrived,

  The huge number is enough to defeat the numerous traps.

   "That's how it turns out, the world is so big, it really is nothing strange."

   Zhang Qingyuan exclaimed authentically.

   But there is a bit of sincerity in this sigh, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

After all,    swallowed Zuo Tianzun’s memory,

   Zhang Qingyuan couldn't be more clear about the local situation of the Blood Demon Sect.

"Let's go, it seems that there is still some time before the total attack. I can go to this small city to repair one or two. The generations in this city, no matter what the purpose, are always for the help of the Five Elements Holy Sect. It’s safe and secure, but you don’t have to worry about any attack..."

  Nanshan Gong spoke before the sound, just as he was about to introduce Zhang Qingyuan into the city,


   Boom! ! !

   A dazzling light blasted through the void, and the space was pierced and torn apart, terrifying energy erupted from behind Zhang Qingyuan, and blasted toward him.

  The sudden attack, with the infinite killing intent, the space seemed to be frozen at this moment!

   Everyone did not expect this, and even more did not expect that in this place, someone would ignore the power of the Five Elements Sacred Sect and act brazenly!

   Even Nanshan Duke didn’t seem to react,

   Under everyone's stunned gaze, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be beheaded by this attack!


   At the moment when the dazzling energy ray approached in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly raised his palm and turned slightly to his side. There was a jade-colored clear light between his fingers, and he flicked in the air.


   in a trance~www.readwn.com~ seems to have a clear voice.

   space turned into a mirror, folded and twisted,

   The attack that was hundreds of feet long and broke the vacuum was actually bounced by an invisible force at this moment, and suddenly turned in the other direction and bounced out!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

  The terrifying power spread in the sky, and the sky full of energy whizzed vigorously. That piece of space suddenly cracked a crack that was thousands of feet long.

   The dark and deep cracks traverse the sky!

   "Your Excellency, why did you sneak attack on Zhang?"

   Zhang Qingyuan's figure stood in the void, his gaze turned not far behind him, a young man wearing a white dress with a five-color round wheel pattern, his voice was flat and idiosyncratic, making it hard to see the joy and anger.

   "Are you Zhang Qingyuan?"

   The young man did not answer, but instead asked aloud. There was an unquestionable arrogance in his words.

   "Not bad, so what?"

   "That's right, you **** it!"

The voice of    fell, the young man's eyes flashed with sorrow, and the cold murderous intent filled the sky. The whole person broke out with the power that made the space tremble, and lifted the sword to kill Zhang Qingyuan!



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