ps: This is a repetitive chapter. In the recent Kawen, the first chapter is repeated for mixed full attendance, and the second chapter will be read tomorrow.

Tensed for a month, my mind can't think of a good plot. When there is a leave note next month, relax my mind and talk about it, painful!


"Oh, those people, are they the kind of fire sent out by the Blood Demon Sect..."

In the half-step transitional realm of promotion, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness was able to cover the geographical scope once again greatly increased, and he was able to perceive what was happening on the more distant borders.

In his perception,

Eight hundred miles away, a battle is breaking out.

On one side is the blood demon sect's cultivator team, most of the young people with vigorous blood, the cultivation base aura is not low, led by a half-step tens of thousands of powers.

On the other side is Zhang Qingyuan’s acquaintance, Lord Nanshan!

"No matter, it's the blood demon sect that is more important."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head.

Don't plan to continue paying attention.

Because of Nanshan Gong's matter, he only cared a little bit. As for whether the Blood Demon Sect would find a way out for his own children, it had nothing to do with him.

Maybe what kind of treasures the other person might carry,

But for Zhang Qingyuan today,

Cultivation resources such as Tiancai Dibao are actually not too important. After all, behind him, he swallowed most of the heritage of Qianyun Mountain, the first sect of the Northern Mountain Region, into his stomach.

For him,

The road to the realm of Wanhua is the most important!

And this thing is hidden in the entrance gate of Blood Demon Sect Mountain, and if it arrives a minute late, it will add a point of danger!

Zhang Qingyuan stepped into the void and disappeared.

At a very fast speed,

Walk through space,

He rushed to the place where the Blood Demon Sect Mountain Gate was in Zuo Tianzun's memory.

Along the way,

The gunpowder is full of smoke,

The war continues,

The cultivators of Yunzhou who broke into here, in order to compete for resources, fought against the cultivators of the blood demon sect, and the aftermath of the battle caused the surrounding mountains and land to be shattered!

Monk Yunzhou beheaded the enemy, broke through the mansion, plundered a lot of resources, and laughed grinningly in the billowing smoke.

The blood demon cultivator guarded his homeland, swearing to the death, extremely tragic!

One of the kinds, scenes, scenes, it is really difficult to distinguish, in this world, who is right and who is the devil!

The so-called right way is like a magic way under the benefit.

The so-called magic way is like the right way to protect one's homeland!

Some people die, some live, some choose to escape, some choose to resist.

Wherever you can see, beacon smoke is everywhere!

All the scenes were reflected in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

But at this moment,

Whether it was the strong slaughtering the weak, or the strong being besieged and killed by the weak, the battle among them failed to cause him the slightest fluctuation.

With the improvement of strength,

He also became more and more indifferent.

At the time of the Spiritual Origin Realm, he would not mind helping out if a weak person was in danger and under the circumstances within his power.

But when it comes to Dongzhen,

Whether to save people or not, Zhang Qingyuan would completely lose that kind of enthusiasm.

Unless there is a predestined method, what is the relationship between them, or for some reason that can make him tempted, otherwise, he will only stand high in the sky and watch everything happen before him with cold eyes!

Human heart,

More and more towards Tianxin's direction!

This is a natural change that occurs with age and knowledge.

The strong bully the weak, this is not suitable for the universal values ​​of mankind.

but in fact,

The weak and the strong eat the flesh, this is the eternal order of the movement of the heavens, for the heavens and the earth and all things, all life can exist in all the foundations today!

The way of heaven is more than enough to damage

The stronger the person, the more he gets, and the greater the chance of passing on his own genetic material.

All living things,

Engraved in the depths of genes, is the desire to obtain more resources and become stronger!

This desire,

It is the basis of the evolution of life and the evolution of everything to this day!

Because there is no such gene, the creature without this desire has long been submerged in the cruel fighting around, and finally disappeared in the long river of history.

The same reason,

In this world of comprehension, all struggles and fights,

For Tiandao,

There has never been fairness, justice, and no evil or not. Whether it is saving tens of thousands of people or slaughtering tens of thousands of people, it is just a grain of sand in Hengsha, and there is no difference.

The sky is in order,

The survival of the strong and the elimination of the inferior are the fundamental principles of the operation of this world.

Just like this slaughter today, the slaughter of the Blood Demon Sect cultivator initiated by the Yunzhou cultivator was only part of the world's movement.

Whether it is more or less of them, it has no impact on the world at all.

The more I understand this,

Zhang Qingyuan's xinxing also became more and more detached, vaguely, and approached the high heaven.

"Everything in the world, from the beginning to the end, is a word that runs through, whether it is with the same kind, or with a different kind, or with the sky and the earth, it is always in contention."

"If it is the same as before, I can naturally save the weak, but what about it?"

"I have saved this battle. I can't save the entire battlefield in the Blood Demon Sect's cave, let alone the entire world of cultivation ~ the weak and small people bullied by the strong are happening all the time!"

"Even if one day, my cultivation base reaches the key point, and I have the ability to suppress all disputes in the world, so that all the fights in the world will be eliminated."

"At that time, the whole world, I am afraid it will be "dead"!"

"Ren Xin Tian Xin, now I am getting closer..."

Between the void,

Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness enveloped the surrounding world, feeling the scenes of the war, and suddenly let out a sigh.

The feeling of heaven in my heart,

The faint room has gone up to the next level.

The previous life's understanding of the evolution of life, the operating order of natural elimination, and this life in this naked and more obvious world of the weak and the strong, the collision of the knowledge of the two worlds has produced a splendid flower of wisdom!

And with Zhang Qingyuan’s strength already surpassing the masses, he may not be able to have a peak level in the realm of comprehension even if he reaches that billions of people.

Being detached from the outside world, looking down on all the living beings, I also have more insights!

In this insight,

Zhang Qingyuan faintly noticed that his own Dao Fa power seemed to be used more smoothly.

The strength of the new realm of Wanhua,

I am progressing quickly!

Zhang Qingyuan then closed his eyes, and while swiftly flicking between the void, while his consciousness enveloped the void, spreading across the surrounding world, he perceives that birth, old age, sickness and death, life fighting each other, pain, despair, anger.... .. All kinds of emotions are reflected in the depths of Zhang Qingyuan's heart, as if they have converged into turbulent waves, surging and impacted.

People's thoughts and various worlds are washing Zhang Qingyuan's mind little by little.

So that the breath of his whole person,

It became even more mysterious at this moment!

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