Just as the Four Great Wanhua battles, the force of terror broke through the Xutian, and even entered the Tianwaitian battlefield to continue fighting,

at this time,

In the forbidden area of ​​the Blood Demon Sect, Zhang Qingyuan's face was solemn.


Seeing the messy footprints ahead, Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrank.

In front is a forest of mountains and rocks, shaped like ghosts, with a huge mouth open, revealing a gloomy passage, as if waiting for the prey to be delivered to the door automatically.

On top of the sky, there is a layer of invisible power that even Zhang Qingyuan can't resist, making people unable to float in the air, and can only walk through the ground full of rubble.

The messy footprints began to spread from the ground and disappeared at the end of the dark, ferocious mountains and rivers in front of the boulders!

This made Zhang Qingyuan's heart sink a lot.

Disaster is coming,

Not everyone will have the courage to burn with the jade of the Zongmen, especially in places like the Demon Sect.

In fact,

During the journey, Zhang Qingyuan had a subtle feeling when he saw the blood demon cultivators who were not afraid of death.

If it weren’t for the spirits of those disciples and monks, there seemed to be something wrong, and the expressions in their eyes were too enthusiastic. They seemed to be controlled by human secret techniques. This kind of fanatical scene of coexistence and death with the sect,

If you can't say it, you have to doubt life.

"I hope it's not the worst possible..."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes sank slightly, his figure turned into a series of phantoms, and he swept in toward the dark and deep road ahead.


The black wind stream rises from the earth, blows through the air, and makes a sharp whistling sound, as if the space is being blown, the air stream rises like a nine secluded yellow spring, it is cold to the bone, and everything The vitality of life is blown out!

It wasn't until this moment when he stepped into these hideous mountains and rivers that Zhang Qingyuan discovered that the environment here was far worse than imagined!

On the road at the entrance,

Zhang Qingyuan saw a few white skeletons, lying on the ground, in the wind erosion of the yin spring, they gradually became yellowish at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had suffered thousands of years of weathering, and they were about to turn into loess!

It seems that it should be the unlucky ghost who broke into here soon, but not strong!

This place,

It is just the yin wind rising from the earth, if there is no magical support and protection in the realm of the hole, no matter how strong the strength is, basically there is death and no life!

What I saw at this time made Zhang Qingyuan feel embarrassed.

"What the **** is going on in this forbidden land? Where do these quiet springs and wind come from?"

In my mind,

Can not help but arouse the color of doubt.

But Zhang Qingyuan has no time to explore the origin of everything.

The figure rushed through,

In a few moments of effort, it seemed to have passed through a heavy curtain of water, and then the hideous mountains and rocks all around disappeared. What appeared in front of us was a black spring swept by the violent wind, the whole body was gray and black, with huge shadows. Straight into the sky, like a huge black mountain that fills the horizon of heaven and earth!

"What's the matter with this mountain?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart beats slightly,

Obviously, when I was outside, I didn't see the shadow of half of the mountain at all. What's the matter?

Is this going into another world? !


Is it the real forbidden area?

Just why,

This huge black mountain has a vaguely ominous feeling? !

Zhang Qingyuan frowned,

I only felt that the yin wind of the surrounding yellow springs became more and more violent, as if rising from the nine-nether yellow springs, eroding flesh and blood, and melting people into bones, making whistling sounds in the void.

And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan saw,

At the top of the mountain, vaguely, there seems to be a small lighted building entrenched.

Because the mountain is too large and the distance is too far, the buildings on the mountain top are only a small point left in the vision, and there seems to be some unknown force in the space, making even Zhang Qingyuan unable to see that. What is the specific building on the top of the mountain?

But suddenly, Zhang Qingyuan had a hunch that what he needed was there!


It should be the retreat of the blood demon sect,

And if the most important secrets of the Zongmen are placed there, it will undoubtedly be able to guarantee the greatest degree of insurance. After all, no place is safer than the existence of the giants of the world.

"It looks like it should be there, but there seems to be something wrong with these quiet springs. You must be more careful!"

He was vigilant in his heart, but he stepped forward without any slowness.


The wind howled, swept towards Zhang Qingyuan!

In between, the quiet spring and yin wind seemed to have life, condensed into an endless evil spirit, as if to swallow all the creatures that broke into this place!

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly,

Not because of the sight of a group of ghosts coming in front of me, but because in this unknown yin wind, the power of divine consciousness has been greatly suppressed!


The entire space seemed to freeze.

With Zhang Qingyuan's power, it was impossible to break through the boundaries of space and jump into the void!


The more extraordinary this place is, the more it proves that this tall Montenegro ~www.readwn.com~ is not a simple existence.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't move much, but there was a trace of Taoism rising around his body, which made the space of his body distorted, carrying a kind of profound and profound aura that no one could describe in words, as if it was a fairy aura!

As he walked by, Tao Yun mana escaped at will,

The evil ghost-like gloomy wind hitting all around was like a sea wave hitting an indestructible reef, instantly shattered, and torn into a gust of wind!

The original yin-qi faces in the wind were as easy as paper-like pieces by Zhang Qingyuan's qi machine!

In this regard, Zhang Qingyuan didn't care at all.

Although the divine consciousness was greatly suppressed, relying on the extremely profound knowledge, he still clearly sensed those so-called evil ghost faces in the wind. They were nothing more than illusions formed by the formation of the ghostly energy, and they were not real. Ghosts.

In the squally wind,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure turned into a flash of lightning, smashing through the heavy winds, and quickly rushing towards the top of the mountain.

After a quarter of an hour,

When Zhang Qingyuan walked through with all his strength, he was already halfway up the mountain, and when he reached the edge of the bare valley that was sunken somewhere,


He stopped.


Suddenly, a fist turned the five elements of Qi, turned into the sky, the big star rotated, and bombarded the space on the left with the aura of a landslide and a tsunami!

The originally solid and difficult-to-pass space is all squeezed and violently twisted like a mirror at this moment!

Within a space of several tens of meters, the air current erupted like a tsunami, sending out endless explosions, and the space shivered and shattered like a mirror violently!

Immediately after,

An illusory figure was then squeezed out of the void by this punch!

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