"Blood Demon Sect, this is a pill!"

After searching for the information in the minds of several people, Zhang Qingyuan was also a little speechless.

these people,

Surprisingly, they are the core disciples of the Blood Demon Sect, and there are others who are relatives of the real world powerhouses in Zongmen Cave.

Quite a few powerful second generations,

Only they were not affected by the blood element illusion magic arts, turned into enthusiastic supporters of the sect, and ran to die in a **** battle with the Holy Sect of the Five Elements.

And this time, it was a certain disciple of that Wanhua ancestor who took the lead in the raid in this forbidden area in the home of Wanhua ancestor, a half-step Wanhua existence!

The front is **** fighting, the rear is trying hard to dig the corner of the sect, and even boldly to scrape the retreat of the blood demon ancestor Wanhua ancestor!

The demise of such a sect can be said to be no surprise.


Zhang Qingyuan's expression was silent, his breath power was shocked, and the visible impact was exploded. The brains of several people were instantly dissipated, their breath disappeared, they collapsed, and their vitality was completely lost.

Judging from memory, these people are not good people.

Due to the practice of the Blood Demon Sect, all kinds of killings, skinning, and sacrifices to living people have not been done less, and even because of the background, they have done even more unscrupulously!

"Such a sect, even if it is destroyed!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was cold,

Although his perception of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements is not very good, at least, the right way represented by the Holy Sect of the Five Elements still retains dignity when eating people.

The Demon Sect is not,

This is really cannibalism, and it's alive and kicking.

In order to refine a magic weapon, it is not impossible to bloodbath the mortal towns of tens of thousands of people.

For them,

The mortals living in the mortal world are just livestock on their dinner table!

Immediately annihilating the lives of several blood demon cultivators who had done so deeply, Zhang Qingyuan made a move, and the storage bags of several blood demon cultivators on the ground flew up and fell into Zhang Qingyuan's hands.

As the residence of the giants in the realm of Wanhua, any piece of material inside is not a simple existence.

Just like the tables and chairs on the ground, they are all precious spiritual materials that can be used as the main material of the magic weapon.

The candlelight on the lampstand is even more beneficial to the tempering of the true essence realm spirit!

These treasures of heaven, material and earth are nothing more than decorations for the mighty power of the realm of ten thousand transformations, but for the monks of the real yuan realm, they are exquisite heaven and earth treasures!

Although Zhang Qingyuan is still not down to the point where he can't even let go of the tables and chairs in the palace,

But if someone helps him to scrape it off,

He doesn't mind taking it away.

"Trouble, it seems that most of them have been taken first..."

Looking at the deep hall passage ahead, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

The information obtained from the minds of these blood demon cultivators, the cultivator in this half-step operation is not only the direct disciple of the Wanhua ancestor, but also an old friend of Zuo Tianzun, You Tianzun. Participated in it.

From the beginning,

Those two half-step Wanhua goals are the treasures of the books and treasures in the home of Wanhua's ancestors!

With their relationship as high-level members within the sect, the two undoubtedly have more opportunities.

"It seems that hands-on are inevitable."

With a sigh in my heart,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed, like a teleportation, appeared dozens of feet away in the blink of an eye, and after a few flashes, it disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Fortunately, in the memories of the few Blood Demon Sect cultivators, there is the location of the Buddhist scriptures.

Although it's too late,

But if you can do it as quickly as possible, if you can directly meet the opponent, then it's best, but it's a big deal.

Even if he has already left when he arrives, he can still follow his trail.

Anyway, today's promotion to Wanhua, he Zhang Qingyuan is about to decide!

There were waves of violent wind and waves on the flat ground, and Zhang Qingyuan's figure seemed to have broken through the space, walking through the void, violently frictional collision, and even splitting the arc fire, leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

The majestic momentum swept across, like a tsunami impact, rampage.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't even evade, walked directly through the walls and houses, leaving a long passage in the open space!

Many cultivators of the True Essence Realm Blood Demon Sect who were taking advantage of the fire and were scraping various materials, before even reacting, were exploded by the powerful aura and turned into a tent of blood mist.

Even the cultivator of Dongzhen level, affected by this terrifying aura, was directly lifted off, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and flew out.

Suddenly it was hit hard!

His eyes stared at the previous electric storm sweeping in amazement, leaving only a piece of wreckage, the storm blasted through everything, leaving only a huge gully channel.

"Who is this?!"

The cultivator of Blood Demon Sect Dongzhen, who was hit hard by the flying fly, looked shocked, and his face still had the horror of the rest of his life.

This level of power seems to be like what a terrifying brute-force wild beast is rampaging!

The built materials and grades were originally good, and even the building materials that were difficult to leave traces on them in the middle and late stages of the legal domain were forcibly torn and broken by brute force like paper!

At that moment, if it wasn't for his position not blocked in the center, if it wasn't just for the aftermath of the aftermath,

If it is blocking the front, I am afraid that at that moment, he will be no different from those ants in the True Primal Realm!

"The Qi machine is condensed, it is difficult for UU to read www.uukanshu.com, but what is certain is that that person is definitely not a monk who waited for the Holy Sect!"

Someone responded,

That was the same door on the other side who was lucky enough to escape the spread, and came to fish in troubled waters secretly when the disaster was approaching!

Although the power at that moment did not affect him,

But even the space was broken and torn, unable to resist, and the momentum of the space tsunami that would destroy everything, also made his heart palpitate.

"The powerful outsiders have already begun to enter, and it seems that it won't last long outside!"

The person's face was ugly, and the air became suppressed.

The surviving people around looked at each other, and there was a faint urgency in their eyes, and there was also a jealousy for each other.

Then they were silent,

Be careful,

Then it turned into an afterimage and swept away, dispersing as birds and beasts.

In the magic door, although everything is profit first, in the current situation, it is obviously not a good idea to work with these methods without knowing the basis.

In contrast, it is better to collect enough resources as much as possible in the reclusive hall of this Wanhua ancestor.

The blood demon sect cultivator's talk in the back,

Zhang Qingyuan, who is on a rampage, is not clear.

At this moment,

Already came to the library next to the center.

"Unfortunately, if it hadn't been for the forbidden air force above that prevented me from ascending into the air, my speed would have been faster, and it would not have caused such a great movement."

Perceiving the sight of Ruoruo from some places, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh slightly.


Not what he wanted.

It is his character to make a fortune in a muffled voice.

"I just don't know, where did the forbidden air force shrouded in it come from..."

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