This is a gorgeous scene that is difficult to describe in words.

That ray of energy melted into the sky,

Between the heaven and the earth, a certain kind of Dao Yun Qi machine rises up, covering the nine heavens and ten earth!

In an instant it caused a magnificent scene like natural disasters!

The space trembles, the power of Taoism obscures the heavens, and they collide with each other, producing a dazzling arc and fire. In the clear space, the light is dazzling and dazzling!

"This is?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrank sharply, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

It’s just a ray of Qi machine power, but at this moment it is magnified thousands of times, as if to pry the law between heaven and earth, the whole world seems to be contained under the strength of that Qi machine, moving towards itself In the direction of the direction, the mighty rolling over!

"The law uses the heaven and the earth, can it become a realm of ten thousand transformations, and it is already the power that can invoke the law of the heaven and the earth?!"

Names of Zhang Qingyuan. His face is full of heavy colors.

Obviously, only less than one ten thousandth of a ray of Qi came here, but it was able to exert a level of power far beyond the half-step Wanhua!

The strength and mysteriousness of this realm can be seen!

However, despite this extremely terrifying blow, Zhang Qingyuan's heart was solemn, but there was not much fear and despair!

Although the mighty power of this vast and mighty world is terrible,

For the monks in the ordinary half-step Wanhua realm, there is no resistance at all.

But Zhang Qingyuan was never an ordinary person!

The path of practice,

Nor is it an ordinary avenue!

The Five Elements Reincarnation in Great Week!

The five laws appeared in the void, like the vast river of laws running through the sky, and descended on the world. Under the guidance of Zhang Qing's vitality machine, they merged into one, and finally condensed into a **** wheel of the heavens!

The wheel of the gods shines on the sky, slowly rotating, escaping the terrifying coercion!


The moment when the Five Elements Zhoutian God Wheel appeared. The laws of the entire world boiled at this moment, the void trembling violently, shaking violently like a glass mirror,

Under this terrible air force, it seemed that I couldn't bear it,

It's about to break apart!

At the same time, on the edge of the five-element round wheel, there appeared a deep, dark, invisible hand!

That is the darkness and nothingness that the space is obliterated!

The magical powers appeared, Zhang Qingyuan did not stay at all, with a punch, punching through the virtual sky, carrying the Five Elements Zhoutian Divine Wheel, wrapped in the vast and boundless power, and ran into the edge of the Ten thousand Transformation Realm!

boom! ! !

The collision erupted in an instant,

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were eclipsed!

Everything in the sky and the earth has lost its brilliance!

The shock of terror,

This made this solid space vibrate at this moment!

The Five Elements Reincarnation in the Great Zhou Dynasty itself is Zhang Qingyuan's natal supernatural power, and as his strength continues to grow, his power is also a means of pressing the bottom of the box!

At the time when the True Primordial Realm was consummated, Zhang Qingyuan was able to leapfrog the Lu Tianxu in the True Primal Realm with this type of supernatural power.

Completed the real feat of cutting the cave with the true essence!

And after he was promoted to the cave realm, the five-element avenue that merged with his own magical powers was upgraded to become a natal magical power!

after that,

With Zhang Qingyuan's deeper understanding of the Five Elements Taoism, his power has been further enhanced!

Until now,

It even faintly crossed the half-step tens of thousands of transformations, touching the edge of the true tens of thousands of forces!


Under the eruption of terrifying power, Zhang Qingyuan was blown away by the erupting power.

The figure flew upside down.

The flesh and blood on his fist burst open, and the golden blood shot out, revealing the jade-colored bones.


Block it!

The Wanhua-level blow that merged with the heavens and the earth's Qi and came across the air was finally blocked by him!

"Wanhua, Wanhua...Fa Yu Tiandi, the ultimate achievement is ten thousand, ten thousand is the power of the whole, that's how it is!"

Zhang Qingyuan's figure flew upside down, with a slight look of surprise on his face.

At this time, the blood on his exploded palm quickly returned, the flesh and blood grew, and soon he recovered completely, as if nothing had happened.

In a situation like Zhang Qingyuan, it can almost be said to be inhuman.

The blow seemed to be tragic and the damage was heavy, but for Zhang Qingyuan, who was promoted halfway through, the power of Taoism in his body merged with his body, it was nothing more than that.

And this little injury,

In exchange,

It is Zhang Qingyuan's deeper understanding of Wanhua's realm!

Worth it!

"This is the power of Wanhua. It seems that there is only a trace of energy, but in fact, it is no different from the blow I slapped!"

"The imperial ambassador world, the law uses all things, this realm, I am afraid that there is only a trace of the soul, which can display the power that is no less than the heyday!"

"How did this achieve this level?!"

The scenes that appeared during the battle continued to be reflected in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

Dayan Art works like crazy,

Try to analyze this kind of power.


In addition to allowing him to have a deeper understanding of the realm of ten thousand transformations and a deeper understanding of Taoism, it would be impossible for him to understand the path to the realm of ten thousand transformations from this blow. .

"Unfortunately, this step is really not that simple and can be crossed, but it will not take long. In the near future, I will eventually step into that realm!"

Zhang Qingyuan took a deep look at the place where the collision broke The whole person did not struggle,

Allowing the force of the collision to fly, the figure directly fell into the deep cliff and abyss, while breathing was swallowed by the vast black smoke rising into the sky, and disappeared without a trace.

Originally, Zhang Qingyuan was still entangled whether to go down and take a look.

But in the current situation,

But I had to take this trip.

Because Zhang Qingyuan felt that after blocking the power of this blow, a Ruoyouruuowu sight was placed on him!

If you don't want to be stared at by the gaze of the omnipotent power, you can only actively choose to jump into the unknown place of this cliff and abyss, and then find the opportunity to secretly leave from another direction.

He can feel it,

There is a big secret hidden in the cliff and abyss below.

Enough to block that trace of sight!


outside world,

The gate of the Blood Demon Sect.

The world has been broken,

The battlefield of the giants of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm has entered another level of space, into the chaos and nothingness!

Several tyrannical auras are intertwined between the darkness and chaos, just the movement of thoughts is enough to set off a stormy sea, and every collision produces a light that is as bright as the sun and the sun!

Fortunately, this is Chaos Beyond Heaven,

It is for another layer of heaven and earth after the void is shattered outside of space,

if not,

The power generated by each attack here is enough to break through the laws of heaven and earth in a radius of a hundred miles!

at this time,

In this terrifying battlefield,


The young man of the Five Elements Saint Sect who was struggling to besiege the blood river ancestors, who looked like the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm, suddenly became stagnant, and his face showed a look of suspicion.

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