That kid, ancestor Xuantong had some impressions.

Before the start of the war, he had sensed the fleeting aura of the opponent.

The disciple of Tianyang had also talked to himself about this, and mentioned a little bit of internal information. The other party had killed the cultivator of the sect in the realm, but he didn't care about it at that time.

Originally, the ancestor Xuantong didn’t care too much.

Although that kid's strength seemed to have improved from the legal realm to a half-step transition in a short period of time.

But for his giant Wanhua,

There is not much difference between the legal realm and the half-step Wanhua.

This so-called half-step,

In front of the real world of Wanhua, it's just a joke!

Without crossing that step, condensing one's own laws and Taoist seals, reflecting Tianxin, the so-called half-step, on the road to the realm of Wanhua, less than one-tenth of it!


The perception transmitted through that ray of Qi machine undoubtedly caused a stormy sea to be set off in Xuan Tong's heart!

Five Elements Avenue,

The power of the orthodox five elements!

It’s not the way that the Five Elements Sect has followed by tricks.

It's the Five Elements Taoism that walks upright along the ancient five-element orthodox avenue!

To know,

Even if he was Xuantong, he took a new path back then.

In the current world,

How can people not be shocked by the existence of such evildoers? !

this moment,

There was even endless greed rushing to his heart, making Xuan Tong almost unable to help him, and immediately set off to capture the kid.


After the catastrophe in which the blood demon sect of the 6,000-year-old predecessor hit the sect, although the sect was created by the great ancestor who had risen against the sky, he continued to continue the path of the Five Elements.

But because of trickery, if you want to go to the next level on the road of Wanhua, the difficulty required is almost ten times higher than that of ordinary Wanhua monks!

This is the price of taking shortcuts!

The ordinary Wanhua monk wanted to go further, and it was already even more difficult.

Multiply this difficulty by ten times,

That difficulty is simply comparable to the sky!


Xuantong had already given up the idea of ​​going further.

Think about the three thousand years of life in the realm of Wanhua,

Actually it's not bad.

But after perceiving the orthodox Five Elements Avenue, his mind changed. The ambition that had been extinguished many years ago was burning again at this moment!

"The Five Elements True Way, this is the ancient way, passed down from the upper realm, and leads directly to the avenue!"

Between Xuan Tong's eyes,

A touch of brilliance disappeared in a flash.

Neither the surrounding Yuanzhen ancestor nor the Wanhua junior brother of another Five Elements Saint Sect, or even the blood river ancestor on the opposite side, did not notice the changes in Xuan Tong's heart.

"In the rumors, since the world has been connected with Jiujue Xianzun, the world has changed drastically, and it is basically impossible to achieve the Five Elements True Way in the mortal realm!"

"That kid, there must be a big secret in him!"

"Even if the opportunity for that kid is exhausted, as long as he is captured, I may be able to explore the secrets in it, and even deprive him of his Five Elements Truth, to make up for my own foundation, so that my cultivation level can be improved. One floor!"

In Xuan Tong's heart, a fire rose.

How many years have it been,

His cultivation is already stuck here, and he has never taken a step forward.

This made him originally intend to give up, just want to be happy in the world and enjoy the remaining thousands of years.

Now seeing the opportunity to move on,

How can he not be anxious? !


The current situation of the battle makes it difficult for him to get away.

But his eyes flashed,

Take care of it.

"Brother, the amulet that I previously rewarded Wu Tianyang to that boy was smashed, and a strong man entered that place. This is a great treasure of the sect. I am worried that if we continue to drag it on, there may be accidents!"

"I was lost just now because my protection on that kid was broken!"

Xuan Tong looked solemn, and said to the ancestor Yuan Zhen.

"Senior Brother Yuanzhen, forgive me. I have just entered Wanhua not long ago. If I fight for a long time, I am not good at it."

Another younger Wanhua Da Neng, his face pale,

Also speak out.

This is undoubtedly like the last straw, crushing the original plan of the original ancestor.

"Finally, in this situation, the old man can't tolerate this stingy anymore."

"In this situation, you can only ask Gao Zu's methods to come out."

"It's just that the methods left by the ancestors of the past are used less and less, and will be consumed cleanly. The younger generations are not worthy of it!"

The ancestor Yuan Zhen sighed deeply.

Some regrets in my heart.


The great ancestor who managed to hold the Five Elements Saint Sect in the sky, left a lot of methods when he was sitting, and later made great contributions to the continuation of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

But those methods are all consumables.

Few are in his hands now.

However, the ancestors of Yuanzhen are the ones with firm heart and spirit after all. After making up his mind, he did not delay at all. On his old face, his eyes burst out with peerless sharpness at this moment.

"The treasure of the sect, you can't afford to lose!"

"All ready, this blow will kill this old blood river monster here!"


In an instant,

The vast momentum, straight into the chaos and nothingness set off a substantive tsunami!


at the same time,

the other side,

Under the cliff abyss of the back mountain of the blood demon sect forbidden land, a bitter wind rose from the depths of the dark gloom, and with an icy suffocating energy, it rushed into the sky and the clouds.

Above this cliff and abyss, there is a fragmented secret world floating!

In the secret world,

One side of the ruined hall was suspended,

The earth shattered, the walls collapsed, and the tall stone tablet in front of the door collapsed in one corner. On the spiderweb-like cracks, you can vaguely see the three big characters "Butian Pavilion" with iron paintings and silver hooks!

In the dilapidated hall,


There are still three hundred words here.

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