ps: The second chapter has not been finished yet, so I will post a chapter with full attendance. Let's read it tomorrow.


The boundary between the sky and the ground is covered by this sleeve at this moment, and it is placed between the universe and the earth.

Shot with the supreme mighty power of the realm of Wanhua,

For a so-called half-step change, it is natural to grasp it,

The ancestor Xuantong didn't think there was any surprise.

At this moment,

He even thought about what to do with this kid in his heart.

If you dare to kill the younger generation of your own sect, even if you gain some gains from your own cultivation, it will not be able to cover your mistakes.

In that case,

Then deprive it of the Five Elements True Way, squeeze all the opportunities on its body, and then deprive it of the soul, throw it into the stove and burn it for seven or forty-nine days.

If you can't hold it, it will be wiped out.

If you resist,

Then they will be cultivated into the spirit weapon, become the soul of the instrument, and will live forever and work for themselves to repay the unforgivable sins they have committed!

A flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Xuantong.

But at this moment,


A clear sword rang, resounding in the void world.

The next moment,

A sharp edge suddenly appeared in the sleeves of the ancestor Xuantong at this moment, piercing the sleeves, and then the earth-shaking sound spread from it, and the sleeves that encompassed the world burst at this moment, cracking. The clothes are flying in the sky like butterflies in the sky, and at the same time, the golden ray of light shines a golden glow on the sky, cutting the emptiness and all the paths of the sky, traversing the sky, and instantly slashing towards his head. Come here!


The sleeves exploded, and the ancestor Xuantong was stunned for a moment.


This was originally impossible.

For monks in the realm of ten thousand transformations, any moment of distraction is an opportunity to determine life and death. The giants in the realm of ten thousand transformations who have completed their cultivation and have lived for two thousand years will never easily commit this kind of accident. mistake!

But the ancestor Xuantong committed it at the moment!

He did not expect that the world in his sleeves would be broken by a little devil who was not at the level of ten thousand transformations.

Did not expect,

The other party escaped from the trap, and even dared to swing a sword at him outrageously!

Mortal ants,

Where does the courage come from to pull the sword to the sky!

Offend Tianwei,

How dare he!

The so-called half-step Wanhua is actually just the name of a group of ants in the realm of the Hollow Realm. For the real Wanhua, the so-called half-step Wanhua is just a joke!

The true power of all kinds of transformations, the mystery of the power of this realm, can be understood by ordinary people!

In the past thousands of years,

In front of him,

Whether it is the legal realm or the so-called half-step Wanhua monk, they are all respectful. Where has anyone dared to offend the majesty of his Wanhua ancestor? !

Thousands of years of loftyness, so that Xuantong ancestors' carefulness when they were young and weak has long disappeared cleanly, leaving only the lofty, defiant pride!

Zhang Qingyuan, with a half-step body,

Dare to swipe a sword at yourself outrageously,

Even cut off the Taoism of the Wanhua level, broke through the means of the world in his sleeve, and the sword light reached him, which undoubtedly brought a great shock to the ancestor Xuantong!

At this moment of stunnedness, the void splits, and the golden sharp edge is slashed towards its face, and it has reached the front in an instant!

The ancestor Xuantong turned his head instinctively.

But after all, it was too late!

The golden sword power slashed across the void, splitting a crack in the space, revealing the darkness of chaos and nothingness.

A strand of hair fell from the air, and the air of terrifying Dao Yun was lingering on it, and the surrounding space was affected by Dao Fa, and it was faintly distorted.

at the same time,

A drop of bright red blood slipped from the surface.

On the face of the ancestor Xuantong,

A scar that was long since a ruler was cracked!

That sword,

Not only did Wanhua Dao Fa encompass the universe and the universe, but also left a sword mark on the face of the ancestor Xuantong!

The ancestor Xuantong stood blankly in the void,

Feeling a drop of blood slipping from the face, the power of Taoism lingering in it was so heavy that it almost shattered a whole world, and the **** rays of light rose up, infecting every corner of the world.

The ground below suddenly sank within a radius of several miles!

For a while,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted to the time between the breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire world, and the sky and the earth shivered at this moment. , The space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared,


For a while,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted to the time between the breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire world, and the sky and the earth shivered at this moment. , The space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared, for a moment,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted with the effort between his breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire sky and the earth. All were trembling at this moment, and the space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared, for a moment,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted to the time between the breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire world, and the sky and the earth shivered at this moment. , The space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared, for a moment,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted to the time between the breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire world, and the sky and the earth shivered at this moment. , The space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared, for a moment,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted to the time between the breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire world, and the sky and the earth shivered at this moment. , The space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared, for a moment,

The ancestor Xuantong was a little stunned.

"How dare you..."

The ancestor Xuantong reacted to the time between the breaths. There was endless anger in his heart, erupting like a volcanic eruption, and the boundless vastness instantly swept the entire world, and the sky and the earth shivered at this moment. , The space kept trembling and cracking under the aura of terror!

The ancestor Xuantong roared,

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