ps: The second chapter is not finished yet, please post the repetitive chapter of the previous chapter first. You can subscribe tomorrow.


The power of the realm of Wanhua has fallen!

At this moment,

Not only was the Wanhua monk of the two great five-element holy sects at the mountain gate of the Blood Demon Sect sensed the disappearance of the ancestor Xuantong’s Qi machine,

more people,

Those monks living in the surrounding border land, originally attracted by the fluctuations of the war, soared up, standing in the void and looking towards the direction of the war, their expressions changed drastically, showing shock and disbelief. look!

The aftermath of the battle between Zhang Qingyuan and the ancestor Xuantong can be clearly sensed within a radius of 100,000 miles.

As for the monks above the legal realm, even in more distant places, they can feel the wave of destruction in the void!

Also because of this,

When the horrible blow of the peak collided,

Fang Yuan didn't know how many tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth, and how many monks there were. At this moment, they all felt that the star-like energy of energy was extinguished at this moment!

The aura that runs through the sun, the moon and the stars, the existence of the Wanhua realm,

With the earth-shattering collision, the breath has completely disappeared!

The stars are dim,

Between the sky and the earth, black winds were set off one after another, the light dimmed, and there was a whistling sound, like howling a ghost and howling a wolf!

A smear of blood from nowhere, overwhelming the sky, rendered the sky.

There is rain dripping,

Under the **** light of the red clouds, Ruuo had a **** rain!

Weeping blood in the sky!

At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to cry for the passing of a stalwart existence. Countless people looked at this scene of ghosts and gods crying for it, and they were already shocked as if they had lost their words.

All kinds of celestial phenomena,

There is no doubt about the result of the battle!

In that battle, a peerless ancient giant fell into it!

In the hearts of countless people, stormy waves have been set off, almost drowning them all at this moment!

"Mighty fall, the world is crying, who is it that died?!"

In the border and wasteland, those monks who were suspended in the air, looking at the scenes of visions of the sky and the earth before them, some people couldn't help but make a sound.

The aura that penetrates the sky, the sun, the moon, and the sky, and the wonder of howling heaven and earth, are undoubtedly far beyond the world they can reach.

For most people,

The existence of the realm of Wanhua is like the sky that runs across their heads, which is a level that can't be touched in a lifetime!

The existence of that state,

Many people have not even heard of it,

Not to mention understanding!

Even seeing this scene and feeling the previous terrible battle, even the borderline and wasteland can be called an insightful monk, it is impossible to infer the identity of the vast aura that has fallen.

"This aura is completely the existence of the ancient giants like the sun, moon and stars in the legend, but no matter who is dead, the world is about to change!"

The knowledgeable old man murmured in a low voice, staring at the front, and in his horrified eyes, he seemed to want to see all the wonders that were hard to see in his life.

Although he didn't know what level of monk fell to have such a vision,

But don’t guess,

Everyone knows that it must be a peerless ancient giant!

At this moment,

It's like a meteor hitting into the calm sea, and after only a few days, it will set off a stormy sea sweeping the entire Yunzhou land!


the other side,

In the forbidden forest without a name.

The entire world seemed to have been shattered at this moment. Within a hundred miles of the world, large expanses of space split, exposing large areas of chaos and darkness, and light seemed to have been swallowed in!

The space fragments involved are scattered around like a glass lattice, wrapped in darkness and chaos,

Even if the law of heaven and earth has begun to work,

The fragmented space is gradually spreading and recovering, and the hideous wounds are "healing" continuously.

But at this moment, as far as his eyes can be, there is a fragmented scene!

In a dark chaos,

A ray of light flashed suddenly,

Zhang Qingyuan's somewhat embarrassed figure was revealed at the moment.

At this moment,

The clothes on the upper body were all shattered, revealing a dim golden light, full of scars, and a body that was flowing like golden blood.

The deep cuts in some places gave rise to jade-colored bones.


The power of the realm of Wanhua has fallen!

At this moment,

Not only was the Wanhua monk of the two great five-element holy sects at the mountain gate of the Blood Demon Sect sensed the disappearance of the ancestor Xuantong’s Qi machine,

more people,

Those monks living in the surrounding border land, originally attracted by the fluctuations of the war, soared up, standing in the void and looking towards the direction of the war, their expressions changed drastically, showing shock and disbelief. look!

The aftermath of the battle between Zhang Qingyuan and the ancestor Xuantong can be clearly sensed within a radius of 100,000 miles.

As for the monks above the legal realm, even in more distant places, they can feel the wave of destruction in the void!

Also because of this,

When the horrible blow of the peak collided,

Fangyuan doesn’t know how many thousands of miles there are, and how many monks there are. UU Reading www.uukanshu. At this moment, com felt that the star-like energy of energy was extinguished at this moment!

The aura that runs through the sun, the moon and the stars, the existence of the Wanhua realm,

With the earth-shattering collision, the breath has completely disappeared!

The stars are dim,

Between the sky and the earth, black winds were set off one after another, the light dimmed, and there was a whistling sound, like howling a ghost and howling a wolf!

A smear of blood from nowhere, overwhelming the sky, rendered the sky.

There is rain dripping,

Under the **** light of the red clouds, Ruuo had a **** rain!

Weeping blood in the sky!

At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to cry for the passing of a stalwart existence. Countless people looked at this scene of ghosts and gods crying for it, and they were already shocked as if they had lost their words.

All kinds of celestial phenomena,

There is no doubt about the result of the battle!

In that battle, a peerless ancient giant fell into it!

In the hearts of countless people, stormy waves have been set off, almost drowning them all at this moment!

"Mighty fall, the world is crying, who is it that died?!"

In the border and wasteland, those monks who were suspended in the air, looking at the scenes of visions of the sky and the earth before them, some people couldn't help but make a sound.

The aura that penetrates the sky, the sun, the moon, and the sky, and the wonder of howling heaven and earth, are undoubtedly far beyond the world they can reach.

For most people,

The existence of the realm of Wanhua is like the sky that runs across their heads, which is a level that can't be touched in a lifetime!

The existence of that state,

Many people have not even heard of it,

Not to mention understanding!


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