ps: The second chapter has not been finished yet, so I will post a repeating chapter first, so let’s read it tomorrow.


"Condense the law of Dao Yin, replace Tianxin with the human heart, and then master the power of the law of heaven and earth, and complete the promotion of cultivation level in one fell swoop... So, this is the way forward for the realm of Wanhua... ....."

In the secret realm of the cave, Zhang Qingyuan sat on a black and round boulder, surrounded by strands of mysterious Taoism, like a five-element round wheel, reflecting the heavens.

The Qi of Dao Fa blends into the void, blends with the Qi of Heaven and Earth in the Mysterious Cavern Realm, spreading and enveloping the Mysterious Cavern Realm!

Taoism appears,

The mysterious and mysterious energy lingers and dissipates,

If there is a cultivator of the True Origin Realm here, he can see the great path, and it is impossible to have an epiphany on the spot, and his cultivation will break through and advance to the next level in one fell swoop.

But if that is the case,

Well, that person’s future path is about to be finalized, affected by Zhang Qingyuan’s Taoism, and he can no longer get rid of his Taoism.

Unless one day the cultivation base can surpass Zhang Qingyuan,

Otherwise, it is difficult to get out of Zhang Qingyuan's influence.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan was holding a jade slip in his hand,

There are still a few pieces floating in the void in front of him, glowing with fluorescence, and the contents inside are all information about the realm of Wanhua, which has already been read by Zhang Qingyuan.

After browsing the related jade slips in my hand, I learned the method of promotion to Wanhua,

On Zhang Qingyuan’s face at this time,

It also showed a stunned color.

The most important step in the promotion from Dongzhen law domain to Wanhua realm is to condense one's own Dao law domain into the law Dao seal, integrate into the Xu Tian, ​​and then have the terrifying power to master the law of heaven and earth!

It is precisely because of this,

When Wu Tianyang was beheaded in the forbidden area of ​​the Blood Demon Sect, the Xuantong ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect was able to exert the power of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm with a ray of cross-border aura!

This is because that blow was an attack launched by merging into heaven and earth, leveraging the power of heaven and earth!

"One is ten thousand, ten thousand is all..."

Zhang Qingyuan said silently in his heart,

I kept recalling scenes from the battle with the ancestor Xuantong, a faint white light appeared in my eyes, memories kept flashing, and the contents of these jade slips in front of him were constantly integrated together, which made Zhang Qingyuan’s understanding of the realm of Wanhua Experience the improvement little by little.

I don’t know how long it took,

Zhang Qingyuan’s eyes flashed away,

A dazzling lightning flash appeared in the void.

Dao Yunqi machine around the body,

It also converged to the extreme at this moment,

The whole person seems to have become an ordinary mortal.

"Huh, it's time!"

In Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils, the light flashes,


This last step must be taken!

It is not easy to take this step, and the danger is unprecedented!

In the past,

Whether it is a breakthrough from the Ling Yuan realm to the True Yuan realm, or from the real Yuan realm to the Dongzhen Dharma realm, breakthroughs in these great realms are difficult, but on the whole it is not too dangerous.

As long as the accumulation is not enough to force a pass, even if the breakthrough fails, it is mostly just an injury. It takes dozens of hundreds of years of cultivation and there is still a chance to continue to break through.

Only a small number of people who are unlucky, or who have not accumulated enough to force a pass to cause a backlash, will unfortunately die in the process of breaking the pass.

But from jurisdiction to Wanhua,

Everything is different!

Condense the seal of the Dao, attract the power of the world, and face the world,

A little careless,

It is very likely that Taoism is between heaven and earth!

The body and soul melt, merge into the heaven and the earth, and become a part of the operation of the law of heaven and earth!

The danger in this,

If there is a slight mistake, it will disappear!

It is totally different from previous breakthroughs!

In this world,

The chance of being promoted from the realm of Dongzhen Law to Wanhua is even more than half!

Even Zhang Qingyuan,

It may not be said that it will be able to break through successfully.

It's no wonder that there are so few Ten Thousand Transformation Realms in this world. As far as Yunzhou is concerned, if one can appear in a thousand years, that era can already be said to be a flourishing age of cultivation!

The bottleneck that is difficult to break is one aspect. In the process of condensing Dao Yin, the danger of Daoization is also one aspect!


so what? !

"The climbing road, the closer it is to the top, the steeper and more dangerous it is. A little carelessness will result in a fall into the abyss."

"The same is true of the road to immortality."

"The closer you get to the peak, the greater the danger you face. If you want to reach the peak, the only thing you can do is to move forward!"

Between Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, folds glowed.

The indomitable momentum,

Through the sky at this moment!

The intangible and intangible Taoist aggregates radiate, reflecting the heavens, and the power of the Five Elements Taoism seems to be reflected from the void at this moment, turning into a round wheel, and echoing each other in the secret world!


In the entire secret world, the space is moving like water.

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes,

Sinking into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge,

Dayan Art is fully deployed, and all the knowledge records that I have seen about the promotion of Wanhua method, and the insights of Xuantong ancestors about the breakthrough of Wanhua realm, the five-element holy ancestor's handbook, etc., quickly turned in front of my eyes. pass.


The intangible and intangible Taoist aggregates radiate, reflecting the heavens, and the power of the Five Elements Taoism seems to be reflected from the void at this moment, turning into a round wheel, and echoing each other in the secret world!


The entire secret world space moves like water.

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes,

Sinking into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge,

Dayan Art is fully deployed, and all the knowledge records that I have seen about the promotion of Wanhua method, and the insights of Xuantong ancestors about the breakthrough of Wanhua realm, the five-element holy ancestor's handbook, etc., quickly turned in front of my eyes. pass. The intangible and intangible Taoist aggregates radiate, reflecting the heavens, and the power of the Five Elements Taoism seems to be reflected from the void at this moment, turning into a round wheel, and echoing each other in the secret world!


In the entire secret world, the space is moving like water.

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes,

Sinking into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge,

Dayan Art is fully deployed, and all the knowledge records that I have seen about the promotion of Wanhua method, and the insights of Xuantong ancestors about the breakthrough of Wanhua realm, the five-element holy ancestor's handbook, etc., quickly turned in front of my eyes. pass. The intangible and intangible Taoist aggregates radiate, reflecting the heavens, and the power of the Five Elements Taoism seems to be reflected from the void at this moment, turning into a round wheel, and echoing each other in the secret world!


In the entire secret world, the space is moving like water.

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes,

Sinking into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge,

Dayan Art is fully deployed, and all the knowledge records that I have seen about the promotion of Wanhua method, and the insights of Xuantong ancestors about the breakthrough of Wanhua realm, the five-element holy ancestor's handbook, etc., quickly turned in front of my eyes. pass. The intangible and intangible Taoist aggregates radiate, reflecting the heavens, and the power of the Five Elements Taoism seems to be reflected from the void at this moment, turning into a round wheel, and echoing each other in the secret world!


In the entire secret world, the space is moving like water.

The knowledge record of, then quickly turned over in front of my eyes.

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