ps: The second chapter has not been finished yet, so I will post a repeating chapter first, so let’s read it tomorrow.


Before the thunderstorm arrived, a suffocating atmosphere overwhelmed the entire Yunzhou land.

For unknown reasons, the entire Yunzhou cultivation world was suddenly enveloped by a wave of repression!

In the past, the dazzling genius light no longer attracts people's attention, and some of the troublesome figures who love to toss things up in the realm of comprehension have also fallen silent for some reason.

Even the talking of the monks at the roadside restaurant was much lower.

A kind of depression that the rain is coming and the wind is full of the building!

The strange peace has spread throughout the Yunzhou cultivation world.

A person with a keen sense of smell,

I have felt that a huge storm that is about to sweep the entire Yunzhou cultivation world is about to come. When it breaks out, it will be shocked, and they have made preparations in advance to escape.


They all felt something bad from this depressed atmosphere, shrank their hands and feet, and avoided, so as not to be involved in the unknown horrible danger!

This caused the entire Yunzhou cultivation world to calm down strangely during this period of time!

It seems that all the struggles of grievances and hatreds have temporarily disappeared.

Everyone seems to be waiting,

Waiting for something big to happen.

In this context,


The eight northern regions,

Beishan domain.

Just like the outside world, the entire Beishan region is no different from other places in Yunzhou.

But the depression that every creature living on this land feels is several times stronger than that of other places in the outer world!

A heavy feeling enveloped my heart.

It makes people feel difficult to breathe.

Living at the bottom of this room, I found that there was a lot more streamer flying in the sky during this period of time.

That is the trace left by the high-ranking monk across the sky.

Many people on the street whispered,

There was a lot of discussion.

Some people say that the cave that took refuge in Qianyun Mountain was caught by a big hand that fell from the sky a few days ago. He was imprisoned in a certain place, and seemed to be forced to ask something.

Some people say that the monks of Qianyun Mountain have now been hit by the Holy Sect of the Five Elements. The practitioners who gathered on the mountain gate under Zhang Qingyuan, the first monk of the Northern Mountain Region, all fled under the blow.

Some people say that on Qianyun Mountain, the disciple under the seat and the core ones all left early and hid in an unknown corner, and the people of the Five Elements Sacred Sect rushed into the air.

Numerous rumors spread among the monks' gates in the northern mountain region, making people panic for a while.

this moment,

People only remembered how terrifying the Five Elements Saint Sect, the only holy place in Yunzhou, is!

With a wave of hands, the power gathered by the first cultivator of the North Mountain Territory that no one can challenge above the North Mountain Territory Comprehension Realm is so easily wiped out!

Fear, terrible, trembling!

In the depressed atmosphere, someone sighed.

This Northern Mountain Region's first position in the cultivation world seems to have encountered a curse.

Thousands of years ago, Zhang Sanchen, who was a scattered man in Lushan, suddenly provokes an unknown existence. As a result, even the people and the forces under his command disappeared completely and were wiped from the world.

If you count the former Qianyun Mountain Great Elder, after breaking through the barrier and promoting the final stage of the Dongzhen Law realm, he was dropped from the air and beheaded with the momentum of thunder.

Those who have reached that position over the past millennia, there are already three of them now!

The top position of the cultivation world in the North Mountain Region,

It seems to be full of ominous!

If someone boarded,

Great disaster is bound to happen!


The depressed Yunzhou Comprehension Realm and the undercurrent of the Northern Mountains Region had no influence on the big figures standing at the top.

The investigation of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements is advancing step by step.

As a sacred place for thousands of years of inheritance,

Controls hundreds of millions of people.

The depth of the foundation,

With an order, it is naturally possible to easily draw a ticket of reasoning genius from mortals and even the realm of cultivation. From some of the clues found, they will continue to follow the veins and approach the secret realm where Zhang Qingyuan is located.

And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was practicing in seclusion in a secret realm, naturally knew nothing about the reaction of the outside world and the means of tracking.

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan’s soul blends into the world of the underworld,

The spiritual consciousness of the sea has merged into the source of the convergence of the laws of ten thousand ways, and wherever you can see, there is a dazzling white light.

Under the radiance of this light, a kind of warm, spiritual comfort rises from the bottom of my heart,

It is a kind of warmth and comfort that cannot be described in words,

Like a mother's embrace,

Let people let go of all the obsessions in the heart, without thinking or thinking, everything in the mind is washed and emptied.

Everything is not important anymore,

What to do,

It is to blend into the mother board of heaven and earth and return to the embrace of heaven and earth!

Zhang Qingyuan’s soul,

Suspended dazedly on the sea of ​​ten thousand origins,

Dull eyes,

Within the body,

As the Five Elements Dao Law of the Origin Avenue, it is resonating with the ocean of the Five Elements Law of the outside world, and it is barely maintained in the body, but outside the body surface, the rest of the law of wind, law of thunder, law of blood, etc., are rapidly dissipating !

His spirit power, and even the power of Taoism, are being assimilated by this world!

This is an unprecedented dangerous situation!

In this world,

As for the monks who have failed their promotion,


The Five Elements Taoism as the Origin Avenue is resonating with the ocean of the Five Elements Law of the outside world, barely maintained in the body, but outside the body surface, the rest of the law of the wind, the law of thunder, the law of blood, etc. , Is quickly dissipating!

His spirit power, and even the power of Taoism, are being assimilated by this world!

This is an unprecedented dangerous situation!

In this world,

As for the monks who fail to be promoted, as the Five Elements Dao Law of the Origin Road, they are resonating with the ocean of the Five Elements Law of the outside world, and they barely stay in the body, but outside the body surface, the rest of the law of wind, law of thunder, law of blood, etc. Wait, is quickly dissipating!

His spirit power, and even the power of Taoism, are being assimilated by this world!

This is an unprecedented dangerous situation!

In this world,

As for the monks who fail to be promoted, as the Five Elements Dao Law of the Origin Road, they are resonating with the ocean of the Five Elements Law of the outside world, and they barely stay in the body, but outside the body surface, the rest of the law of wind, law of thunder, law of blood, etc. Wait, is quickly dissipating!

His spirit power, and even the power of Taoism, are being assimilated by this world!

This is an unprecedented dangerous situation!

In this world,

As for the monks who fail to be promoted, as the Five Elements Dao Law of the Origin Road, they are resonating with the ocean of the Five Elements Law of the outside world, and they barely stay in the body, but outside the body surface, the rest of the law of wind, law of thunder, law of blood, etc. Wait, is quickly dissipating!

His spirit power, and even the power of Taoism, are being assimilated by this world!

This is an unprecedented dangerous situation!

In this world,

As for the monks who have failed their promotion,

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