Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 215: Luck and misfortune

Every giant in the realm of Wanhua is an arbitrarily supreme existence that has lived through the ages!

That is the existence standing at the pinnacle of the entire Yunzhou cultivation world!

In the past years,

The Taoist giants of the Wanhua realm are all living on the sky, unable to hide, sitting and watching the changes in the world, the rising and falling of Tianjiao, and the surging changes in the world.

In the age when Wanhua Dao Zun could not come out,

Traveling across the world, traveling across the Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, is a half-step omnipotent power.

Those half-step powerful abilities,

It is the pinnacle on the bright side!

In the thousands of years before this time, the number of times Wanhua Dao Zun appeared was very few, not to mention fighting and fighting!

And for Zhang Qingyuan’s mere existence,

The three Wanhua Dao Sovereigns actually came together, joined forces to destroy the world, and they must be killed in the bud!

Such and such treatment,

Even if Zhang Qingyuan falls here today,

His name will also be passed down to the world, and will be sung for thousands of years to come!

we can even say,

From ancient times to the present,

I am afraid that looking at the entire Jiuzhou land, there is no such thing as a half-step cultivator who has received such treatment as Zhang Qingyuan!

"After today, even if you die on the spot, you will be proud enough!"

An icy color gleamed in the eyes of the ancestor Yuan Zhen.


The three powerful forces merged together at this moment, the bright rays of light revolved, bursting out the brilliance of a star, turning into a beam of light that penetrates everything and penetrates the sky, and blasts toward the sky with the momentum of thunder. The secret realm, vowed to destroy the cave sky!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The void collapsed, and the boundaries of the Mysterious Cavern Realm were penetrated at this moment!

The vast power poured in,

The secret realm of the cave is filled and swollen,

Seeing to be like a firework is about to explode!

no doubt,

When this fusion of the three tens of thousands of powers exploded, it was enough to destroy the entire secret realm of the cave from the inside to the outside, and wipe it out of this world!

But at this moment,

"You came here with enthusiasm, but didn't wait for the master to come forward and forcibly break into other people's homes. Isn't it impolite?"

The lingering voice suddenly sounded in the void, like a clear spring flowing around, entering everyone's ears.

The voice hasn't fallen yet,

A jade-white palm has passed through a storm of devastating power, like a cross-boundary, spanning thousands of feet, a palm of crystal-like jade slapped at the bottom of the beam of light!


A clear sound of golden and jade strikes shook open, and a wave of clear light ripples around the void. It was the power of Dao Fa that shook away in Yingfan!

Immediately after,

A powerful force acted on the bottom of the beam, and it instantly changed the direction of the beam, and suddenly ejected toward the top and high in the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! !

That converged the terrifying blow of the three Wanhua Dao Zun giants, bombarding the sky, and immediately produced an earth-shattering explosion!

The entire sky, like a big day, the sun descended on the world, bursting out with an extremely dazzling light, and at the same time, under the impact of terror, large areas of space cracked and shattered the sky!

The impact of destruction swept across the world!

I don’t know how many creatures have been affected,


But at this moment,

The three Yuanzhen ancestors no longer have any thoughts to pay attention to these.

Their eyes,

Staring at a figure slowly walking out of the smoke and dust in front of him, when that figure appeared, the sky and the void in front of him seemed to be dimmed!

The power of Taoism haunts the void and spreads,

The world is eclipsed!

"Have you been promoted successfully?!"

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's surrounding Dao Fa power cheering and jumping, the ancestor Yuan Zhen couldn't help but utter a shock at this moment.

Both Emperor Wu and Xuan Ming looked dignified.

Faced with the three attackers, Zhang Qingyuan did not answer directly.

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank the three more. If it weren't for the three of them, Zhang would probably stop at this level!"

Looking at the three great ancestors in front of him,

Zhang Qingyuan stood hanging in the air, his eyes complicated and authentic.


Before he broke through to Wanhua, he was called to the door and directly interrupted his promotion.

Moreover, the three Wanhua Taoist priests came together, let alone Zhang Qingyuan's lineup, I'm afraid those peerless Tianjiao rare in ten thousand years will definitely not be easy to get through!

Wanhua Dao Zun's cooperation is not as simple as one plus one!

But fortunately,

In the process of breaking through, Zhang Qingyuan's consciousness was drunk and entered the sea of ​​heaven and earth, and the power of the soul and the Taoist cultivation will dissipate in the resonance, and the Taoism will become a part of the heaven and the earth!

Just at this time,

The attack of the three tens of thousands of transformations, under the joint attack, directly interrupted his perception and promotion, allowing him to walk back from the ghost gate!

The mystery of the world is really unpredictable.

However, Zhang Qingyuan obviously won't explain the reason in detail with the other party.

"No, he hasn't been promoted yet!"

At this moment,

Martial Emperor Dao Zun, who was staring at Zhang Qingyuan carefully, suddenly spoke out.

The ancestor Yuanzhen and Dao Zun Xuanming turned around and waited for the explanation from each other.

"Don't be deceived by his appearance, just feel it! He doesn't have that kind of real aura, it can only be regarded as a pseudo-universal!"

With Wu Huang's reminder, Yuan Zhen's ancestor quickly perceives it, and then his complexion becomes difficult to look.

"Pretend to be a ghost, and die!"

With a stern shout, the ancestor Yuanzhen was full of beards flying, and a clear sword rang out. I saw the **** like a sword, and the sword struck Zhang Qingyuan.

It was a dazzling divine sword intertwined with countless runes and Taoism, smashing through hundreds of feet of void, and slashing towards Zhang Qingyuan's head!


Facing Yuanzhen’s ancestor’s Hengkong Zhang Qing opened his mouth and vomited, the bright light rose, and the half-spirited Five-Aggregate Prisoner Dragon Bowl flew out from the Dantian, grunting quickly Rotating, the power of the five elements merged into it, bursting into colorful radiance, and finally expanded into a big "lid" that grew up between Zhang Xulai and stood in front of Zhang Qingyuan!

The sword bowl collided,

Immediately, there was a clear roar of golden and jade strikes, and the surrounding space was shattered by the power of escape and shock!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure also flew upside down tens of feet,

His face was red,

A ray of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth!

"Sure enough, he hasn't been promoted yet!"

The ray of light in the pupils of the ancestor Yuan Zhen burst into folds.

"If you do it now, you must kill it in the bud!"

He didn't even bother to think about how Zhang Qingyuan had done the beam attack of their three tens of thousands before, but the temptation of the sword just now successfully caused him to retreat by tens of feet, and the corners of his mouth bleed.

This can never be at the same level, otherwise it won't be so!

This also made Yuanzhen ancestors and Wuhuang Xuanming understand,

Zhang Qingyuan now,

The promotion has not been successful yet!

Both Emperor Wu and Xuan Ming showed great joy on their faces.

As long as the promotion is not successful and faces the siege of the three Wanhua Taoist priests, then everything is doomed, and there will be no surprises at all!


With a roar,

Emperor Wu and Xuan Ming also burst out powers that made the sky tremble, and the power of Taoism was so bright that they slammed into the roar!

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