Going desperately!

The giants of the three million transformation realms joined forces to burst out the final power lore. Under the overwhelming terrifying power, just the emission of breath caused the surrounding void to collapse!

In order to kill Zhang Qingyuan in one fell swoop and completely explode his glazed golden body, the three of them had already squeezed every inch of mana in their bodies, and Tianxin Dao Yin was integrated into this world-shaking ultimate move!

Inspiring the heavens, the earth and the sea, the boundless power of all magic comes!

Every type of lore here is a terrorist method that is enough to kill Wanhua Dao Venerable of the same rank!

After such a big battle,

Whether it is the ancestor of Yuanzhen, Emperor Wu, or Xuanming Dao Zun, they all regard Zhang Qingyuan as opponents of the same level!

Do not,

It is a stronger existence than opponents of the same level!

At least a normal cultivator of the Wanhua realm of the same rank, but there is no strength to resist the three Wanhua teamed up to attack and survive the siege!

"The final lore!"

In the void, Zhang Qingyuan looked at the three giants of Wanhua who came together with the power of the heaven and the earth in front of him. In the remaining right eye, the light flickered, bursting out the divine light that penetrates the void of the heaven and the earth.

At this time, one of his eyes had been blown under the previous battle, half of his face was blown open, revealing a jade-colored skull and rows of neat teeth.

Plus that shattered body, like a bone frame with tattered clothes hanging on it,

Such a terrifying scene, if it is put in a horror movie, it is definitely an existence that can scare people to death.

Facing the final lore of the three Wanhua giants,

Even Zhang Qingyuan felt a sense of the imminent crisis of death. He was locked in by the Qi machine, and there was no escape, no escape, and he was about to fall into the abyss of death!


Faced with such a terrible killer move, the fighting spirit in Zhang Qingyuan's heart not only did not disappear, but intensified!

Bloody aura,

Soaring into the sky!

"Come on! If this blow can't kill me, then it will be your death date!"

Zhang Qingyuan’s divine light flickered, and a golden and jade-colored light burst out from all over his body, shining like a blazing sun on the world, and all the vitality powers gathered at this moment and reached their peak!

at the same time,


Behind the void, the power of the Five Elements Taoism rushed out, like a long river of laws, reflecting the empty sky, the power of the Five Elements rushing around, like Yin and Yang two qi intertwining each other, and finally condensed into a side of tens of meters in the body, as substantial The big clock enveloped Zhang Qingyuan, the interweaving of powerful Daoist forces, but the escaping energy caused the surrounding space to collapse, unable to withstand the power of this stalwart, giving people an indestructible feeling of solidity!

"Five Elements Avenue?!"

Seeing this scene, the ancestor Yuan Zhen couldn't help but utter a shock.

How is this going? !

How could this kid practice the Five Elements Avenue,

Moreover, on the five-element avenue, it is clear that even the Tianxin Dao seal has not yet condensed, but why is there a wave of Qi fluctuation that makes them feel frightened? !

this moment,

The ancestors of Yuan Zhen couldn't help but set off a stormy sea!

Excluding the wisp of energy that made them feel terrified, the ancestor Yuanzhen was also surprised to find that the power level of the Five Elements Dao that the other party was practicing seemed to be higher than that of his own and others!

This is the road of the ancient Five Elements,

It is the Five Elements Truth!

In an instant, the ancestor Yuanzhen raised countless thoughts in his heart.

But at this moment,

The peak blow of the trio had also arrived, and it hit Zhang Qingyuan's body with unmatched momentum!

Rumble! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion broke out,

At that moment,

The whole world is eclipsed!

The sky for hundreds of miles was split at this moment, and the terrifying momentum collapsed large tracts of space, spreading out the dark abyss of invisible fingers.

There was a huge hole in that sky!

The sky collapsed!

Immediately after,

The dazzling light bloomed, like the rising sun, and suddenly flooded the entire Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range!

this moment,

Countless people stared at all of this blankly, the terrifying impact and collision, the terrifying scene of the collision and fracture of Taoism, deeply reflected in everyone's heart!

"Hi, is this the strength of the Ten Thousand Hua Realm! This mountainous land with a radius of thousands of miles, I am afraid it will be destroyed!"

"It's no wonder that only with the power of the Wanhua level can it be called the top strength that stands at the pinnacle of the cultivation world. I am afraid that no matter how many cultivators of the realm, they are just a group of larger ants in front of this level of existence!"

"It's a pity that Qingyuan is so talented that if it weren't for being besieged and killed by the three Wanhua, he would stand at the pinnacle of the realm of cultivation in the future and be famous for the entire Jiuzhou Continent!"

"Yes! This person's talented evildoer, I am afraid that it is not in the legendary Central Continent cultivation world also has a place!"

"What a pity, what a sigh!"

Some passersby sighed,

The people around him respond, and this is also full of regrets.

Previously, Zhang Qingyuan had shown extremely strong strength and was able to resist the siege of the three giants of Wanhua, which almost fell the attention of everyone present.

But at this moment,

Under this terrifying force that sweeps thousands of miles, even the laws of heaven and earth are traversed and pierced, and the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, no one thinks that Zhang Qingyuan can still survive.

That last blow,

The three giants of Wanhua obviously left with the idea of ​​completely destroying them.

However, with half a step, the body of Wanhua can do this step,

It's already shocking the ancients!

Thousands of miles away from the Qingyang Demon Beast Mountain Range, the impact of the energy storm that swept through made the Dongzhen Realm cultivator standing in the air tremble, and he had to forcibly stabilize his figure.

And at this time,

The energy impact in the center of the battlefield is even more terrifying!

The energy storm that filled every corner of the chaotic void shattered the space and shattered the electric snake flames of the road. If a monk from the legal realm was involved, it would be severely damaged and torn apart in a moment!

In this terrible storm,

The three ancestors of Yuanzhen shook their bodies, and the whole body shook away, barely sweeping away the energy storm that was swept by the impact, and stabilizing their figures in the horrible chaotic void of the electric snake's flames.

"has it ended?"

The three Yuanzhen ancestors stared at the place where Zhang Qingyuan was originally located.

That piece of emptiness has been completely destroyed!

It was a chaotic emptiness, full of terrifying energy storms, which not only blocked the sight, but also shattered the divine consciousness.

A dark jedi,

Make people unable to perceive the specific situation.

"It should be over. That kid was already badly injured. No matter how strong the Liuli golden body is, it won't be unreasonably strong. Brother, I'm waiting for the attack by the three of you just now. Come down!"

Xuanming Dao Zun saw that there was no movement in the darkness in front of him, thought for a while, and said aloud.

A heart relaxed.

The ancestor Yuan Zhen and Wu Huang on the side nodded their heads, affirming this statement, and he was also relieved.

This kid,

It puts too much pressure on them!


No matter what the evildoer, no matter how terrible the future is, it will eventually die here!

Tight atmosphere,

Then relax at this moment.

The ancestor Yuan Zhen showed a slight smile on his face, and he was about to say something.

at this time,

Within the darkness and chaos engulfed by the chaotic storm ahead, a singular profound energy machine suddenly rises, blends into the world of the underworld, and provokes the sea of ​​origin!

"Tianxin Dao Yin, that's how it is, is it done like this?"

As the aura rose into the great underworld, a hoarse and faint voice resounded beyond this chaotic void!

In an instant,

Whether it’s Yuanzhen ancestor, Wu Huang and Xuanming Dao Zun,

The expressions of the three of them changed drastically!

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