Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 232: Curse the ominous rules, the earth and the sky are all transformed

A moment ago,

   Everyone laughed happily, and was in a good mood for the success of the plot.

   Nanshan Gong was even more excited,

  I imagined that I succeeded in the final backstab, obtained the Heavenly Fusion Pill, and obtained the secrets of the boy. Since then, he has been promoted to the realm of ten thousand transformations.

next moment,

   Everyone’s heart is as if shrouded in a great horror, a great ominous feeling, and instantly fell into an endless abyss of darkness!

   "Venerable, please spare your life!"

"Do not!"

   The screams of stern desperation resounded, and at the same time, powerful forces burst out, and the power of Taoism that could destroy the mountains swept like a tsunami.

   However, the big hand that covered the sky and the sun did not stand still, as if any business could not stop him from coming, it rolled down slowly and firmly.

   As if covering the entire sky, the surrounding void instantly collapsed.

  The resistance of the three Nanshan Gongs,

   Under this palm, like a firework, it burst and dissipated in an instant, and was slapped by a palm!


   The earth-shaking loud noise resounded through the sky and the earth, and the entire secret realm of the cave shook violently at this moment, and the sky and the earth were cracked by huge cracks one after another!

   The ground shakes the mountain!

   The whole cave world seems to collapse in the next moment!


Amidst the turbulence of the void, Zhang Qingyuan's figure appeared, and the Ruoyouruowu Dao Yun Qi was lingering around, and the chaotic storm that swept across the sky in a radius of thousands of meters was changed under this terrifying aura. Very docile.

   A palm pierced through the cave sky, and the storm it set off also caused a shocking wave in the outside world.

   Even a huge city hundreds of miles away under the mountain, you can clearly see the impact of the bright energy sweeping through the sky, the thunder-like loud noise is coming, and the world is shaking violently!

As the gate of Nanfushan Mountain, which is the closest to Dongtian, the ground is shaken. The formation collapsed directly under the violent impact. The cracked rocks and collapsed houses, under the impact of the terrifying torrent, Ruuo ushered in the end. Natural disasters!

   "What happened?! Who dares to be arrogant in this Nanfu Mountain! This is looking for death..."

   In Nanfu City, I watched the volcanic eruption hundreds of miles away in horror.

   "Shut up!"

   "How can you dare to talk about this kind of power!"

   "The name of Duke Nanshan is well known to the world. As the dojo of the half-step Wanhua realm venerable, how can you dare to call the door and wait for it?!"

   Someone stopped the words of the people on the side in horror, and looked around carefully, for fear that the words of this person would cause disasters and spread to one side of the world!

There was a time when someone had a broken mouth and spoke disrespectful gossip with their backs to Mighty Mighty, thinking that by lowering their voices, others would not be able to hear them. As a result, Mighty Mighty waved his hand. The terrifying force shattered the surrounding world and affected countless innocent people. Its crushed into slag!

   This kind of thing has spread a lot in the cultivation world.

  The strong must not be humiliated!

   This truth is undoubtedly summed up from countless blood and tears in the realm of comprehension.

   "Shooting momentum, shocking hundreds of miles, this level, I'm afraid it is not the realm of Wanhua in the legend!"

   Someone made a sound in horror,

   The person who spoke earlier was even more pale.

   The terrifying imposing shock has spread to hundreds of thousands of miles.

   Many people turned into streamers and fled in horror.

   But more people's eyes flickered, and some thoughts came up in their hearts.

  The enemy comes,

   Nanfu Mountain was destroyed,

   Can you fish in troubled waters and find some opportunities in the chaos?

   From this idea,

   not only did not retreat,

   Instead, he carefully concealed his figure, constricted his aura, and prepared to fly slowly towards the direction of Nanfu Mountain, so as not to attract the attention of the attacking mighty.


   Their ideas are destined to be whimsical.

   With Zhang Qingyuan’s spiritual knowledge,

   It's impossible to hide from his perception of any kind of breathing technique or martial arts.

  Don’t say he Zhang Qingyuan,

   Even if it is any Dao Zun giant of the Wanhua realm, the monk who is under the half-step Wanhua wants to hide his Qi in front of him, that is simply a joke!

   But even though I feel that someone who is not afraid of death comes over,

   But Zhang Qingyuan didn't care about them.

   "Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected gains. It seems that someone is secretly preparing to deal with me. I don't know what power it is. This method...not like the Holy Sect of the Five Elements."

   Beyond the sky, between the void,

  A Hessian dagger was suspended in Zhang Qingyuan's palm, and all kinds of weird and ominous light radiated from the sword, which vaguely made Zhang Qingyuan a feeling of disgust.

   Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself in his heart.

   Next to him, the man who sits aloft in the Nanshan Region, who is immortal for thousands of years, has turned into a corpse at this moment, without any vitality.

   Before that, he broke the vacuum with a palm, penetrated the boundary, and prepared to kill him.

   What I didn’t expect was,

   There are unexpected gains.

   Someone or some force secretly contacted Lord Nanshan and gave him the mysterious dagger in front of him, letting it join his subordinates on the surface, and then waited for the deadly blow when it was necessary!

   This makes Zhang Qingyuan a little speechless.

   Needless to say, Nanshan Gong’s inner malice is almost invisible in front of him.

   At the beginning of the Blood Demon Sect border, the other party had secretly contacted Wu Tianyang of the Five Elements Saint Sect, prepared to use the Gale Daoist to provoke the incident, and secretly used the power of the Five Elements Saint Sect to kill him.

   Although Zhang Qingyuan was unsuccessful due to changes at the time, how could Zhang Qingyuan easily expose this enmity like a virgin?

   Calculate yourself, you must pay a price!

   What's more, at the beginning, the opponent came with the idea of ​​killing him. If it weren't for his own strength and battle changes, he would not have been calculated to death by him!

   This is a vengeance!

   How could it be easily let go.

   Only pitiful for this Nanshan Lord before he died, he thought that his plot shadow was very good, no one knew, confident that he could easily take refuge in himself...

   The forces behind the two men in black may have been deceived by their behavior when they went to participate in the blood demon sect together with Nanshan Gong at the beginning.

   chose Nanshan Gong as the undercover agent for the penetration.

   But how did they know that there is such a thing as the devil's devouring magic in this world, and that Nanshan Duke's plan has already been completely understood by himself!

   "Unfortunately, the two men in black caused their backhands to explode when they saw that the situation was not good, and their souls were destroyed. Otherwise, they can follow the vine and find the forces behind them..."

   For being targeted,

   Zhang Qingyuan is not afraid.

   Wanhua realm, colored glaze golden body,

  The level of dual cultivation of law and body gives oneself a power that is far beyond the ordinary realm of Dao Zun!


   Along with the stability of the realm of cultivation, Zhang Qingyuan's strength has been getting stronger all the time by practicing many powerful martial arts and martial arts.

   The entire Yunzhou land,

   Maybe, except for some such as the one who was born not long ago in the Five Elements Saint Sect, and the very deep potential existence in the Second Sect, he basically has nothing to fear except for the few people of the big power.

   has reached the level of Wanhua realm,

   Even if you look at the entire Jiuzhou land,

   is definitely the top level of the realm of comprehension!

   Even if the ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect is face to face, even if he is defeated, there should be no problem if he escapes.

   And with the improvement of one's own strength,

   will eventually surpass the other party.

   And then,


   is their Holy Sect of the Five Elements!

   "This thing is a bit weird, it seems to be a curse rule... I don't know, what kind of force it will be."

   Dayan Art was fully opened, and Zhang Qingyuan began to perceive the power of the black short sword in his hand.

   But what surprised him was that

   The black dagger power,

   does not seem to be an ordinary power of Taoism.

   is more similar to a weird rule!

   Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt that if he was stabbed by this dagger, then a certain ominous and curse within it would spread and weaken himself at the level of rules!


   Zhang Qingyuan squeezed his fingers, and strands of gray mist began to linger from the black dagger, and finally a strand of strength the size of a hair fell into his fingertips.

   Perceiving this weird force, Zhang Qingyuan vaguely gained.

  This power,

   seems to be somewhat similar to a certain power I have ever seen!

   What is that?

   Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, thinking in his mind, suddenly his eyes flashed.



   is that ray of fairy air!

   Even though this weird power is less than one percent of the fairy qi, Zhang Qingyuan still vaguely feels a certain similarity from it!

   This kind of similarity is similar in level!

   is also similar in terms of rules!

When Zhang Qingyuan used that ray of celestial energy to kill the ancestor Xuantong in the realm of Wanhua with half a step, he once felt that under a ray of celestial energy, the kind of heaven and earth collapsed and chaos. The horrible sight!

   That is like a rule,

  Everything ahead is the rule of destruction!

the difference is,

   Immortal Qi often carries a kind of ethereal connotation.

   The power in front of me is full of curses and ominousness.

   And as far as the level of strength is concerned, it is like the result of Zhang Qingyuan’s previous wisp of fairy bubble water after being diluted a hundred times, barely getting a hint of its meaning!

   "Could it be that this is the road after the realm of Wanhua?"

   Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help thinking.

   In fact,

Even though he has killed many Dao Venerables in the realm of Wanhua and robbed some of the deep inheritance jade slips of the Blood Demon Sect along the way, Zhang Qingyuan still has nothing to do with the road after the realm of Wanhua. Know.

  The only thing he knows is only the jade slips robbed from the forbidden land of the blood river ancestors' residence, know the following levels of depiction.

   After condensing the Tianxin Dao Yin, after being promoted to the realm of Wanhua.

   On the Central Continent Comprehension Realm, it seems that the Wanhua realm is divided into two levels, one is the earth level and the other is the sky level. As the name suggests, the power between each other is the existence of heaven and earth!

   But this level is only the division of combat power,

  Earth-level Wanhua can advance to the next realm by itself, without going through the stage of heaven-level Wanhua,

   This is not like the previous path of cultivation. If you want to be promoted to Wanhua, you have to walk step by step from the early, middle, late, half-step Wanhua realm.

   Generally, the Dao Zun who has first entered the realm of Wanhua, most of them are classified into the level of Wanhua at the prefecture level.

   With the deepening of the cultivation base, the increase in the means of mastering, the enhancement of strength, the accumulation of background, and the strength of a monk who has greatly surpassed the realm of ten thousand transformations, that is a heavenly level.

   Tian-level Wanhua can advance to the next realm level,

   Earth-level Wanhua can also break through and promote.

   It's just that Zhang Qingyuan doesn't know what the difference is.


   He even knows only one name for the next state of Wanhua.


   There are still seven hundred words here, and I will continue writing after twenty minutes.


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