Over the years, the Optimist faction has been subject to overt and secret targets.

From the silent disappearance of the genius children who went out to experience, to the various mines, resource production areas, affiliated family forces, etc. under the sect’s attacks by unknown "tragic bandits", etc.,

The sphere of influence is retreating steadily,

Miserable decline,

Among the top ten transcendent forces in Yunzhou with the Dao Venerable of the Wanhua realm, only the Qingtian Sect is the sect, which clearly shows the trend of defeat.

If it says that no one is pushing secretly, it is impossible!

For example, those "travelers" who attacked the Qingtian faction mines, attacked affiliated families, and resource-producing places. If there are no people behind them, there are some small thieves, where can they fight against a Dao Zun giant in the realm of Wanhua? Emboldened!

Over the years, due to old age and physical decline, the vitality of the body is not easy to converge, Kong Sheng Dao Zun rarely makes another move.

However, the more he took a step back,

Those people are getting better and better!

Until now,

The only Huangshan mine left by the Qingtian faction to support the continued development of the sect was also attacked!

this moment,

Kong Sheng Dao Venerable can't wait to step out of Qingtian Mountain, smash the sky, and sweep all the monsters, ghosts and snakes, let them know that it is so powerful to offend Wanhua Dao Venerable!

But unfortunately,

he can not!

His air combat is already the last foundation of the Sky Sect!

No one knows, when his true situation is known by those coveting guys outside, what actions those people will do next, and how long the Optimus faction will last.

"Fine, let him go, there will be a day when everything will be settled, but not now."

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart, thinking for a long time, the air combat Dao Zun finally sighed authentically.


not the right time yet.

The air combat Dao Zun shook his head.

At the foot of the mountain, the head of the Qingtian faction moved his mouth, trying to say something with a sad look on his face.

at this time,

On the top of the mountain, there was an unfamiliar warm voice, like a clear spring resounding across the mountain:

"It doesn't have to be the case. I don't know how many people are coming, how strong are they, and whether there is a realm of Wanhua? Can you tell their origin from the means?"

The face of the head of the Qingtian faction was obviously stunned.

This voice,

Very strange,

who is it?

Many thoughts flashed through my mind.

However, after all, he was the person in charge of a sect, and he quickly reduced the doubts in his heart. Being able to stand beside the ancestor of the Supreme Being, and able to interject, is obviously not an ordinary person.

The head of the Qingtian faction hurriedly bowed his head towards the top of Yunwu Mountain and saluted the place respectfully:

"Those masked people total 13 people, and the head of them is a half-step strong man. The younger generations have clumsy eyes, but they can't recognize them by the means."

As he spoke, the head of the Qingtian faction was full of bitterness.

If it weren't for the half-step Wanhua led by that, even if the Sky Faction was already in great decline, it would be able to draw some strength to calm the turmoil in the Huangshan Mine.

But unfortunately, there is no if in this world!

The geniuses of the sect all had accidents due to various reasons during the process of going out to practice.

For a transcendent force with a Taoist priest in the realm of Wanhua, it is a joke that even a monk with a half-step Wanhua can't handle it!


The unfamiliar words that suddenly interrupted also gave the head of the Qingtian faction a trace of hope.

Is it possible that a strong person who can sit with the ancestor of the Supreme Being is a helper specially invited by the ancestor of the Supreme Dao for the continuation of the Qingtian faction?

For a while,

The head of the Qingtian faction is full of chaos.

"It's just a few clowns who are jumping off the beams. Qing Yuan came to visit this time, and there is no gift yet, so he just took a few small things and sent this group of little thieves to the seniors?"

Between talking,

A ray of light cut through the space,

A graceful arc was drawn from the sky, and it fell quickly, floating in front of the head of the Qingtian faction.

It is a short sword,

Plain material,

It can be made with just two taels of silver on the street.

But on that sword blade, lingering rays of light that made the void distorted, the incomprehensible power of Taoism appeared.

The head of the Qingtian faction looked blank,

He can not understand,

Although he has the cultivation base of the peak of the law realm, and his understanding of the power of Taoism is much deeper than that of ordinary Dongzhen law realm monks, he is completely unable to understand the power of the short sword in front of him!


In his perception, this is just a plain short sword!

Did not feel the dangerous breath from above!

Produce this situation,

Either this dagger is ordinary, there is nothing magical.

Either the power contained in it has a level far beyond what he knows!

Want to come,

The one who can stay with Taishang Dao ancestor is never the former.

"Holding this sword to the Huangshan mine, when encountering an enemy, using the power of the soul to trigger the power in it, a small number of half-step thieves, as long as they are not in the realm of Wanhua, they will undoubtedly die."

A faint voice echoed in the void, answering the doubts of the head of the Qingtian faction.

Let the latter rejoice in his heart,

Put away the dagger in front of you carefully and solemnly.

And at this time,

But I heard another voice from the sky, and it was still the voice of the familiar Taishang Patriarch:

"This is not a small trick. The magical powers of fellow Taoists are really amazing. The Taoist power contained in this short sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ I'm afraid that even the monks of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm are facing them. Hit hard!"

Unlike the Qingtian faction leader, Kong Sheng Dao Zun, who is also in the realm of Wanhua, knows the power contained in that short sword even more!

"Moreover, the power inside can be aroused more than three times!"

"This gift is a bit expensive!"

The means that can severely injure the Taoist Venerable Realm of Wanhua is enough to become the core of a transcendent force!

Kong Sheng Dao Zun is preparing to decline and withdraw the short sword.

However, as Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts turned, an invisible force stopped him.

"Senior, don't be polite. You don't need to pay too much attention to some small things. Even if it is this month, the unreserved remuneration of senior is good."

After some polite resignation,

After all, Kong Sheng Daozun did not insist on returning the short sword to Zhang Qingyuan.

"Hey, the sect is declining and not thriving, but it has caused the Dao friends to spend a lot of money."

"Tianxing, take the things, go and bring back the heads of those people. With this thing, if you can't kill those clowns, you don't have to come back."

Kong Sheng Dao Zun's voice was indifferent, resounding through the top of the mountain.

Chen Tianxing, the head of the Qingtian faction, was stunned and nodded repeatedly, not daring to be disrespectful, so he retreated with a short sword.

"But it made fellow Daoists laugh. The sect was unhappy. In the end, fellow Daoists had to help... This time, I took Dao friends to the core of my Qingtian faction, even if I was born again. , I’m afraid I can’t say anything!"

Kong Sheng Dao Zun said with a long sigh, caressing his beard.

After some twists and turns,

No more hindrances.

Kong Sheng Dao Zun took Zhang Qingyuan to the core secret place of the Qingtian Sect, and through the token, opened the dusty place of test for thousands of years!

The passage of a strange cave world slowly emerged in the void!

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