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   messed up,

   On Qingtian Mountain, the entire sect was in chaos.

  A foreign enemy attacked the mountain,

   Sect monk resisted,

   There are guns and smokes everywhere.

   No one knows why the situation deteriorated so quickly to the point it is now,

   From the time when the Huangshan mine was attacked, to the resource points of the sects were attacked, and nowadays, there are several forces attacking the Qingtian Sect Mountain Gate as if a time has been agreed!

   All this came too fast,

   is so fast that people can't even react.

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun was born, his breath was earth-shattering, and suppressed those Xiao Xiaos who broke into the main mountain.

   But soon,

   was once again restrained by the appearance of an unfamiliar, suspected blood demon cultivator.

   Many people who are thinking about fishing in troubled waters also attacked the Qingtian faction and robbed them in the mountain gate.

   At the same time,

   is around,

   There seems to be a deeper gaze, and he is not hurriedly looking at what is happening in front of him, as if waiting for the final outcome.

   The future of the Sky Faction, not only did not show any light because of Kong Sheng Dao Zun’s shots, but the future gradually fell into the abyss of darkness, and the Sky Faction monks who were fighting in the midst of it suddenly seemed unable to see a way out!


   Above the nine heavens, the blood-colored majestic power collided with the vast clear light, causing an earth-shattering explosion, and the terrifying energy tore the sky several miles around the sky.

   The pitch black that can't see my fingers spreads out,

   made the sky seem to fall and collapse!

   The laws of heaven and earth seem to be broken in that area, and the bright energy is alert to the moving earth, terrifying!

   "What's the matter with this Demon Sect? Didn't it say that the mountain gate stronghold was destroyed by the Five Elements Sect not long ago, and even the blood river boss of the Ten Thousand Transformation realm was driven away by severe damage?"

"Why is this blood **** child suddenly promoted to the realm of ten thousand transformations, and the blood demon sect that is not destroyed by the sect still has the strength to build a demon of the realm of ten thousand transformations? The old monster of the blood river who escaped in that battle, and Where did it go?"

   "And why did their blood demon sect suddenly attack them?"

   "No matter how you think it is because of grievances thousands of years ago!"

   Between the void, under the violent collision, Kong Sheng Dao Zun's figure flew upside down a distance of tens of feet.

   Feeling the overbearing and powerful blood river energy of the opposite Blood God Child, at this moment, countless questions flooded Kong Sheng Dao Zun's heart one after another, and the expression on his face became extremely solemn.

   "You people of the Demon Sect, dare to act recklessly in the native Yunzhou, are you not afraid of being besieged and killed by the people of the Five Elements Sect?"

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun stood in the chaotic sky, his eyes were deep, and the horrible aura all over his body seemed to set off a heavy tsunami impact in the mid-air. The voice resounded like thunder, and he was trying to provoke the opponent with words.

   "Hehe, how do you know that the reason why I am here is not tacitly approved by the insidious villains of the Five Elements Sect?"

   The corners of the blood **** son's mouth were slightly tilted, revealing a sneerful smile, and the words were not meaningful and authentic.

   "But compared to these, you should still care about whether you can survive!"

Before the words fell, the blood **** son set off the vast **** **** ring, the blood river big seal was looming in the void, gathering the majestic and boundless power, the boundless torrent of blood instantly turned into a **** river that runs through the sky, and wins towards the sky. Dao Zun bombarded the past!


   Kong Sheng Dao Zun's complexion remained unchanged, his feet stepped on the void, his whole figure turned into a dragon, and he leaped several miles of space in an instant, and escaped the blow!

   The blood **** child bombarded the empty space with a punch,

   The long river of blood-colored energy ran through the sky in an instant, and a huge crack traversing tens of miles long was set off in the nine heavens!

   the vast impact,

   Make the figure of Kong Sheng Dao Zun in the void shake a little!

   But it didn’t affect it at all,

I saw the seals on his palms, and layers of golden glow appeared between his arms. A mysterious imprint that could not be described in words was formed between the sky and the earth, and it suddenly expanded a hundred times and thousands of times, as if the entire sky was wrapped in nothing. The resisting force crushed towards the Blood God Child!


   The blood **** child seemed to have no idea, or he had noticed it, but he failed to make any effective response and was directly hit by the terrifying seal.

  The earth-shaking energy burst,

   The entire body of the Blood God Child exploded in an instant, turned into a blood foam, and was finally swallowed by the thunderous roar of blooming and the terrifying light!

   That piece of sky is shattered!

   The figure of the blood **** child was swallowed,

  Under the power of terror, it seems to have disappeared in smoke!

   Above the sky,

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun breathed a sigh of relief.

   At the same time, the aura of his body was reduced a lot at this moment, and some slight cold sweat appeared on his forehead. After this lore, his breath was also a little sluggish.

   is an old man who is approaching the end of life,

   Even though he can rely on his rich experience to overwhelm some newly promoted juniors, he is also unable to fight for a long time.

   Especially Kong Sheng Dao Zun's aura is extremely old and decadent,

  While using powerful methods, it also requires a huge amount of vitality!

   "It is extremely difficult to kill a cultivator in the Wanhua realm of the same level, but most of the Blood God Child has been severely injured, and this hand is enough to shock those who are spying behind!"

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun's pupils flashed a light, secretly in his heart.


   is also at this moment,


The space behind him suddenly tore apart, a **** afterimage, instantly pierced the void like a **** lightning, with the power to destroy the space~www.readwn.com~ and hit it fiercely from behind. Kong Sheng Dao Zun's back!

"not good!"

   Feeling the crisis behind him, Kong Sheng Dao Zun stands upside down.

  The power exploded, and the whole person dodged like lightning in an instant.


   is so late after all!


With a muffled sound, the blood-colored lightning slammed on the air combat Dao Zun. Although he sensed crisis avoidance in advance, the **** light still smashed one of his arms directly with the power of easily tearing and shattering the space. !

  Blood spills into the sky, and every drop of blood is enough to crush the mountains. It emits a shining light, and the blood runs through the sky, making half of the sky stained with blood!

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun's figure also flew upside down several miles away!


With a muffled sound, the blood-colored lightning slammed on the air combat Dao Zun. Although he sensed crisis avoidance in advance, the **** light still smashed one of his arms directly with the power of easily tearing and shattering the space. !

  Blood spills into the sky, and every drop of blood is enough to crush the mountains. It emits a shining light, and the blood runs through the sky, making half of the sky stained with blood!

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun's figure also flew upside down several miles away! With a muffled sound, the blood-colored lightning slammed on the air combat Dao Zun. Although he sensed crisis avoidance in advance, the **** light still smashed one of his arms directly with the power of easily tearing and shattering the space. !

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