ps: Karvin, headache, and a lot of things. The second chapter is not finished yet, so I will post the repetitive chapter of the previous chapter first, and I will give it after more than an hour.



   Along with the appearance of that figure, the surrounding void seemed to rise up with a mysterious and mysterious aura, and the mana and Dao Yun turned into a Zhoutian round wheel, which merged with the void to form a huge circle.

   Within this circle, the power that makes people feel frightened is blooming.


   With a crisp sound, the space is shattered, as if even the void cannot withstand this terrifying power!

   even the powerful martial arts that came with a few big holes in the realm of the realm are easily shattered at this moment!

   Within a radius of tens of feet,

   is one clear.

"who is it?!"

   The cultivators of the Dongzhen Law realm who attacked from all around saw this scene, and their expressions changed drastically.

   The strength of the person in front of them seems to be beyond their imagination!

   But the resources in the storage ring of a supreme headmaster made them a little bit reluctant.

   A few people looked at each other,

   made eye contact.

   The face of this person is a bit strange!

   is probably not a half-step strong,

Although there are dozens or hundreds of people in the entire Yunzhou realm of cultivators in the half-step Wanhua realm, the powerhouses of this level cannot be found in the Wanhua realm and only exist in the myths and legends. It is the top of the realm of cultivation, so it can basically be recognized.

However, there are too many monks in the realm of Dongzhen Dharma realm, and it is impossible to recognize them all. Maybe sometime from some mountain cave, the young realm realm Tianjiao will come out, and the realm of Yunzhou cultivation realm, some body It's not uncommon for those who are in casual cultivators with great opportunities.

   Seeing that everyone shook their heads slightly, they knew in their hearts.

   I checked my eyes,

   is someone I don’t recognize!

   It may be some random cultivation in the realm of law with luck against the sky, such as Zhang Qingyuan who shook the Yunzhou cultivation world not long ago, the lucky generation who has the formidable strength far surpassing the monks in the ordinary law realm!

   As for the Taoist in the realm of Wanhua,

   The few people present didn't even think about it.

   That's good!

   The cultivators who besieged Chen Tianxing from the realm realm all breathed a sigh of relief.

   As long as it is not a strong person in the half-step Wanhua realm,

   no matter how strong it is,

   How can you resist the siege of the same level with your own strength?

  Is it possible that a person who came out of the mountain is like that peerless evildoer who was born in the Yunzhou cultivation world in the past 100 years?

   "The head of Chen has an enmity with me, this matter is not your business, please leave me quickly, otherwise you won't blame me for being polite!"

   One of them stepped forward, with a deep voice and a cold expression.

   The rest of the people are all standing on their own, and the qi and faculty are blended with each other, blocking the surrounding space, oppressing Chen Tianxing and the people behind him!

   The cold murderous intent is permeating, and the surrounding air is reduced a bit!

   Chen Tianxing, as the head of the Heavenly Sect, must have a lot of supplies in the storage ring. A strange monk in the realm of the legal domain in front of him is not worth it to give up and retreat.

   "This matter is not something you can afford to participate in. Get out of the way immediately, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

   A certain monk with a thin face and red-lighted eyes made a sharp voice, directly threatening unceremoniously.

   "Really, I have to see how you are welcome..."

   appeared behind Chen Tianxing, naturally it was Zhang Qingyuan who had left the secret place of inheritance.

  He stood calmly, his voice was flat and authentic,

   But he hasn't finished speaking yet,



   A touch of blood suddenly splits the space, and quietly penetrated from behind his head like lightning!

   The space is easily penetrated!

   And now,

   The slender monk with a thin face and red eyes exuding an evil aura, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a smirk, and his scarlet pupils seemed to see the scene of Zhang Qingyuan's head being penetrated by this **** light!

   That ray of blood is just as powerful as the bloodthirsty needle of a semi-spirit!

   and very strong concealment ability,

   Even a monk in the half-step Wanhua realm can hardly perceive the fluctuations in the power. When the enemy reacts, the bloodthirsty needle has already penetrated the enemy's head fiercely!

   Relying on a powerful magic weapon, the skinny monk did not know how many monks of the same rank died in this shame!

   just when he is full of confidence,


   There was a crisp sound, like the sharp sound of a needle hitting the iron ground.

Then the thin-faced blood-eyed cultivator was shocked to discover that when the bloodthirsty needle, which could easily penetrate the bones and flesh of any cultivator in the realm of the realm, pierced the back of the head of the person in front of him with lightning-like strength, It was as if an iron needle hit an indestructible iron plate, and it was directly knocked out by the rebound!


   The face of the man changed abruptly, revealing an unbelievable look.

   For a moment,

   He even wondered if he had used the wrong magic weapon, and mistakenly took an iron needle as his own magic weapon, bloodthirsty needle!

   And now,

   seems to feel the touch of a mosquito bite coming from behind,


   Two fingers were clamped in the void behind him, and the bloodthirsty needle emitting **** light was firmly clamped between the two fingers.

   With a bloodthirsty needle in his hand, he looked in front of his eyes, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Qingyuan's mouth.

   "This little thing is kind of interesting."

   Zhang Qingyuan turned his gaze to the evil monk with a thin face.

   didn’t see any movement,

   In the pupil,

   It seemed that a flash of light flashed suddenly, like the divine light bursting out of the sun’s stars, which penetrated the Xu Tian, ​​before everyone around him had reacted.


   There was a muffled sound,

   The monk who attacked Zhang Qingyuan, his head burst open like a The soul was completely annihilated!


  Death silence!

this moment,

   The cultivators who had originally besieged Chen Tianxing, or were leaning over, stood blankly on the spot, staring at all this in horror, and a heart fell into an endless abyss in an instant!

   The monk who was still besieging his mind in his heart, Zhi Rulong fell into the ice cave in the winter, and was poured down with cold water!


   "How, do you want Zhang to get out of here?"

   Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his hand,

   smiled at everyone.

   "No, no, goodbye, senior!"

   Someone stammered out. Since there was no time to breathe, the cultivators of the law realm who had gathered together instantly turned into escape, and fled away in horror!

   "Why bother, leave it to me first!"

The clear mysterious sound oscillated between the void and clearly entered everyone’s ears. It seemed that some changes had occurred between the dark and the dark. The power of the law followed, and the power of the law of the world came, and everyone was accurately. Shrouded!


  In the horrified eyes of everyone,

  The power of the law is intertwined into chains,

   The realm strength they rely on has actually fallen in an instant. The fruits of years of practice have been sealed once and become mortals again!

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