
On the long street, accompanied by a roar, a blood-colored light suddenly broke out in a cultivating shop on the side of the street, and a huge hole measuring several meters wide was chopped up on the roof. The majestic air current was accompanied by a fierce roar. The shock swept.

   Immediately afterwards, a flash of light rushed out of the gap in the hole, pierced through the space, and flew toward the sky. In the blink of an eye, it swept several tens of meters, and it was about to flee from the sky above the city!

   "I am a member of the Demon Sect, report to the City Lord's Mansion!"

   In the chaos, someone cheered loudly.

   Within the collapsed shop covered in smoke and dust, one can vaguely see the fragmented counters, the broken formations on the messy shelves, and the blood stains in the corners.

   Needless to say, I can guess what happened inside.

   "Yes, I didn't expect this small shop to have such a good thing! Oh, it only relies on a little low-level legal prohibition, is it possible that I still want to stop Laozi!"

   "But speaking of it, this land of Yunzhou is really rich. If I grab another fortune, I will definitely improve my cultivation to the next level!"

   The figure in the **** light flashed with a hint of hideous pleasure on his face.

   "Damn bastard, stop immediately and catch it!"

   Just when that **** light crossed the city wall and was about to fly away, from the direction of the city lord's mansion, a sound like thunder and vibrations rolled, and several streamers rose up and quickly surrounded him in his direction!

at the same time,

   A faint light curtain also rises on the wall in front of the city!

In this kind of small cultivation city, the array placed on the city wall is only a low-level protective array. After all, the scope of a small city is not small. To deploy a low-level array covering the whole city, the resources needed Great, not something ordinary people can afford to play.

   This low-level protective array is actually just a single blow to the figure in the blood, it can be torn apart and shattered!


   This moment of stay,

   For the monks chasing from behind, there is completely time to catch up!

   "Damn it!"

   The original good mood of the blood-light figure suddenly fell into a trough, showing an ugly color on her face.


   The figure in the **** light is also decisive,

Before the few streamers in the city lord’s mansion chased up, with a buzzing sound, a ray of light in the dantian spurted out, and the streamer turned into a blood-colored saber in his palm, and the blood flashed on the blade, giving people a kind of Terrible feeling!


   War knives contended, blood shining into the sky, the sharp blade cut off towards the rightmost figure, the sharp aura tearing the sky, straight as the sky!


   The blood-colored figure chose an unexpected target. The thin young man on the right had only time to gather his true essence, and turned into a pale white protective shield around him, and the blood-colored blade was already in front of him!


   Amid the violent roar, the bright light exploded, and the thin young man was bloodied into the sky, his figure flew upside down, an arm flew out instantly, and he was hit hard!

   "Looking for death, dare to resist!"

   "Besiege him together!"

   Someone roared loudly, several majestic powers, and Xi Changkong came in an instant, sweeping across a radius of tens of meters!

   The figure in the **** light changed a lot on his face, but then his eyes flashed with sorrow, holding a sword and cutting through the air, it turned out to be abruptly killing a few people!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   The sound of successive explosions resounded across the sky of the city.

   Countless people stared at the battle in the sky in amazement and talked about it.

   "Are the people of the Demon Sect messing up again?"

   "It must be. Except for the **** guys in the Demon Sect, who would do things like robbing shops in the city? Only the barbarians outside the territory would not talk about etiquette, justice and shame at all!"

"Hey, I heard that Anbei City was ransacked by a passing Demon Sect monk in the past month, and more than 90% of the people in the entire city were slaughtered. They were used to refine Demon Treasures and committed heavy debts. The people of Qianyun Mountain are chasing and killing them, but what can be done if they are chased and killed, the dead will not be able to survive, I hope Lord City Lord can kill the enemies who committed them in the future."

   "I heard that the entire Northern Mountain Region has been a little unstable recently. The Demon Sect thief everywhere is in chaos, and I don't know what happened. In the past, everyone shouted and beaten the Demon Sect children, why suddenly so many?"

"Not only in the Northern Mountain Region, the entire Northern Eight Regions, and even the Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, are beginning to be in chaos! The relatives of my nephew’s friends are acting at the hands of a large business. The entire Eastern Plains was caught in the flames of war, not to mention mortals, even some powers were not small, there were family powers in the late True Yuan realm where monks were seated, and one who accidentally became the best blood sacrifice of the magic door!"

   "This world is going to be chaotic!"

   Among the crowd,

   Many people whispered, all looking at the sky worriedly.

   Many people are even playing drums in their hearts, thinking about whether to go to the countryside to avoid them, so as not to become a sacrifice in the hands of some demon one day.

   But it’s not always safe to go to the country,

   If someone from the magic gate passes by, it will be even more dangerous!

   Those guys practice the exercises with human beings, even to some extent they are even more terrifying than monsters!

   just under the gaze of countless lights,

   not long,

   Boom! ! !

A dazzling light burst, accompanied by the earth-shaking sound, the energy impact swept half of the sky. Under the siege of the cultivators of the True Origin Realm, the **** light figure could not support it after all. A sword was broken in two, and the corpse fell from a high altitude.

   "Damn, this guy is so difficult to deal with, but he was finally beheaded!"

   In the midair, several figures were suspended high in the air, and one of them grinned and took a breath of cold air.

   In order to besieged and kill this person, they also paid a lot of price, and one of them was seriously injured.

  The fierceness of the people of the magic way can be seen!

"This has been the second in the past six months. Now it is only a Demon Dao monk with the True Essence Triple Level or so. It is so powerful. If I come again a few times, or a person of a higher level Demon Dao, I am afraid that I will not protect myself! "

   One of the dignified old men said with a solemn face.

   its majesty,

   is obviously a high-ranking person, the leader among several people.

   "What should I do, is it possible that I can only abandon this family business, run into the mountains to hide, and wait for the evil disaster to pass?"

   "No, this family business is easy to give up, but it is difficult to stand up again!"

"But now the Yunzhou cultivation world has changed drastically, and the evil disaster is resurrected. Even the legendary cave realm cultivator may not necessarily be able to survive. How can I wait for such a small body to withstand such a large scale sweeping the entire cultivation world? storm?"

   "Oh, I can only look at one step at a time!"

   "No, the old man has a hunch that he may become more confused in the future. If you let the flow take its course, you will be looking for death!"

The majestic ancestors headed by    are heavy and authentic.

   "We need a backer! A backer that can withstand the storm that is about to sweep the entire Yunzhou cultivation world!"

   "City Lord, do you mean Qianyun Mountain? But other people's families have big business, can they value the interests of our small family?"

   "If you don't see it, you will know after you have done it."

"In a few days, I will discuss with Lao Zhao, and bring some people together. We will form a joint guarantee alliance against the demon monks, and then we will go to Qianyun Mountain to seek refuge. As long as we can rely on that big tree, it will be It's worth paying half of your income!"

   The majestic old man gritted his teeth and said harshly.

   a few people behind,

   glanced at each other, looking at each other.


   Maybe the next big world is about to begin,

   During this period of time, the major events that occurred in the Yunzhou Comprehension World were one after another.

From the appearance of the remains of the Tianxian City, which caused a sensation in the entire Northern Territory, to the death of Zuo Tianzun, the half-transformed Blood Demon Sect, and then the Blood Demon Sect was destroyed, and the Five Elements Saint Sect's Wanhua realm Dao Zun Xuan Channel Zun died, and then When Yuan Zhen, Emperor Wu, and Xuanming Three Dao Zun were beheaded and killed in a battle, the Yin and Yang Shuang Zun and Yuan Ci Dao Zun attacked the mountain and were crushed and killed by Cheng Zu who appeared.

   One after another shocked the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, and even spread to the neighboring continents, so that the neighboring continents cultivation world is also a general trend that has been heard, and it happened one after another, setting off stormy waves in the Yunzhou cultivation world!

  In the past,

   The fall of a monk in the realm of the cave is enough to attract the attention of the outside world.

but now,

  Don't talk about the monks of the realm. The monks of this level have already died in the battle of the Blood Demon Sect at the Tianxian City site.

Even if it is the power of the half-step Wanhua realm, the strongest person who once stood on the bright side of the Yunzhou cultivation world, the heads of the few sacred grounds, but the realm of such strength is destroyed, and it is no longer capable of shaking. The world, a major event that attracted the attention of the entire Yunzhou monk.

   The fall of Wanhua Dao Zun that only exists in myths and legends,

   almost like a meteorite crashing into the sea from nine heavens, a huge tsunami was set off above the vast sea!

   Standing on the top of Yunzhou, in front of these peerless mighty powers that can determine the fate of one party, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it!


   Standing on the top of Yunzhou, in front of these peerless mighty powers that can determine the fate of one party, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who is constantly active,

   is even more like a dazzling comet at this moment, rising slowly, covering all the light of the time, and finally turning into a dazzling sun hanging above the nine heavens, no one can surpass it! In front of these peerless mighty powers who can determine the fate of one party standing on the top of Yunzhou, the others are not important!

   And in these events,

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