
ps: I ran a thousand kilometers this weekend and I was very tired. I really can't help it. I will send a chapter for full attendance. I will go to bed first. I will finish writing and uploading it tomorrow morning.



on the square,

After more than ten trials, Zhang Qingyuan roughly figured out his situation.

Ignoring that the dark man was resurrected again, he roared at himself.

Zhang Qingyuan began to think about his environment.


The world I am in is not real!

It feels like a game world for Zhang Qingyuan, and he is like crossing into this game world!

In this game world,

The vast majority of NPCs are not intelligent and serve as a backdrop for making up the numbers.

Except for some special existence,

For example, the dark man,

It seems to have a certain amount of "intelligence", and after beheaded, the "time" of this world will flow backwards, like a reset in the game world!

"Really interesting...Although this world is false, with my strength, it is impossible to break this world..."

Zhang Qingyuan raised his hand, grasped the grip, felt the power in it, and his eyes flickered.

There is no doubt that the things refined from the three-life stone produced in the secret realm of the Upper Realm Mengtian Emperor cannot be broken by the current Zhang Qingyuan with brute force.

Although he doesn't know what level of existence Mengtian emperor is,

But what comes down from the upper realm, in this world, is an existence that cannot be touched by the power of this realm!

"Then how should this game be cleared?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked up,

Looking at the gray sky above, he was lost in thought.

Tell him instinctively,

If he can't break the barrier, once he dies in this world, there will be some things that he doesn't want to see happen!

However, after thinking about it for a long time,

Zhang Qingyuan still couldn't think of any clues.

Simply decided to go with the flow and respond to all changes in the same way,

There is no perfect thing in this world, and as time goes by, flaws will eventually show up.

time flies,

Years passed in the blink of an eye,

Zhang Qingyuan's body in this world has also grown to be ten years old, and he is still practicing martial arts at home, and outside is a small city called Guiyuan City.

People come and go, thriving.

However, Zhang Qingyuan knows that the prosperity of the outside world is actually just an illusion.

It’s like the world in the video,

Keep looping,

Time seems to have fallen into a cycle,

As far as beyond the city,

Whenever Zhang Qingyuan wants to leave, there is always an invisible force standing in front of him, preventing him from advancing.

So he can only stay in this Guiyuan City,

Like a picture of the ground as a prison,

Trapped here!

But after years of observation,

Zhang Qingyuan also found some clues.

"Is this a world drawn from that person's past experience as the script...The martial arts and martial arts in it..."

While thinking,

Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils flickered,

Over the past few years,

He found that his incarnation was like a mocking halo, wherever he went, he would be targeted by others.

And as long as the behavior trajectory is out of the "story", it will lead to a new start!

So over the years,

Zhang Qingyuan is basically sitting on the sidelines,

Waiting for the automatic advancement of the "story",

After watching the development of the plot for several years, Zhang Qingyuan naturally saw a lot of things.

this world,

It seems that the story world formed from the experience of the owner of Dry Bones will only advance along the experience of the owner of Dry Bones.

And it’s very important that

The cultivation techniques, martial arts, and so on are real.

But the level of spiritual practice,

Limited to the level known to the owner of Withered Bones!

Those withered bone masters have not yet reached the level of realm, they cannot be displayed in this world.

For example, in the first lesson a few years ago, a boxing technique taught by the dark middle-aged man. Zhang Qingyuan, who has a very high vision, easily cultivated it to the pinnacle and deduced it through the Dayan technique for several years. I'm afraid it was deduced to a level of perfect sublimation that the master of the dry bones had never reached,

Integrating what I have learned, incorporating that basic boxing technique into the use of more powerful spiritual power, completed the modification and improvement.


After completing the modification, the boxing technique is out of place in this world!

It deserves a stronger attack,

It is as if there is no power!

This also made Zhang Qingyuan understand a little bit.

this world,

Not only is it based on what the owner of Withered Bones has experienced as the "story", but also based on the cognition of the owner of Withered Bones as the framework!

But despite discovering this,

Zhang Qingyuan is still a little helpless.

Because several years have passed, although he has more clearly recognized the existence of this world, he still has no thoughts on how to escape!

"Fine, go on, I want to see what tricks you do!"

With such thoughts,

Zhang Qingyuan continued to follow the development of the "story",

Time goes by,

Although Zhang Qingyuan still failed to find a way to leave this false world,


In this long time,

Zhang Qingyuan discovered another extremely meaningful thing.

That's time!

Regardless of the limitations of the three-life stone, how false the created world is,

At least,

In this world, Zhang Qingyuan has plenty of time!

Just like the wrong perception of time in a dream,

The reality may only have passed for a while, but the dream may have passed for a long, long time!

Although the world you are in is only framed by the master's cognition of the world, time actually exists by relying on the development of the "story"!

Within this sufficient time, Zhang Qingyuan directly used Dayan Technique to digest the gains in his mind.

Use Dayan Art to simulate the practice behind the realm of Wanhua, digest the vast sea of ​​classics in the proficiency panel one by one, and observe the scenes of the ten thousand Wanhua Taoist priests fighting outside the previous secret realm, and Continue to deduct the secret of the fairy qi that Zhang Qingyuan has never been able to grasp...

With enough time to deduct, Zhang Qingyuan's perception of the power of Taoism has greatly improved.

Although it is impossible to try in this false world of reincarnation,

But Zhang Qingyuan can feel it,

One's own strength is undoubtedly taken to the next level!


In this false world, Zhang Qingyuan also discovered the hidden benefits.

Such as the existence of the upper bound!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't guess wrong,

The master of the withered bones was also a certain fairy sect monk sent from the upper realm to reincarnate in the lower realm, to fight on the road to become immortals, harvest the origin of the blue realm, and to break through the gates and become immortals!

Through its vision,

Zhang Qingyuan roughly understands how the upper bound exists.



Such as the existence of the upper bound!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't guess wrong~www.readwn.com~ The master of that dry bone was also a certain fairy sect monk who was sent from the upper realm to reincarnate in the lower realm, fought on the road to become immortals, harvested the origin of the blue realm, and broke through the gates and became immortals!

Through its vision,

Zhang Qingyuan roughly understands how the upper bound exists.



Such as the existence of the upper bound!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't guess wrong,

The master of the withered bones was also a certain fairy sect monk sent from the upper realm to reincarnate in the lower realm, to fight on the road to become immortals, harvest the origin of the blue realm, and to break through the gates and become immortals!

Through its vision,

Zhang Qingyuan roughly understands how the upper bound exists.


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