"I once heard that there was a mysterious figure in the Demon Sect outside the Territory, commanding the Seven Demon Dao Sects, so the Seven Demon Dao Sects did not exhaust their vitality and perish in the endless civil strife."

   There are layers of ripples in the space, it seems that something is coming on the sky,

  Air machine affects vacuum,

   The light suddenly blurred, like a layer of mist and layers of gauze.

   A fuzzy figure,

   is like a reflection in the water,

   gradually appeared in the ripples of that space!

   The reflection on the mirror like a water wave is blurred, as if it has the power of entrapment, preventing outsiders from prying, and making it impossible to see the face of that figure.

   But from the clear sound like golden and jade fighting,

   Qu Zhengfeng was the master who heard the voice after all.

   is the one here!

  Qu Zhengfeng, who was alive after the catastrophe, had an indescribable joy in his heart!


  The space is dark,


   The figure of Zhang Qingyuan seemed to have stepped across an unknown space, like a reflection coming out of the water, appearing in this space!

   There is not much sound and light color,

   is not too powerful,

   But at this moment,

  Qu Zhengfeng who was not far away felt that the whole world was dimmed at this moment!


   are all sinking down!

  It seems that the existence of that person makes heaven and earth bow their heads for him!


   Not far behind, Qu Zhengfeng swallowed hard.

at this time,

   in his perception,

that person,

   is like the center of heaven and earth,

   Integrate all the laws of the world!

   The world is all around him, as if all have died, the law of power that composes the void of heaven and earth, at this moment is all broken and turned into nothingness!

   just take a look, there is a kind of throbbing on the soul!

that one,

What kind of state has    reached? ! !

   at this moment,

  Qu Zhengfeng almost set off a stormy sea in his heart!


   Dao Zun in the Wanhua realm is not unheard of.

   But although the vigor of those Wanhua Taoist priests are powerful, they are far from reaching the person in front of them, which is just the escape of breath, which is the feeling of making the void repeat the earth, fire and fengshui!

   And now,

   The demon Zu Kanghou opposite, the look on his face is extremely ugly, his mind is at his limit!

   As long as there is a trace of wind and grass,

   can immediately burst out his most powerful force!

   Such pressure! ! !

   on the forehead,

   Cold sweat broke out.

"Five thousand years ago, the ancestor of the Five Elements Sect was born out of nowhere, leaving behind a chapter that will be sung by later generations. It was also at that time that the demon ancestor Kanghou began to rise, attacking the Five Elements Mountain in the Blood River Sect and finally fighting hard. After Yixin suffered a heavy loss, with its supreme strength, it directly suppressed the remnant power of the Blood River Sect, and finally swept the outside of the territory, so that the Seven Sects of the Outside Demon Dao had to obey its orders..."

   Zhang Qingyuan's voice was long, and a pair of black eyes were placed on Kanghou in front of him.

   is very meaningful,

   "Now, should I call you Demon Zu Kanghou, or should I call you Dou Zhan Dao Zun Ku Yi Min?"

   Zhang Qingyuan's eyes are faint,

   looked at the person in front of him.

   "Does this matter?"

   Kanghou’s pupils shrink slightly,

   But his complexion remains the same.

   "Although I am interested, it is really not important."

   "That's it!"

   The voice did not fall,

   Boom! ! !

   The terrifying aura, burst out in an instant!

this moment,

   Kang Hou seems to have transformed into a huge black hole vortex, swallowing all the space above and below, all the sound and light!

   the whole world,

   At this moment, it's all going dark!

   Qianyun Mountain is a hundred miles around,

   are all shrouded in a vast and terrifying power,

  The unstoppable fear of despair that originated from the level of life has flooded everyone's heart!

"That is?!!!"

   "Which one actually did it?!"

   "What a terrible Qi machine, but after a thousand years, that person's strength has become even stronger!"

   "This power is not inferior to the ancestor of the Five Elements Sect!"

   "It deserves to be an existence that has lived for more than five thousand years!"

   "There is a good show, is this the one on the mountain, hey, the final battle is about to break out!"

  The overwhelming black aura envelops the entire sky like a tsunami, under the terrifying aura that rushes straight into the sky, as if swallowing the sky and the earth,

   At this time, the Wanhua Demon Venerables who were forming a formation around Qianyun Mountain all raised their heads in amazement, looking at the direction where the Qi machine exploded!

   It is necessary to explode such a terrible Qi machine,

no doubt,

   I'm afraid it's not the righteous master!

   I don’t know if it’s bad luck or luck!

   There is Wanhua Demon Sovereign who crosses the void one step at a time, rushing towards the direction of the imposing explosion, thinking about the possibility of picking up the bargain, or joining in the fun,

   Look at what level of strength the beings on the top of Yunzhou have reached!

   More people retreat without leaving a trace,

   hid in the crowd,

   ready to find a chance to escape.

As for the large number of people and horses on the two sides that were in the fierce battle, the monks in the True Element Realm in mid-air were directly crushed and fell to the ground. The black skeletons that swept the sky and the earth were also subjected to ten times and one hundred times the gravity. It is strange that the ground fell from the sky to the ground, unable to fly!

   the entire battlefield,

   is silence at this moment!

   Even a monk in the realm of Dongzhen Dharma,

   The figures in the air also swayed for a while, almost fell, their eyes staring at the direction of the distant imposing explosion!

at this time,

  The horrible black hole whirlpool rotates, as if it has swallowed the sky and the earth, all light cannot escape,

   The world within a few miles,

   It seems like a huge hole has appeared at this moment!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   Kanghou made a fist with his right hand,

   clenched fists,

   punched out,

   That round of black hole vortex with a width of one hundred feet, merged into Kang Hou's right fist, and slammed it towards Zhang Qingyuan!

   wherever you passed along the way,

   Space is all collapsed and destroyed,

   Any tangible and intangible matter that resisted in the front was swallowed by the black hole vortex and turned into nothingness. A terrifying passage of nothingness appeared along the way!

   As the same level as Cheng Ancestor, now he is standing on the top of Yunzhou,

   once shot,

   is to show the supreme power that is almost upside-down!

   Supernatural powers, devouring heaven and earth!



   The entire space seemed to have encountered an earthquake, buzzing and shaking in the violent shaking!

   Under the black hole vortex,

   It seems that Zhang Qingyuan will be destroyed and swallowed with that piece of heaven and earth!

   "Supernatural power?!"

   All this is a long story, but in reality it just happened between the electric light and flint. The high sky in front of Zhang Qingyuan, in a flash, was a round of black sun.

   annihilated all matter in the sky and the earth!

   Zhang Qingyuan's pupils lit up.


   A person who was famous in the world for his body training, but now he has turned to Dharma training and embarked on such a way of swallowing the sky!

   What interests him more is,

   Back then,

   The opponent was besieged, it seemed that the Five Elements Holy Sect was pushing the calculation behind him, and his whereabouts were unknown after the battle five thousand years ago. According to rumors, he fell in a corner that no one knew.

If it weren’t for the many things I had gained from the Wu Xuanzong ruins, my vision would have improved more than that. I saw the abnormality of the soul and physique in the opponent's body, and it was also the induction after the transformation of the colored glaze golden body. secret!

   It was the Blood River Sect who started,

   But as the promoter, it is undoubtedly the Holy Sect of the Five Elements that is right!

   But now,

   The other party can easily let go of the hatred between each other, unite with the cultivators of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, and join hands with each other in the deserted sea?


   For so many years, Kong Sheng Dao Zun has been struggling to sustain him, so he can barely maintain the Supreme Sect.

   What's wrong with this bitterness? !

   For a time,

   Many thoughts flashed through his mind.

   But Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much time to think about it. At this time, Kang Hou's attack was already in front of him!

   "The power of magic is really awesome!"

   Feeling the oncoming terrifying power, Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in his heart.


   The long sword chanted softly, and the sword pill in Dantian turned into a golden light and rose up, blending with his whole person!

that moment,

   Zhang Qingyuan seems to have turned into a long sword!

  In an instant,

   The sword light turned into a light rainbow, bursting out a dazzling arc, easily cutting off the space and the black hole vortex's foreign force restraint, and instantly appeared hundreds of feet away!

   At the same time,

   and pointed to a sword,

   draw out with one finger,

  In an instant, a series of sword shadows were born one after another, thousands of them, turned into a dense boundless sword world, born out of the endless dark and deep space,

   lased suddenly, like a laser beam in the sky!

   Every sword shadow,

   are all kendo martial arts!

  The densely packed, boundless sword shadows are the essence of more than 100,000 swordsmanship accumulated and integrated by Zhang Qingyuan in the world of Sanshengshi for thousands of years!

  In the thousand years of the three-life stone world,

   Zhang Qingyuan’s gains are not just about the ancestors of heaven and humanity, Yuan Xin.

   and in that thousand years,

   Digest and record in the proficiency panel, it can be called endless martial arts!

When    leaves the customs,

   The separation of dream world and reality,

   Zhang Qingyuan can’t fully display what he has digested for thousands of years,

   But now,

As time goes by,

   Zhang Qingyuan has gradually digested the world of Sanshengshi,

   Although there is still a great distance from the achievement of the ancestor of heaven and humanity, there is no shortage of methods at all!

   regard the body as a sword,

   One hundred thousand swordsmanship unfolded, overwhelming the sky, and the sword power rose into the sky, and even within the entire Qianyun Mountain's radius of thousands of miles, the long swords in the hands of the monks were all surrendered, buzzing resonance!

   One sword comes out~www.readwn.com~ Wanjian surrender!

Zhang Qingyuan also pointed to swords, one sword turned ten, ten transformed into a hundred, before hundred transformation... Already in an instant the sword world was opened, and the heavy epee shadow turned into endless laser beams, billowing towards it. The huge black hole vortex that came from being crushed bombarded away!


   Under the sword power that rushed up into the sky, the space seemed to be cut up layer by layer, and it was easily cut to pieces!

   A sword light traverses the vacuum,

   plunged into the black hole vortex,


   Except for the pitch-black sunken invisible fingers,

   did not cause any anomalies!


   One, ten, one hundred...

   is just a breathing effort, thousands of sword-power lasers have already blasted into the black hole vortex!

   The black hole vortex that originally swallowed the heavens and shattered everything began to shake, as if it was being eaten. The light that was originally invisible to the fingers has gradually turned white...


   Boom! ! ! !

   A huge explosion that ruined the world, broke out!

   was directly blown under the endless sword power!


   There are still eight hundred words here, and I will add it after 30 minutes.



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