The sky is falling apart,

The unimaginable horror shock shook the whole world!

Even the demon of the Wanhua realm who was watching the battle all around was lifted up by the terrifying space storm at this moment, retreated in horror, and fled away in the blink of an eye.

Amazed at the splendid and boundless explosion impact!

That kind of heaven and earth collapsed,

Under the terrifying impact of the collapse of the law,

If it is affected by the annihilation power of the central government,

Even if they are themselves, they may not be able to survive!

"According to the rumors, the environment of the Central Continent Cultivation Realm is far superior to the rest of the eight continents, and the monks in it practice more powerful methods and methods. After entering the Central Continent Cultivation Realm with the dazzling radiance of many outer continents, they will basically flow into the ordinary. With a sharp decline in status, it is difficult to maintain the spirit of Daoism with courage and diligence!"

"Among the same rank, the cultivators of the Middle Continent are better than the cultivators of the Outer Continents."

"And those sacred places that are rumored to practice immortality, Tianjiao, are far superior to ordinary monks of the same rank!"

"Unintelligible, unimaginable!"

"I saw it with my own eyes today, and only then did I know that the rumors are not exaggerated!"

"Although it is the realm of Ten Thousand Transformations, it is probably the real Ten Thousand Transformation at the pinnacle of the heavenly level. I am afraid that it is not in the body of Ten Thousand Transformations that you can touch the level of the Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor level!"

Some people can't help but lament the authenticity.

At this time, the Wanhua Demon Venerables gathered near Qianyun Mountain were basically those who fought in the midst of being weak and small, and their strength was higher than that of the right way, and they naturally developed a natural arrogance.

However at this moment,

The arrogance of these Wanhua Demon Venerables has been hit in the battles that have broken out one after another.

If the previous battle between Zhang Qingyuan and Mozu Kanghou,

If their eyes can barely keep up,

So now,

The battle between the two people that day was just the light that broke out, which caused them to produce a dazzling scorching sensation, as if their eyes were burned and burned under this terrible impact light!

The power of this blow,

It has completely exceeded their upper limit of understanding!

The gap between Wanhua and Wanhua,

It's so big!

In the past, they stood aloft on the top of Yunzhou, simply sitting on the well and watching the sky!

Without mentioning the spectator, the Demon Sovereign of the Wanhua Realm suffered a major blow.

at this time,

The terrifying collision center, the sky full of square meters, is filled with the dazzling energy rays of the sun!

The space is already shattered,

Even the Avenue of Laws was penetrated!

Enough to inflict heavy damage to any earth-level Wanhua energy floods every corner of the chaos!

And at the moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's chaotic Qi machine should be separated from the Qi of the heavens in an empty area in the surrounding space. When the energy impact swept across, it will automatically bypass when it touches that area of ​​his body!

In these days, Zhang Qingyuan has only completed the condensing of Yin and Yang Taoism at the beginning.

The power of chaos that opposes Yin and Yang and the Five Elements is still immature.

But this,

The invincible power possessed by the power of chaos has already begun to show its strength!

Not to mention other things,

Just practise more than three avenues, and the power it possesses is enough to reach the level of heavenly cosmic transformation!

And Zhang Qingyuan,

Seven walks away,

In addition, the seven avenues merge and are unique, rebelling against their origins and turning into chaos!

Among the improvements,

More than ten times? !

Today's Zhang Qingyuan, it can even be said that he has almost reached the level of the pinnacle of the world!

It is the closest level below the ancestors of heaven and humanity!

But even so,

Lu Feilong in front of him,

Zhang Qingyuan still feels great pressure!

"The power of the celestial scriptures is so terrifying?! No, not only the power of the celestial scriptures, but also the strength of the monks who came from that place in Central Continent, even more powerful!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was extremely solemn.

Lu Feilong facing at this moment,

Not Cheng Zu, nor Demon Ancestor, the two ancient giants at the pinnacle of Yunzhou can compare.

The other party is from the Central Continent Cultivation World,

It is also the celestial sutra made by Daoguo, who have soared into celestial beings in the ancient years!

The strength of the opponent,

It's far above those two!

"If it hadn't been for me to get everything that the ancestor of Heaven and Human Dao Gui Yuanxin during this period of time, to practice the law of yin and yang, and to reverse the five elements of yin and yang, and achieve the power of chaos, I am afraid that it may not be this person's opponent!"

"Any cultivator from Central Continent has such strength. This Central Continent cultivation world is so terrifying?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was shaken,

My heart is already full of horror!

before this,

Because of his extremely powerful strength, he already has a faint pride that doesn't put the world's heroes in his eyes.

To prepare for the future, he still proudly regards the immortal above the sky as his enemy!

But at the moment,

The arrogance in his heart has completely dissipated!

Before facing the existence of the upper realm, what he has to face is the competitor on the road to immortality!

And these beings,


Not necessarily weaker than him!

The vast land of Jiuzhou,

The population is more than one trillion,

Among the endless population, how can there be no real Tianjiao born?

"I have a chance, but how can others not have the chance? What's more, with the strength of the Central Continent Cultivation World, more people, starting from a point where many people can't reach it in their lifetime!"

"The battle of the big world, the ups and downs of dragons and snakes, it is not only me who is special!"

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly woke up from the self-satisfaction that the Yunzhou cultivation world had previously sighed.

Complete understanding!

The previous pride has disappeared!

At this moment the light in his eyes lit up,

Exuding endless perseverance!

Zhengxian Road,

How many outstanding people gather together from ancient to modern times!

Not only the son of all kinds of luck, but also a rare genius in the world,

Even before the eternal age, those who once struggled for the front and lost may make a comeback and compete for this road to the immortal!

He is talented,

Others are also gifted,

He had a chance,

Others have more chances!

There is nothing to be proud of before going out on the road of invincibility and proving Dao to become immortal!

"Thank you for letting me wake up to something. In return, let me use my strongest strength to deal with you!"

Zhang Qingyuan's deep voice resounded in the void.

Those deep eyes,

At this moment, a bright light shines through the sky!

Boundless fighting spirit,

Shoot the bullfight!

Zhang Qingyuan, who had awakened, had already let go of the restraint of an expert he had previously held, put himself in a low posture, and his eyes became extremely serious!

At this moment from the Central Continent Comprehension Realm, Lu Feilong, who regarded the heroes of the outer continents as nothing, suddenly felt a cold chill!

Didn't wait for him to say anything,

"Supernatural power · Supreme Destroying Divine Power Heaven Sword!"

Within the dantian, a golden light rose, the sword pill soared up, and fell into Zhang Qingyuan's hand and turned into a long sword emitting a brilliant light!

Zhang Qingyuan is holding a long sword,

Sword energy rushed into the sky,

The terrifying energy impact between the void was also shattered by the sword!

Under the terrifying sword,

Cut out with one sword!

One shot,

This is one of the strongest supernatural powers that Zhang Qingyuan has mastered!

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